Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 582: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Except for those who have never seen Yu Shu in the Prime Minister's Mansion, the others are all people who have described the perfect beauty of Shu in their heads countless times.

When they came to Zhuangzi, they did not do elegant things like reciting poems and writing poems with their friends as before. Instead, they looked in the direction of the door unsteadily and arranged for servants to guard the door. If it were not for their scruples, identity, and not wanting to be too impatient and make Yu Shu uncomfortable, they had already gone to the door to wait by themselves.

Those who have seen Yu Shu think that their wonderful poems are not enough to describe her appearance. When asked, they always look like they are reminiscing. In this way, those gentlemen and ladies who have never seen Yu Shu can’t help but slander in their hearts. Yu Shu has become famous all over the capital recently. The reputation for her beauty is true, and it was brought by the Zhongyong Hou Mansion to spread her reputation.

On the female guest's side, they were sitting with ladies from various families headed by Jiang Lanqing, Princess Wu'anhou, and they were also talking about Yu Shu.

"Then Princess Danyang's reputation is really loud now. Look at the people here. The recent banquets haven't been so lively, right?"

"I have never heard of Princess Danyang having an overly handsome appearance before. Who knows if the Zhongyong Hou Mansion sent people to spread the rumors and make noodles for Princess Danyang."

"I don't think Lan Qing should send a message to Princess Danyang. Now all the male guests are talking about her. When people come, won't we all become Princess Danyang's foils?"

The ladies from all the families agree with this. The ladies from the official families here who are not cultivated through the efforts of the family in the capital are all very ambitious. How can they be willing to become the foil of other women in front of a man whose family intends to marry.

"You have never met Princess Danyang, so why do you think her reputation is untrue?" Jiang Lanqing glanced at these ladies and said calmly.

Although she and her brother Jiang Yanze were the only ones in the Wu'an Hou Mansion, they still had a lot of education. How could they not see that these young ladies were dissatisfied with Princess Danyang, but they also didn't want to get involved and offend the Zhongyong Hou Mansion? Her bad reputation encouraged her to confront Princess Danyang.

"How can it be true? According to those rumors, Princess Danyang has a face that is so beautiful that both men and women are obsessed with it. If this is true, would Princess Danyang still be famous until now?" The young lady said to herself Recognize the way that is reasonable and well-founded.

Jiang Lanqing's face was still calm, "Princess Danyang rarely leaves the house except for the banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion a few days ago. The rules of the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion are strict, so it is normal that no sound comes out."

Seeing that she was unmoved no matter what she said, someone grabbed the veil and couldn't help but said.

"Lan Qing, you are kind-hearted, but some people are not necessarily so. I heard that the second prince sent a lot of tonics to the Zhongyong Hou Mansion a few days ago, and most of them are rare things. How can a Fenghan need those? I It seems that the second prince is a little obsessed with Princess Danyang, Lan Qing, don’t be stupid and do nothing."

Jiang Lanqing was a famous noblewoman in Beijing, and with the power of Marquis Wu'an, she was the mistress of many families who wanted to marry her.

Not long ago, after the second prince's biological mother, Concubine Rou, asked Jiang Lanqing to enter the palace several times, and then the news that the second prince wanted to take a concubine spread outside, Jiang Lanqing vaguely had the title of the future second prince's concubine on her head. Everyone felt that Jiang Lanqing will enter the second prince's residence soon, so this young lady said this.

"I have my own rules for Princess Danyang, but you, do you want me as an outsider to teach you the rules of caution in words and deeds?" When mentioning the second prince, something strange flashed in Jiang Lanqing's eyes. She no longer had the mind to deal with these young ladies, and raised her eyebrows. He said with a cold voice.

At this time, Jiang Lanqing was so cold that all the ladies around her did not dare to look at her. They all lowered their heads and were silent now.

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