Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 511 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea

Chapter 511 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea (2)

In the ancient restaurant, the original owner picked up the optical brain left by Xiao Xingjue. She recognized the existence of the optical brain whose value could almost buy a starship. The brain was handed over to the Gu Restaurant, and then the Gu Restaurant was handed over to Xiao Xingjue.

Xiao Xingjue, who had a lot of confidential information in his brain, was fortunate that the information was not leaked. He didn't think much about it at that time. The admission notice of the First Academy arrived.

In the school, the original owner learned about Xiao Xingjue's identity, and attracted the attention of the clinging people. After all, Internet scammers don't know when they cheat too much and they won't be able to extract star coins, and Xiao Xingjue knows him just because of his status as the prince of the empire. Never short of money.

So the original owner who made up his mind, in the hope that there would be countless star coins in the future, and by thanking Xiao Xingjue, drilled several times to places where Xiao Xingjue was.

Another time when I saw Xiao Xingjue playing a game and realized that he was one of the scammers, the two identities of the original owner cooperated to find out some of Xiao Xingjue's preferences and then matched his preferences. It really became a conversation with Xiao Xingjue people.

Compared to Xiao Xingjue who regards the original owner as a friend, the hostess feels that the original owner is strange, especially when the original owner wears a famous brand, but shows a reluctant expression from time to time when spending star coins, and sometimes even asks for a hundred star coins. borrow.

These made the heroine even more suspicious, so she asked a friend to help find out that the original owner was from the same remote planet as her, and the heroine determined that the identity of the original owner was a ghost, and asked Xiao Xingjue to be careful about the original owner.

But the good-natured Xiao Xingjue only thought that the original owner was too young and a girl, and he didn't want others to know that she was poor, so he pretended to be rich by casting strange eyes on her, and didn't think it would hurt them. hindered friendships.

The hostess couldn't persuade him, so she could only look for more evidence, so when she found out that her friend had transferred star coins to the original owner, she went down the game and found out that the original owner not only cheated her friend's star coins, but also cheated Xiao Xingjue After having the star coins of the other two people, he directly threw these evidences in front of Xiao Xingjue.

Seeing the evidence, Xiao Xingjue finally had to admit that he was mistaken, gave the evidence to the original owner, and drove the original owner away from him in disappointment.

In this matter, Xiao Xingjue was only disappointed with the original owner, and because of her difficult life, he didn't do anything to her.

But knowing that the original owner lied to Xiao Xingjue's classmate of the First Academy, Xiao Xingjue, who was lied to by the original owner as the prince of the empire and the future light of the empire, was very angry. He spontaneously picked up her identity and exposed her deceitful behavior on the star network. Let the original owner be spurned by people all over the interstellar, and finally expelled from the First Academy.

Without the star coins earned by Xiao Xingjue and the others, the original owner had no choice but to sell the brand-name clothes and bags, return to that remote planet in desperation, fell ill and died in poverty, and was criticized afterwards.

After receiving the memory, Yu Shu felt her head hurt even more.

The net deceived four people, the original owner is really good, the key is that if there is no female lead to investigate seriously, the original owner really hid the Internet deception, even the deceived person did not notice .

Yu Shu went to check the original owner's memory again, and found that when she felt aggrieved by the Internet scam and was cast aside by everyone, her face was covered with question marks.

After careful inspection, I learned that the original owner felt that she provided emotional value to the four of Xiao Xingjue, solved their troubles, and played with them whenever they were called. Those star coins were also given to her voluntarily by Xiao Xingjue and the others. Yu Shu thought about it in silence.

It seems that from the perspective of the original owner, it does make sense. After all, in the modern plane, behaviors such as playing with and providing emotional value can indeed make money.

But what was wrong with the original owner was that in order to satisfy her selfish desires, she pretended to say unintentionally that she couldn't eat the nutrient solution and was about to starve to death. It was a wrong behavior to lure others to transfer star coins.

And the heroine has her position in exposing the online cheating of the original owner for the sake of the people she likes and friends, and there is nothing wrong with that.

(End of this chapter)

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