Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 384 The Gold Digger in the Romance

Chi Xiaxia clutched the fork tightly, eating the fried egg for a while, wondering how she could keep Jiang Yu's text message.

Regardless of her business, Yu Shu's presence in the hut was so strong that it drew the attention of the male guests. She did something just to bring everyone to the same level.

Several people at the dining table finished their breakfast with their own minds, and then dispersed to do their own things.

He Jinyan and Ye Xubai went upstairs, while Chi Xiaxia and Tian Manrong were in the living room holding the computer and completing homework and work.

Ye Xubai went up the stairs behind He Jinyan. When he came up, he stood on the stairs on the third floor for a while before walking out of Yu Shu's room.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Xubai still wanted to know if Yu Shu and Gu Qingchi had arrows against each other, so he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door was opened not long after, and it was Yu Shu who opened it.

Seeing Ye Xubai standing outside the door, she thought that he and Guan Li had made cups in the pottery shop and said they would pick them up today, so she asked clearly.

"Are you here to find Guan Li?"

When saying this, Yu Shu, who was still feeling sleepy, couldn't help but yawned.

Last night, she woke up from the audio-visual room in the early hours of the morning. After returning to the room, she couldn't fall asleep anyway. As a result, she still felt so sleepy, and her eyes were so sore that she wanted to close them.

[Cough, cough, Mrs. Shushu, is there a possibility that the little wolf dog brother is here to find you? 】

【Ye Xubai really wants to know, did Shushu make an appointment with Gu Qingchi to watch a movie in the audio-visual room?After a quick breakfast, I went to the girls' dormitory. 】

[I'm dying to see it, Ye Xubai, you just said that you came to find Shushu!Don't let Shushu misunderstand that you and Miss Guan Li have arrows with each other. 】

Ye Xubai saw Yu Shu's wet, reddish eyes, as if he had stayed up all night, and his tone was sour that he didn't notice when he spoke.

"Did Shu Shu go to the audio-visual room with Brother Gu last night?"

This sounds like a husband who is waiting for his wife to date someone else at home. He feels aggrieved, um, look again if you are not sure.

"Go, if you want to go too, I can recommend a movie to you. It's not bad." Yu Shu, who fell asleep after watching half of the movie, recommended.

Seeing that this is still a love movie, the girl who was so excited recommended him to watch it, Ye Xubai was a little bit stingy, his lips moved a few times, sighed and said a little bit of surrender.

"I also like watching movies. Shushu can find me if she wants to watch movies. Brother Gu is so busy, he needs a good rest."

Yu Shu nodded indiscriminately, and the corners of her eyes became moist again. She raised her eyes and saw the person walking by, and bowed her eyes to say hello.

"Good morning, Doctor Gu."

When she laughed, the corners of her crimson eyes were bent, which was very eye-catching.

[If you want to dig a hole for Dr. Gu with a hoe, people will come, Ye Xubai is so lucky. 】

[I like to watch some scenes of male rivalry, please do more for me. 】

Ye Xubai turned his head and saw Gu Qingchi who was walking here, his eyes fell from Yu Shu's body to his face.

Ye Xubai was not embarrassed when he was caught talking about people behind his back, but said with concern.

"Brother Gu just came back from the hospital. He didn't sleep all night. He's very tired. Why don't you go back to your room to catch up on sleep?"

Seeing Ye Xubai caring about him and urging him to go to rest, Gu Qingchi looked at Yu Shu unmoved, his eyes fell on her red eyes, and his face was softly apologetic.

"I should wake you up when I leave. The audio-visual room is not suitable for sleeping."

"It's okay, I accidentally fell asleep." Yu Shu, who was angry about getting up, felt that even if Gu Qingchi woke her up, there was still a high possibility that she would not be able to fall asleep when she returned to the room.

The two chatted, Yu Shu was still smiling so sweetly, Ye Xubai's heart was gurgling sour water again, he was about to say something, the door was opened a little, and Guan Li, who had finished her makeup, was standing next to Yu Shu , looked at Ye Xubai and said.

"Are you going to the pottery museum? Wait a minute, I'll take the bag."

Guan Li is indeed very fast. She came out within a minute after taking the bag. Wearing a high-waisted T-shirt and wide-leg pants, standing next to Ye Xubai is very aura, and the CP feeling of Sister Sa and the little wolf dog came out. .

[Ye Xubai and Guan Li do have a bit of a match, and they are also Ye Xubai's ideal type of sister type, and I want to knock them off. 】

[Congratulations to the sisters who entered the pit vertically, and directed the super chapter of "Signal of Love", which contains their cp direction clips, super invincible sweetness. 】

In the camera, Ye Xubai, who actually didn't want to go out so early, looked at Guan Li who had specially dressed up, so he had no choice but to go.

"Do you want Shushu to bring something? Brother Gu can tell me anything you need." Ye Xubai also mentioned Gu Qingchi's name by the way.

Yu Shu shook her head to say no, while Gu Qingchi just stood there without speaking.

Ye Xubai didn't intend to bring anything to Gu Qingchi, he looked at Yu Shu anxiously, seeing that she was going out with him and Guan Li, he didn't change his mood at all, and went downstairs a little bit disappointed.

When the two went down, Gu Qingchi lowered his eyes to see Yu Shu's crimson eyes, and said slowly.

"Go in, I'll cook something delicious for you when you wake up."

Yu Shu, who was really sleepy, responded, waved her white and tender hand, and went back to her room to catch up on sleep.

Gu Qingchi stared at the closed door for a few seconds, then went upstairs and returned to the boys' dormitory.

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