Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 502 The Republic of China Cannon Fodder Female Match

Chapter 502 The Republic of China Cannon Fodder Female Match (43)

Bai Rouwan was still mocking those so-called young talents at the banquet in her heart. The women she admired only dared to say something in private. When He Nanjin looked over, they didn't even dare to lift them up.

When she heard a burst of exclamation, she looked up and saw her good fiancé stopped in front of Yu Shu as soon as he arrived, was left unceremoniously, and stood there looking at him in a daze as if he had lost his mind. Yu Shu's back.

Seeing those meaningful gazes at the banquet, they flowed between her and Jiang Hua, and then discussed in a low voice.

Bai Rouwan, who seemed to be able to hear their ridicule, felt uncomfortable all over, bit her lip and walked in front of Jiang Hua, clutching his arm as hard as she could, as if her fingers were almost sunk into his flesh.

"Jiang Hua, are you deliberately humiliating me by inviting your ex-fiancée to talk on this occasion?"

Bai Rouwan said these words through gritted teeth, with tears in her eyes, and disappointment and anger on her face.

Jiang Hua was stunned by Bai Rouwan's words, saw Bai Rouwan's red eyes, and saw the taunting gaze towards them, Jiang Hua didn't speak, and Bai Rouwan pulled him out of the banquet.

Jiang Hua's colleagues looked at Jiang Hua in bewilderment and left without saying hello. The people they knew learned about Yu Shu's identity and what Jiang Hua had done before. I don't understand.

From their point of view, if they fell in love with another woman, they should rescind the engagement on their body and marry their lover in with their free bodies.

What do you want to do after retiring, getting engaged to the person you like, and pestering the poor woman whose engagement was divorced innocently?Want to express that after you divorced, you regretted wanting to save someone?

Colleagues thought about Yu Shu's appearance, and thought that regrets are indeed a common thing, but Jiang Hua has done one thing after another, and now she is with the person she likes as she wished, and she came back to toss, how is this going to happen? thing.

Jiang Hua didn't know that his colleagues realized his character today, which would make him completely deprived of anyone who could speak, and he was being accused by Bai Rouwan with tears in his eyes.

After all, it is someone who has liked for a long time. Seeing Bai Rouwan like this, Jiang Hua's heart will still get weak habitually. He wiped away Bai Rouwan's tears with a handkerchief. Just as he was about to speak, Adjutant Fang came with two soldiers. In front of them, he said with a congratulatory expression.

"The commander knows that the two are rare lovers, and wants to drink the wedding wine for the two of them as soon as possible. Then, Young Master Jiang and Miss Bai will come with us to get a marriage certificate, so that the commander can fulfill his wish?"

Adjutant Fang's words sounded like a question, but when he winked, the two soldiers were standing on both sides of Jiang Hua and Bai Rouwan, holding wooden warehouses in their hands.

Who can not understand what that means, it means that they don't want to get the certificate, so they have to get it.

"You guys, what kind of banditry are you doing? Commander He is not afraid that we will tell Yu Shu about this and let her know how Commander He is a person who uses power to force people?" Jiang Hua felt the wooden warehouse on his body , almost couldn't restrain himself from roaring.

Adjutant Fang casually glanced at Jiang Hua who was blushing from anger, but did not respond to his threat at all.

"If we were robbers, we could still keep you, a heartless person who failed his wife, in this world, and why not kill you?"

"Young Master Jiang, please calm down and get the marriage certificates of the two obediently. Otherwise, not only will you not have the chance to see your wife, but I will prevent Young Master Jiang from even seeing the sun tomorrow." Adjutant Fang fiddled with Mu Cang. , After finishing speaking lightly, his eyes moved to Bai Rouwan.

"Miss Bai, in order to retire the marriage, the two of you didn't hesitate to write an article criticizing how feudal and pedantic the arranged marriage is. Now that you can get married as you wish and become husband and wife forever, you should be very happy to take this trip, right?"

Bai Rouwan looked at the wooden warehouse in Adjutant Fang's hand that might go off at any time, her face was so pale that she didn't dare to say anything she didn't want to say.

"Jiang Hua, shall we go get the certificate?"

Jiang Hua looked at her in disbelief, as if she didn't understand why she compromised so quickly.

From Jiang Hua's face, it can be seen that he evaded getting the certificate, as if he had forgotten the current danger, or maybe he didn't care about her safety?
(End of this chapter)

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