Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 359 The Gold Digger in the Romance (6)

Chapter 359 The Gold Digger in the Romance (6)

The original owner slept too late last night, and when these settings were transferred to Yu Shu, Yu Shu also felt very sleepy, so she went upstairs to catch up on sleep after sitting on the sofa for a while.

The camera in the guest room was not turned on, and Yu Shu entered the room, and there was no one in the live broadcast, making Yu Shu beautiful, and the audience who wanted to see more wailed.

But they still remembered that Yu Shu slept late last night, so they just regretted it for a while, and didn't complain that Yu Shu didn't care about them to catch up on sleep.

Seeing the precipitous decline in popularity, the program crew felt a sudden pain in their hearts.

But they couldn't wake up Yu Shu to cater to the audience, and they couldn't bear to wake her up in the face of such a beautiful woman.

He could only comfort himself that Yu Shu was there, that their show was destined to explode, so they temporarily closed the live broadcast room to watch what happened online.

On Big Eye Boy, after seeing the hot searches about Yu Shu keep rising, people were so red that they edited the previous part about Yu Shu and put it on the official blog of "Signal of Love", and interacted enthusiastically with those who followed the official blog stand up.

"Director, don't you need the script written for Yu Shu?" The variety show screenwriter looked at the official blog and posted it. Within a few minutes, there were tens of thousands of comments, and asked the director about the script.

"Of course it needs to be rewritten! With such beauty, no matter what man you want, you don't need Yu Shu to chase after her personally. Jiangyu's conditions are not that good, and her character is not good. No matter how you look at it, it's not worth letting Yu Shu chase after her. "The director said without hesitation.

He didn't remember at all that in order to gain a large number of fans in the show, Jiang Yu bought him with a lot of good things, and specially tailored a script for Jiang Yu to kill Su Nu.

The screenwriter didn't bother to remind, he held the pen, and discussed with the director how to set Yu Shu's line with burning eyes.


Yu Shu didn't wake up until four o'clock in the afternoon. She felt thirsty and went downstairs to get some water. Before she reached the kitchen, she heard someone opening the refrigerator.

She came closer and saw a young man in fashionable clothes drinking ice water from the refrigerator. He seemed to feel Yu Shu's gaze, and looked at her lightly with raised eyebrows and eyes.

This is the third male guest of "Sign of Love", Ye Xubai.

With this casual glance, Ye Xubai's eyes froze for a moment, and the young man withdrew his eyes in embarrassment when the water flowed from the corner of his mouth to his chin.

With fever in his ears, Ye Xubai frantically wiped off the water stains with a paper towel, threw the empty mineral water bottle into the trash can, asked hoarsely as if choking on water.

"Are you a new guest at the cabin?"

"No, I'm Yu Shu." Yu Shu explained again.

After finishing speaking, no matter how surprised Ye Xubai opened his pupils, she took a cup, poured warm water and drank it, while playing with the tablet prepared by the program group.

Seeing Yu Shu's focus on the tablet game and listening to the sound coming from the game, Ye Xubai was surprised and sat beside her while restraining his heartbeat.

Looking at the end of the game, he coughed lightly, and when Yu Shu's suspicious eyes fell on him, Ye Xubai raised his eyebrows and said.

"I'm the best at playing games. Shall I teach you how to play?"

The bored Yu Shu, who couldn't play with her mobile phone under the camera, nodded dispensably. Ye Xubai immediately raised the corners of her mouth happily, and moved closer to Yu Shu to become a teacher.

At around 04:30, He Jinyan came back with a lot of dishes.

As soon as he entered the hut, he saw Ye Xubai with his back turned to him, with a long arm resting on the sofa behind Yu Shu, looking at it from a distance, it seemed like he was holding someone in his arms, with an intimacy Come on.

He Jinyan squeezed the shopping bag in his hand, looked at Ye Xubai's very obtrusive hand with dark eyes, and walked over with his feet lifted.

"What are you playing?"

Hearing his voice, Yu Shu and Ye Xubai raised their heads, and Yu Shu showed He Jinyan the game that cleared the level, and said in a brisk tone.

"Ye Xubai taught me how to play games."

Meeting Yu Shu's gaze, He Jinyan's restlessness subsided a little.

"I don't know how to play these things. If Shushu is free, you can take me, a rookie."

(End of this chapter)

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