Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 389 The Gold Digger in the Romance

After revisiting the plot, Yu Shu still didn't understand that the Jiang family was torturing the original owner like that. Why did the original owner think that Jiang Yu had nothing to do with these things because of Jiang Yu's few words? Is the plot so powerful?

Yu Shu stood there with her eyes lowered in thought, in the eyes of others, she was apologetic for buying a second-hand car through Jiangyu, willing to be a big wronged person, He Jinyan walked over and said softly.

"Aren't you going to the library? Go quickly, it might rain later."

Mao Mao, who doesn't like wet and rainy days, hurriedly recovered, and went to the library with Gu Qingchi.

After the two of them left, He Jinyan looked at Chi Xiaxia who was standing there with her hands clasped in embarrassment, and went upstairs without saying anything.

Tian Manrong picked up her phone, and was about to go upstairs to her room, and said something when passing by Chi Xiaxia.

"Miss Chi still needs to practice her art of speech and eyesight."

The look in Chi Xiaxia's eyes was even lighter. Is this saying that she can't speak and is holding a male guest who bought a second-hand car and pretended to be rich?

This made Chi Xiaxia, who had always been proud of her appearance, was able to become an internet celebrity, and married into a rich man's family, feel depressed and uncomfortable. She couldn't put on a good face, so she left the hut with her bag in her hand.

The audience who had watched a big show, almost flooded the live broadcast room with barrage of melons.

【I'm embarrassing for others again. I bought a second-hand sports car to pretend to be cool. It's a second-hand car that the two of you soaked in. It might be a second-hand car from an accident. I really want to know what kind of shit Jiang Yu is in at this time. 】

[Didn't a rich man say that Jiang Yu's car was second-hand?Fu Shao quickly came out and gave us a bite of melon, are you also a friend of Shu Shu University's classmates in Moments? 】

[Come on, I have the wechat of that young and old, and I have seen that circle of friends, Jiang Yu bought a car to show off everywhere, I don't know that people in our circle regard him as a joke. 】

[Speaking of which, Jiang Yu knows that he bought a second-hand car, or the one that has been soaked, so he won't ask the boss to refund the money, right? 】

[Jiang Yu doesn't have the guts, the energy of the young master's family can make the Jiang family disappear with just a flick of a finger, otherwise he wouldn't have said directly in the circle of friends that he is stupid, if Jiang Yu dared to look for it, the money would not be refunded , angered the young master, and Jiang's future has to be tied up. As long as Jiang Yu is not stupid to the end, he will not do this. 】

[So, Jiang Yu has no choice but to admit it. 】

[I have two words for this: deserve it! 】

[Didn't you still spread rumors that Shushu's wife worships money?It's all right now, Bai became a big injustice known to the whole network, and lost several million, and the car may not dare to drive, is there a causal cycle? 】

When #江居大忠种#, #江居玉富Failure# and other entries were hotly searched, Yu Shu and Gu Qingchi came to the library.

It was difficult to find a parking place outside the library. When Gu Qingchi was looking for a parking space, Yu Shu got out of the car to return the books.

After returning the book, Yu Shu came out and saw the sudden heavy rain. Looking at the weather forecast of "heavy rain in about half an hour" on the phone, she was a little dazed.

The rain came so suddenly that there were quite a few people hiding from the rain at the entrance of the library. Some people with umbrellas saw that Yu Shu was wearing a mask, standing there still had a strong attractive temperament, and hesitated to invite people Hide the umbrella and ask for another WeChat.

But just as he walked over, he was stunned by the surprise of Yu Shu's exposed eyebrows. Before he could walk over, he heard Yu Shu's cell phone ringing, and a clear and pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's raining too much, I'll come pick you up, don't move."

Boys who fall in love at first sight may have a boyfriend. After a while, they see a man who is also wearing a mask and tall and straight. Even if he walks fast, he can't hide his demeanor.

The man walked up to Yu Shu, stretched out his hand and pulled her down, his hand moved slightly, the black umbrella completely covered his slender body, only half of the man's shoulder was stained with rainwater.

Maybe it was because the back view of the two walking together was too harmonious, the boy was only disappointed for a moment, and he sincerely wished the two of them back to their friends.

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