Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 367 The Gold Digger in the Romance (14)

Chapter 367 The Gold Digger in the Romance (14)

Tian Manrong's profession is eye-catching. She looks like a delicate young lady, but she is a strong professional woman, which is very surprising.

Even Jiang Yu, who had been stared at by her, was also thinking about how much benefit he would get if he married Tian Manrong.

Not to mention anything else, he wants to go out and start a business, and he must have enough money to be the president before his father retires.

While having this sweet dream in Jiangyu, it was Ye Xubai's turn to speak.

"It's hard to guess my occupation, so I just said it directly. I am a swimmer and I am 22 years old."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Ye Xubai was dressed recklessly, and he wore a fashion brand. It seemed that it was easier to guess in the direction of e-sports and motorcycles.

Ye Xubai's video started playing.

In the video, Ye Xubai is wearing a swimsuit, with smooth muscle lines on his arms. When the whistle sounded, it was like a sharp arrow entering the water, cutting through the white waves in the swimming pool. The competition ended in a few blinks of an eye, holding a medal flying towards the camera.

"Ye Xubai, you're so handsome in swimming." Chi Xiaxia looked at Ye Xubai in the video, with a body without a trace of fat, and the national awards he had won, and said with flushed cheeks.

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Xubai said with a smile, looked at He Jinyan, and raised his eyebrows slightly to signal him to speak.

Before He Jinyan could speak, Tian Manrong said with great interest.

"I remember Brother He was in a meeting this morning. He should be the boss of the company. As for his age, 27?"

"It's too big, I guess it's 25." Chi Xiaxia joined in.

Guan Li looked at He Jinyan's body, which seemed to have a steady temperament accumulated over the years, but had a different idea, "Thirty?"

He Jinyan turned his head to look at Yu Shu who was playing with her fingers, and her fingertips were pressed down and down, and her pinkness became stronger.

"Would you like to guess, Shushu?"

As soon as he called Yu Shu's name, the few people who had looked at Yu Shu before could finally put their eyes on her.

"Yeah, let's guess together, Yu Shu, you are too quiet, you haven't said much." Seeing the eyes of several male guests focus on Yu Shu's face, Tian Manrong said with dark eyes.

Yu Shu, who just knew their professional ages, didn't want to guess, was looked at by everyone like this, looked at He Jinyan who had no sense of age, and said a number.


He Jinyan seemed to be pleased, his chest trembled slightly and he let out a low laugh.

"It seems that I am still quite young. I am 32 years old and I am the founder of a technology company."

After He Jinyan came to the show, it was the first time that he smiled so heartily. Even the smile between his brows did not fade for a long time, and he had the charm of a mature man.

The video played, and He Jinyan, who was wearing a tailored suit, was either signing documents or in a meeting. This kind of He Jinyan felt a little more oppressive, especially when he took off his glasses, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through all the tricks.

When the picture ended, He Jinyan looked down at Yu Shu again.

"Shushu is your turn."

The voice of Shushu was extremely soft, as if it was whispering in people's ears, even if it was called Yushu, the temperature on the face of a female guest couldn't help rising.

"My key word is online literature." Yu Shu said after taking a sip of fruit tea.

The braised fish that He Jinyan cooked was delicious, but it was a bit salty. Holding the cup, Yu Shu's gaze fell on Gu Qingchi, who always cooks fish that suits her taste no matter which world she is in.

"A network writer?" Sensing Yu Shu's gaze, the smile in He Jinyan's eyes faded a little, but his tone was still soft.

Yu Shu nodded and clicked to play her video.

Because he didn’t want to expose his pseudonym, the video recorded by the original owner has been facing fingers typing on the keyboard, and the latter video recorded the bay window at home and the scene outside the window.

It's a very ordinary video, but you can also feel the quiet and harmonious atmosphere. After watching it, you will feel that the wind stroking the off-white curtains seems to be blowing, which is very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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