Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 513 Interstellar Network deceives the Queen of the Sea

The robot cleaned quickly, and it didn't take long for the messy room to become clean and tidy. Visually, the space seemed to be much larger.

Finally, the robot came over with a little nutrient solution left, and asked Yu Shu if she wanted to throw it away, using the beautiful voice set by the original owner.

The original owner of the nutrient solution bought cuttlefish flavor. I don’t know how the R&D staff made it. Anyway, it smells very strange, especially it is black. Even if Yu Shu wants to save money, she doesn’t want to drink it, so she asks the robot to drink it. The nutrient solution was disposed of with other garbage.

Yu Shu was still a little hungry without drinking the nutrient solution. She opened the refrigerator to find something to eat, but in the end she only found a pack of seafood-flavored instant noodles.

When Yu Shu thumped the hot water instant noodles, when she tore the vegetable bag, she smelled an indescribable smell that had nothing to do with seafood anyway. She paused, put the vegetable bag aside, and checked again. After the other ingredients have no smell, pour it into the noodles.

A few minutes later, Yu Shu ate the salty instant noodles and searched for the news, reading more than a dozen headlines, for example.

[Chef so-and-so made a nutrient solution with spicy squid flavor of ancient humans]

[A certain oil painting master restored the appearance of crabs thousands of years ago based on the records of ancient humans]

【shock!Thousands of years ago, a lobster that was more than three meters tall and could feed ten children in one mouthful turned out to be one of the favorite foods of ancient humans]

These news let Yu Shu understand that the pollution caused by a country that has disappeared caused the collective genetic mutation of aquatic organisms to grow into monsters.

Human beings are forced to adapt to the environment to evolve, and to survive and fight against these aquatic creatures, which are now collectively known as Zerg, to wipe them out. A large part of the food culture has long been lost in the passage of time. Seafood can only be imagined with a shallow imagination.

The lack of food culture makes them eat unpalatable nutrient solution, and they are full of curiosity about the seafood that they used to regard as delicious, but they can't recover.

After all, seafood nowadays can eat people. It is no longer the way it was eaten by people thousands of years ago. Their bodies contain substances that are harmful to humans. No matter how curious their taste is, people dare not catch them and eat them. .

Yu Shu, who also likes to eat seafood, sighed, especially after knowing that the fish in this world are also 20 meters long and can't be eaten, I feel that the sky in this mission world has become gloomy.

Yu Shu couldn't help thinking, the scene where Maomao fights with three-meter-tall crayfish and crabs, uh, the picture is a bit unbearable to look at directly, it seems that Maomao is more suitable for begging cats at home.

After eating the instant noodles, it was time for Yu Shu to watch the original host's live broadcast, so she positioned the camera according to the original host's habit, followed up with the audience in the live broadcast room, and after greeting the audience, she logged in to the holographic game.

In holographic games, as long as people wear holographic glasses, people's consciousness will enter the game, and the appearance of players will also copy their original appearance.

However, the original host only showed his hands in the live broadcast, and naturally he would not show his real face in the game, so he always wore a fox mask bought from the game and never took it off.

In the friend list of the game, the four fish in the original owner's fish pond are all there, but now only the heroine's friend Song Zhi is online.

The other party might have seen that she was also online, and soon sent an invitation. After Yu Shu clicked to agree, she thought about it during the game refresh.

In the plot, the four fishes who were deceived by the Internet seemed to have only appeared from the beginning to the end, the male protagonist Xiao Xingjue and Song Zhi. As for the other two, after the original protagonist was exposed by the female protagonist as an Internet scammer, they canceled the game account and never appeared again. Pass.

In the second half of the plot, when the hero and heroine were playing games together, they talked about the other two being cheated. The heroine also lamented the badness of the original owner, which broke the hearts of those two people and made them no longer believe in the Internet. Quit the game forever.

Yu Shu thought about this statement, and always felt that it was against harmony. After all, in the memory of the original owner, the two of them dragged other players in the game and snorted at him, and they would cut them off and lose all their game equipment. Go to other service areas.

The other person doesn't talk often when playing games, but when he speaks, he brings coercion, which makes the game boss dare not speak.

Such two people, no matter how you look at it, don't look like people who would quit the Internet sadly just because they met an Internet scammer.

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