Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 345 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 345 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals (46)

The illusion of love, Yu Shu was thinking about how to get out of the illusion.

In addition to the high evaluation of Tiandao in the secret realm, think about her in those three illusions. In addition to being cruel to the scumbag played by the male lead, she is very good to the people and family of the country, and what she does is also affectionate and righteous.

So the love robbery is to let the monks break open the secret realm with affection?

Yu Shu secretly thought that it is difficult for monks to go to immortality in this world. It doesn't matter if they are good at cultivating Taoism, they must have affection, otherwise they will not be able to survive the calamity of love. But during the calamity of thunder, they have to abandon these emotions and become a cold and fair fairy.

It's hard, but it's still comfortable to be a cat.

After thinking about this, combined with the current situation and the fact that this is a fantasy land of love, Yu Shu touched the red brocade quilt under her body, and suspected that Fu Yingxue was the monster in the villagers' mouths, her "sister-in-law" who was going to marry.

People hiding in the dark may perceive that she is reading, and suddenly, a biting cool wind pours into the room.

Then, Yu Shu felt that the man was close to her, and there was a coolness on her cheeks and ears, which was so cold that it still had the smell of catnip wrapped in it.

Yu Shu's eyebrows twitched, wanting to grab someone, but her hand was empty, and when she was about to put it down, she felt a cold hand wrapping her hand again.

Holding the red hijab with the other hand, Yu Shu opened her eyes after a gust of cold wind blew by. There was only an empty room in front of her, lit candles, and there was no one there.

But there was still a cold hand on her hand, and the smell of catnip was also there.

Yu Shu looked towards the bed, but still didn't see anyone.

She moved the hand that was wrapped by the man, but the man squeezed it even tighter. In her ear, Yu Shu seemed to be able to hear the faint sound of breathing.

The catnip essence didn't show up, so Yu Shu didn't know if he had a memory, or if he entered the illusion like the hero and heroine, he only remembered the role he played.

But it's not a solution to always face the cloud of air like this. They still have to find a way to break the illusion.

Helpless, Yu Shu could only call in a low voice according to the role set by the illusion.

"Is it my husband?"

The voice was delicate and timid, not to mention that she looked at her in a wedding dress, her skin was like snow, her cheeks were powdered, her eyes were sparkling, she was so beautiful no matter how she looked.

After Yu Shu said these words, the air in the room seemed to freeze for a while, and I don't know how long it took before there was a low voice in response.

With that voice, the hidden person gradually appeared, and the person was undoubtedly Fu Yingxue, but at this time, Fu Yingxue had lost the immortal demeanor outside, and the appearance of a cold Taoist monarch.

Instead, there was a burst of sinister air all over his body, his face was too pale, but his lips were so red that he could bleed, his handsome appearance was like a painting of weeping blood, and he didn't look like someone who had taken a positive role script.

Seeing Fu Yingxue like this, Yu Shu was not afraid, and reached out to touch his lips out of curiosity.

Soft, but no temperature.

"Are you a green ghost?" Yu Shu said with almost certainty.

In this world, a person who died in vain will turn into a green ghost with a violent temper. If he is not allowed to wipe out all his enemies, eliminate the hatred in his heart, or wipe him out, the green ghost will exist beside those enemies, sleeping Will fall into a dream, can not be peaceful.

Fu Yingxue took off Yu Shu's troublesome hand, obviously, for the bride whom those people sent to confuse him, she should suck her energy dry.

But looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, she spoke to him without any precaution or fear, and even leaned into his arms, as if she really regarded him as her husband-in-law.

Facing Yu Shu like this, Fu Yingxue didn't even have the slightest intention to kill. Seeing someone all over happy touching him, she felt a strange joy in her heart.

Fu Yingxue was silent for a while, and couldn't help asking, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why are you afraid? Will you hurt me?" Yu Shu adjusted her posture, and continued to nest in Renbing's cold arms and asked back.

The climate of this illusion is the same as that of the outside, it is very hot and stuffy, leaning against Fu Yingxue's arms, it feels very comfortable.

Fu Yingxue didn't know whether it was the two people's staggered wedding clothes that shook his mind, or whether he was fascinated by this beautiful face, just seeing Yu Shu, his heart softened, Fu Yingxue supported her shoulders, and said in a deep voice replied.

"will not."

"That's it, you won't harm me, what am I afraid of you doing?" Yu Shu said casually.

After entering this illusion, she and Fu Yingxue both changed their identities. Without the help of her cultivation base, she couldn't eat food. She felt hungry, so Yu Shu's spiritual sense penetrated into the storage ring, and she wanted to get something out to eat.

Before coming to the secret realm, Fu Yingxue had prepared a lot of delicious food, and it was just right to take them out at this time.

But after hovering on the storage ring for a while with her divine sense, the storage ring couldn't be opened no matter what, which made Yu Shu depressed, and looked at Fu Yingxue, who had a worse personality than her.

"Do you know where to eat?"

Fu Yingxue's role is different this time, and Yu Shu no longer expects him to store food as a green ghost, but only hopes that he knows the village well enough to know where there is food.

"It's in the main room, I'll get it for you." Fu Yingxue let go of Yu Shu, and made a gesture to go to the main room.

Yu Shu was stunned, and held his hand, "Where did this food come from, is it still edible?"

"The offerings can be eaten." When Fu Yingxue said this, the breath around her body became obviously colder, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Fu Yingxue's back coming out through the door, Yu Shu inexplicably suspected that it was him who made the confession.

If it is true, it is not uncommon to make an offering to the groom on the day of marriage.

Fu Yingxue quickly brought over food, a roasted suckling pig, a roast chicken, and some melon and fruit pastries.

There are so many things that Yu Shu sighs, and the catnip of the green ghost that has become is also very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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