Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 569: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

When Yu Shu woke up again, it was already a few hours later.

Her face was already white, but now that she had fallen into the water and caught the cold, her little face was even more white, and her lips were also lightly pink. The eldest princess and Marquis Zhongyong, who had been guarding her when she woke up, cried out in distress for my son to suffer. if.

Yu Shu felt a little feverish and her mouth was dry. After drinking the warm water handed over by the eldest princess and moistening her throat, she felt much better.

"The Prime Minister's wife found out the reason why you fell into the water and sent a message to the Zhongyong Hou Mansion. It was the eldest daughter of the Ruan family who was jealous of her younger sister, which caused Shu'er to be affected. The Ruan family sent an apology gift before you woke up. Waiting. When you wake up, you will bring your eldest daughter to apologize to you."

She said that her daughter had suffered this for no reason and had a smooth life. She was married to an eldest princess who was devoted to her loyal and brave marquis. She had a flamboyant temper and didn't want Yu Shu to live a miserable life. After finishing speaking, she expressed it.

"This matter is the fault of the Ruan family. Shu'er doesn't want to forgive me. I can also let Miss Ruan suffer the same suffering as Shu'er. We don't have to humiliate ourselves for the sake of reputation."

Marquis Zhongyong also nodded in agreement.

"Listen to your mother, our Shu'er has suffered so much and can bear any apology, so the Ruan family has nothing to say."

The love between the two was beyond words, and Yu Shu's heart felt warm when she heard it.

She showed a sweet smile and said pleasant words, which coaxed the two of them to dissipate their depression. After coaxing them to rest, she told Xiubi to prepare food, and then leaned on the bed to absorb the plot of this world.

This is an ancient fictional world, and it is also a book-travel guide.

The heroine Ruan Tao came from today's society. She was a student who had just grown up. When she came, she was pushed into the lake by her jealous eldest sister. The original owner drowned, and she replaced Miss Ruan Er and was bound to the lake. Developed a strategy system.

The strategy system is a liar, telling Ruan Tao that as long as she defeats the second prince Xiao Ge, she can be sent back to her original world.

Ruan Tao had family and friends in that world, and had just received a university admission notice. Naturally, she didn't want to stay in this strange feudal world, so she immediately agreed to bind the strategy system.

It was the second prince who saved her when she fell into the water. Ruan Tao used modern knowledge to constantly attract the attention of the second prince, and also made suggestions for him to win the throne. He also made delicacies such as hot pot and milk tea, raised money for the second prince, and became the opponent's successor. On the emperor's road, he recruited soldiers and horses and courtiers' money bags.

After several years of hard work, Xiao Ge became more and more outstanding, becoming the best among the princes competing for the throne, and winning the emperor's heart more and more.

Even more so when fighting an enemy country, Ruan Tao used the points and strategy system to exchange the aura of "invincibility" for Xiao Ge, allowing him to defeat more with less, turn defeat into victory, and add the enemy country to their Jingguo, with outstanding achievements. When the emperor died, he passed the throne to Xiao Ge without hesitation.

After becoming the emperor, Xiao Ge was grateful for Ruan Tao's sacrifice for him, and under the persuasion of the officials, he gave Ruan Tao the position of queen.

This novel is considered unfinished. It ends abruptly when Ruan Tao becomes the queen, and the strategy system prompts that the strategy for Xiao Ge is completed. It does not mention whether Ruan Tao chooses to return to her original world or stay in this world as the master of the harem. queen.

As for the original owner, in this guide story, he was the cannon fodder who fell into the water and died because of Ruan Tao being pushed into the water at the beginning of Chapter 1.

The original owner was the only daughter of the eldest princess and Marquis Zhongyong, and she was also a princess favored by the emperor. Her death cast a gloomy impression on Ruan Tao among these three people.

Even if they know that Ruan Tao is also a victim, they will still dislike her and become a huge obstacle on Ruan Tao's road to conquering Xiao Ge.

It wasn't until Ruan Tao used the system to save Zhongyong Hou who almost died on the battlefield that the three people's grudge against Ruan Tao was finally resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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