Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 575: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Chapter 575: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature (9)

Ruan Tao couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth when she saw that the two of them were obviously very aggrieved, but they didn't dare to refute Yu Shu, and even forced an ugly smile.

Ruan Tao was a little surprised that Yu Shu, a beauty in heaven and a beauty on earth and in the moon, could say something that could make people choke. However, Yu Shu seemed to be more popular like this, which made Ruan Tao gradually slow down her breathing, and she was no longer as cramped as before.

Unlike Ruan Tao, Ying Wuqi found Yu Shu cute and cute no matter what she looked like. Even at this moment, Ying Wuqi glanced at Mrs. Ruan with his dark eyes, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes. He envied Mrs. Ruan for being able to be with Yu. Shu said a few words and got her different emotions.

As Mrs. Ruan and Ruan Xuelian became more and more uneasy, Yu Shu ate a piece of eight-treasure exquisite cake, took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Mrs. Ruan mentioned the opportunity to make up for her mistakes before. How do you want Miss Ruan to make up for it?"

Seeing that Yu Shu finally left according to the script she wrote, Ruan Xue almost cried with joy, and immediately pushed Ruan Xuelian forward with a smile on her face.

"My daughter is a considerate caregiver. If the princess will stay in the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion and serve the princess for a period of time, it will be considered as suppressing her temper."

The Zhongyong Hou Mansion is so powerful. As long as she doesn't commit suicide, she can keep her glory for several generations. If she clings to the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, the Ruan family will be able to rise quickly, and she will no longer suffer the neglect of those ladies.

Ruan's father also had this idea. Before Mrs. Ruan and the three came to the Hou Mansion, the two of them planned to take this opportunity to get involved with the Hou Mansion. It would be best to coax Yu Shu to leave Ruan Xuelian in Zhongyong. Hou Mansion.

By that time, Ruan Xuelian, who stayed in the Hou Mansion, had no chance of contacting the prince who came to the Hou Mansion. She was thinking about being a concubine, which was not as good as Ruan's father staying in the position of a fifth-rank official. How many years will it be more effective?
It's no wonder that Father Ruan and Mrs. Ruan have this idea. In fact, at the foot of the imperial city, almost all of the courtiers have family backgrounds or backers.

And Ruan's father was a scholar who passed the scientific examination in a remote place. When he entered the capital, he originally wanted to rely on his talent and learning to win some high-ranking officials as his backers. He never expected that there were more talented and learned students than him, but Ruan's father couldn't get in at all. The eyes of those high officials.

The reason why he was lucky enough to reach the position of fifth-rank official was because the emperor did not want to see the courtiers arranging his own people and making the court a mess, leaving Ruan's father with no one to rely on and his wife's family was powerless and easy to control. Sit in this position.

"Mrs. Ruan, do you mean to let me, a woman who has not yet left the court, to discipline Miss Ruan?" When Mrs. Ruan eagerly and Ruan Xuelian heard the word "serve" and felt humiliated, Yu Shu blinked. Lowering his eyes, he asked.

These words made Ruan Tao laugh out loud, laughing at Mrs. Ruan's calculations, but she just couldn't see the situation clearly.

From the time they came in, no one had even had a chance to sit down, and they didn't know how they came up with the idea that Yu Shu was easy to trick. Could it be that they had forgotten it in the Ruan family?

Ruan Tao's laughter gave Mrs. Ruan the opportunity to scold her in her embarrassment.

"Ruan Tao! Why are you laughing when your mother is talking to the princess? You are really uneducated."

Ruan Tao rolled her eyes cryptically, "Yes, yes, eldest sister is the most educated under mother's discipline."

Not long ago, Yu Shu said that Mrs. Ruan was not well educated. To refute Ruan Tao was to refute Yu Shu. Mrs. Ruan was so angry that the handkerchief on her hand was rubbed to pieces, and she did not dare to say a bad word to Yu Shu.

"How dare I trouble the county chief to teach Xue Lian? I just want her to serve the princess and atone for her past mistakes." Mrs. Ruan still didn't want to miss the great opportunity to get into the Marquis's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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