Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 386 The Gold Digger in the Romance

Jiang Yu and Chi Xiaxia didn't eat the fancy-sounding French food in the end, and Jiang Yu, who thought they were rejected by them, held his breath and called the hotel as if to show off.

But as soon as the hotel heard his name, they bluntly stated that they did not provide takeaway services, nor did members.

After hanging up the phone at the hotel, leaving only Jiang Yu embarrassed for a while, his face was pale and white, pretending to forget that he didn't like the takeaway they ordered, and Tian Manrong couldn't help rolling his eyes when he was eating at the table .

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room to play games. Tian Manrong was unfamiliar with the handle, and lost again in the game. She handed the game console to Chi Xiaxia depressedly.

"It's so boring to stay in the hut. Why did Ye Xubai and Guan Li go to get the cup for so long and haven't come back? Could it be that they secretly went somewhere to play behind our backs?"

Tian Manrong took a look at Gu Qingchi and He Jinyan, who were like a piece of ice and had no interest at all, and once again felt that they were still younger brothers.

"No way, didn't the program team say that guests are not allowed to have too much contact with each other except on date days?"

As Chi Xiaxia said, she got a little closer to Jiang Yu by playing games, her shoulders almost overlapped.

Yu Shu, who was listening quietly, wanted to go out, and suddenly remembered that after lunch, she saw the schedule reminder on her mobile phone, and she had to go to the library to return books.

That book was borrowed by the original owner in order to check some information, and today is the deadline for returning the book.

Yu Shu took out her mobile phone to check the distance from here to the library, and clicked on the taxi app.

Gu Qingchi, who was sitting next to Yu Shu, noticed the taxi app on his and her phone screens, and asked in a low voice.

"Going out? Where are you going? I'll take you there."

"The city library returns the books. Today is the return date." Yu Shu was a little annoyed to see the number of people queuing up on the taxi app, and then saw the weather forecast saying that it would rain today, so she said without hesitation.

"That's troublesome, wait for me, I'll go up and get the book."

When Yu Shu went upstairs, their voices were too low, and there were game sounds interfering, He Jinyan asked, who couldn't hear clearly.

"What's wrong with Shushu? Why did she suddenly go upstairs?"

"She's going to the library to return books, I'll take her there." Gu Qingchi said in a clear voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Yu said suddenly, "I'll take Shushu there, I happen to have something to do in the city."

Without waiting for Gu Qingchi to speak, he put on his coat, took out the car keys and shook them on his fingers, waiting for Yushu to come down in a happy mood. He didn't notice the change in Chi Xiaxia's face at all. It doesn't matter if the game character dies.

Gu Qingchi glanced across Jiangyu, knowing that according to Yu Shu's dislike for him, he wouldn't know how to make those two cars, so he didn't say anything, just leaned on the soft sofa and looked at the stairs.

He Jinyan, who was sending the car to maintenance, was feeling a bit bored. He tugged at his neckline, undid a button, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and the audience in the live broadcast room were howling, but he thought that Yu Shu would have another chance to be alone with Gu Qingchi, The mood became more and more irritable.

Withdrawing the arrow towards He Jinyan, Tian Manrong still wondered why He Jinyan didn't make a sound, and went to fight for a chance to be alone with the object of his heart. Thinking that his car was not parked outside the hut, she couldn't help but sympathize with him for a second.

Yu Shu came down quickly and carried a bag. After seeing her, Jiang Yu stood in front of her and said.

"I'll take you to the library."

"Brother Gu will take me there." Yu Shu bypassed him and walked to Gu Qingchi's side.

When the two were about to leave the hut, Chi Xiaxia spoke out.

"Dr. Gu came back from the hospital and went downstairs after a short rest. His eyes were still black and blue. I'm afraid it's not good to drive. Let Brother Jiang take you. Doesn't Shushu like Brother Jiang's car?"

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