Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 327 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 327 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals (28)

By the time Yu Shu finished stabilizing her cultivation, it was already several hours later.

She opened her eyes and moved her hands and feet that were lighter than before, and saw Fu Yingxue leaned over and reached out to her, Yu Shu was pulled up, and then a blanket hugged her.

After Fu Yingxue removed the water stains on Yu Shu's body with spells, she hugged her and brought her into the hall, where she placed her on a soft couch.

"I'll wait for you outside, the clothes are on the soft couch."

After saying this, Fu Yingxue led the door out, and Yu Shu turned her head, and sure enough, she saw a gorgeous cassock that fit her aesthetics beside her. She picked it up and looked at it, and found it even more beautiful.

Putting on the cassock, Yu Shu looked at the room, and all the things placed there were treasures, even the fabric for the bed curtain and the material for the high-quality cassock.

Yu Shu looked around and couldn't help worrying about how powerful the owner of this palace is. If Fu Yingxue brought her here, nothing would happen, right?
Yu Shu was a little anxious. Although she was sure that Fu Yingxue's cultivation was very strong, she never thought that he would be as powerful as the Tianyan Sect.

After all, Fu Yingxue's face was not concealed by magic techniques, and she met several disciples of Tianyan Sect in her small courtyard.

Those disciples will not know the great power of their sect, and who can be captured so easily by the original owner?
Yu Shu was a little worried that Fu Yingxue would be caught by the power of the palace, so she hurried out to find someone.

Fu Yingxue was waiting for Yu Shu in the main hall. When Yu Shu came to find her, Fu Yingxue was holding a spirit beast.

As angry as the master of the palace, his posture was relaxed and casual, and he slapped other people's spirit beasts in a random manner.

But looking at the grunting spirit beast under his hand, he knew that it was very comfortable being stroked.

Most of all, she couldn't refuse the furry Yu Shu who was the same as her, so she walked over with a sullen face, gently stroked two spirit beasts and said.

"Nothing in this palace is ordinary. The owner here is not ordinary. Let's leave quickly. When we go back, we will find the suzerain to accompany us to make amends."

Not allowing the suzerain to accompany her, Yu Shu was a little worried that she would be slapped to death by the angry Da Neng.

It's also because she didn't think much about it. When she came to this peak, she didn't sense people with her spiritual sense, so she thought that this place, like Xuefeng next to Jianfeng Peak, was a place where Tianyanzong allowed disciples to practice.

No matter what, since she is soaking in Lingquan and enjoying the benefits, she has to bear the consequences.

Yu Shu took a look at the things in the storage ring, most of them were flashy magic tools and vestments, and some spirit stones, I'm afraid these things might not be appreciated by those who are powerful, so it is necessary to call the elders to come ?

Yu Shu, who had never called her parents before, felt ashamed.

Seeing Fu Yingxue, combined with what she said just now, he couldn't help but smile and counted her wrists, and asked her to sit beside her.

"Don't try to scare yourself. This is Ling Xiaofeng, which I opened up myself. This is also my palace. You are also the owner of this place. There is no need to make amends for entering here."

Yu Shu, who was still pinched by Fu Yingxue, blinked, "Then you are one of the peak masters of Tianyan Sect?"

Yu Shu searched the memory of the original owner, but still couldn't find the peak owner named Fu Yingxue of Tianyan Sect from the memory.

"Yes and no, I am the only disciple of the ancestor, named Ling Xiao Daojun."

Patriarch Yushu knew that it was the one who ascended, so how senior could Fu Yingxue, the only disciple of Patriarch, be?
"Which, what should the suzerain call you?"

"Master Zu." Fu Yingxue said in a low voice.

After hearing a few words, Yu Shu immediately confirmed that Fu Yingxue was the Taoist monarch whose name was not mentioned in the plot, so maybe it would be okay to worship him as a teacher?
"Ahem, have you accepted an apprentice? What do you think of me?"

He wanted to be a Taoist companion, but his Taoist companion wanted to be his apprentice.

Fu Yingxue was speechless for a moment, pinched Yu Shu's jade-like fingers and gritted her teeth.

"I will contact the master and let him be your nominal master, don't say these things."

(End of this chapter)

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