Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 394 The Gold Digger in the Romance

Chi Xiaxia scanned through four gift boxes of different sizes, and understood that her current situation was not very good, if she really wanted to choose, she might have to choose last.

She squeezed her fingers, and with a sweet smile, she chose the way that was most beneficial to her.

"How about we choose gifts in rock-paper-scissors order?"

Tian Manrong glanced at her without any objection, "Anything is fine."

No one refused this method, and the four of them started rock-paper-scissors. After several rounds, the final order was .

Chi Xiaxia→Tian Manrong→Yu Shu→Guan Li.

Seeing the result, the smile on Chi Xiaxia's face became much more sincere, she squatted down in front of the coffee table reservedly, and the three of them said.

"Then I'm going to start choosing."

In the end it was her turn, Guan Li sat on the cushion with a sigh, even though she comforted herself that the gift she chose first might not belong to the person she was thinking of, she still couldn't help feeling disappointed.

After all, who wants to have the gift left over from being picked by someone who has no choice.

Chi Xiaxia's eyes flicked back and forth among several gifts, then picked up the presents to look at, and finally chose the largest gift box.

She put the gift box in front of her, held her breath and opened it, and saw a bottle of perfume inside, holding the perfume in her hand, and the streamer was shaking, Chi Xiaxia liked it very much at first glance.

"This bottle of perfume is so beautiful." Chi Xiaxia squeezed the perfume, her voice full of liking.

"It's really beautiful. I didn't expect a male guest to be so discerning." Guan Li, who also likes perfume, couldn't help but said.

Tian Manrong saw that Chi Xiaxia was holding onto the bottle of perfume tightly, afraid that they would grab it, she was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Guess who gave this bottle of perfume?"

"I guess it's Brother He or Jiang Yu."

Guan Li thought for a while, "It shouldn't be Ye Xubai, he doesn't have such sentimentality."

"It's Brother He." Yu Shu guessed.

In the part of giving gifts, the gifts given by the male guests are different from those in the plot. Except for a gift box that smells like catnip, Yu Shu is not sure who prepared the other three gifts.

"I think it's Brother Gu. Brother Gu's clothes match him very well, and his aesthetic level is very high." Chi Xiaxia also said something.

While talking, Chi Xiaxia went to see Yu Shu, and it was a pity that she didn't see the panic on her face.

Her behavior was seen by Yu Shu and the three of them. Yu Shu had a plot going on, so it was no surprise that she said something intentionally.

Tian Manrong and Guan Li who were on the opposite side saw each other and looked at each other. Qi Qi wondered if Chi Xiaxia had female rivalry in his mind.

He said Gu Qingchi's name, and looked at Yu Shu, was he afraid that Yu Shu would not think of it?

But even if he chose the one given by Gu Qingchi, so what, Chi Xiaxia really thought that Gu Qingchi, who had slapped her a few times yesterday, would let go of such a rare beauty as Yu Shu, because she was the one who changed his heart for a date. Is the fragrance of tea overflowing?

Tian Manrong, who had a date with He Jinyan and had no follow-up with him, seeing that the other party still insisted on sending text messages to Yu Shu, really didn't understand where Chi Xiaxia's inexplicable confidence came from.

After Chi Xiaxia's selection, Tian Manrong began to choose gifts.

Among the remaining three gifts, she hesitated for a while and chose the color of the gift box she liked.

Tian Manrong opened the purple gift box, and saw that inside was a delicate bracelet with a few broken diamonds on it, which looked beautiful under the light.

Although the bracelet was not as good as the ones in her jewelry box, it was better in style because it was exquisite and beautiful, and Tian Manrong was quite satisfied.

"Isn't this bracelet from Ye Xubai?" Guan Li couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when Ye Xubai asked the girl what kind of gifts she liked yesterday morning.

If the person with the arrow gave the gift she mentioned to another girl and went on a date with her, Guan Li would really vomit blood in her heart.

Tian Manrong raised her eyebrows when she heard this, thinking that she might be dating Ye Xubai, the bracelet on her hand became more and more pleasing to the eye.

It was Yu Shu's turn to choose a gift, and of course Yu Shu chose the one that smelled of catnip.

She chose too quickly, and she chose a gift from Gu Qingchi for Chi Xiaxia. Yu Shu smashed the jar and picked one at random, the corners of Chi Xiaxia's mouth gradually deepened.

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