Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 372 The Gold Digger in the Romance

Chapter 372 The Gold Digger in the Romance (19)

With that said, Guan Li raised her head to ask Yu Shu and He Jinyan.

"We discussed going to the supermarket to buy vegetables, will you go?"

After eating a bowl of Chaos, He Jinyan, who turned to eat the second bowl, raised his glasses and looked at Yu Shu.

"Is Shushu going to the supermarket?"

Yu Shu, who was going to buy mosquito coils, said, "There are mosquitoes in the room at night, so I want to buy mosquito coils."

Yu Shu turned her neck sideways, and He Jinyan noticed that there was a blush on the side of her neck. The red marks were very conspicuous on her fair skin, and looked a bit ambiguous.

"Is it still itchy? I have toilet water in there, do you want to apply some?" He Jinyan asked with concern as he bent his hands to touch the skin.

"It's not itchy anymore, don't bother."

The smell of toilet water is strong, and Yu Shu has inherited some of the original owner's settings, and has a slight rhinitis. The smell is not very comfortable, and she doesn't want to apply it at all.

Guan Li jokingly said that the mosquitoes in the room were only staring at Yu Shu biting.

"It's still the scent of Shushu's blood. We live together, and the mosquitoes will only recognize your blood."

Yu Shu's misty eyes looked over, the beauty seemed to have tears in her eyes, she looked at her with aggrieved eyes, Guan Li covered her chest, crying out in her heart that she couldn't bear it.

"Ahem, let's go to the supermarket and buy more mosquito repellent liquid. If it dares to bite Shushu again, let it come and go."

Guan Li's words were funny, and Ye Xubai, who hadn't been able to talk to Yu Shu, could hear the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

After He Jinyan finished eating Chaos, Gu Qingchi came down. He changed into a new set of casual clothes, and the tips of his hair were still steamy, so he must have just taken a shower.

"We're all going to the supermarket, is Dr. Gu going?" Guan Li asked.

Gu Qingchi grabbed the word "du", glanced at Yu Shu, and nodded.

There were six people going to the supermarket, and they had to take separate cars. Although the three male guests all had cars, the one Ye Xubai parked outside the hut was a heavy motorcycle.

The female guests who put on make-up in the morning and put on beautiful little skirts are unwilling to sit on the motorcycle and pick up the dust on the road with elaborate attire, with any face full of make-up covered by hair.

Seeing that no one is willing to be his motorcycle, Ye Xubai waved his hand regretfully.

"It's so cool to go for a drive on a motorcycle, why is no one excited."

Tian Manrong rolled his eyes at him, "We all wear skirts, is it convenient for you to take the motorcycle?"

"Then everyone take me and Dr. Gu's car separately." He Jinyan took the coat that was on the chair and said.

Tian Manrong and Guan Li looked at him, then at Gu Qingchi, who was dressed in aloof and dignified clothes, they said almost at the same time.

"I'll take Brother He's car."

"Where are Shushu and Xubai?" He Jinyan asked them.

Ye Xubai didn't speak immediately, and wanted to wait for Yu Shu to choose.

"I'm taking Dr. Gu's car." Yu Shu said, looking at the man who was holding the car keys tightly.

Gu Qingchi's eyes were slightly loose, and He Jinyan's drinking hand paused.

Ye Xubai hurriedly said, "I also take Dr. Gu's car."

Several people took the car to the nearest supermarket to the hut. The supermarket was not far away, and they arrived in less than 10 minutes.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Ye Xubai and Tian Manrong went to buy vegetables, while Guan Li and He Jinyan went to buy some fruits and daily necessities.

Yu Shu and Gu Qingchi went to buy mosquito coils.

Several people can't check their mobile phones often, but they also know how popular "Signal of Love" is. In order to avoid some unexpected situations when they came to the supermarket, they all wore masks. attention.

Gu Qingchi seems to have done research on mosquito coils, and chose the most suitable one from several mosquito coils.

Putting the mosquito repellent liquid into the cart, Yu Shu looked at the small dried fish on the shelf, and couldn't help but take some. Gu Qingchi pushed the cart and walked beside her, and put the other snacks she wanted into the cart. in the car.

"Want to have fish porridge?" When passing by the seafood area, Gu Qingchi watched Yu Shu look into several fish tanks and asked with a smile.

"But isn't Ye Xubai and Tian Manrong cooking today?" Yu Shu wanted to eat, but was a little hesitant.

Everyone who comes to the show, no matter what their motives are, most of them want to have more shots for themselves.

Today's kitchen belongs to Ye Xubai and Tian Manrong. If you join in, if you don't have some interaction with the two that the audience loves to watch, it's hard not to be regarded as a scene stealer.

(End of this chapter)

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