Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 593: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature

Chapter 593: A passerby who was cannon fodder in ancient literature (27)

The eldest princess is a loving mother who listens to her daughter's thoughts, but like most mothers, she feels that her children are too short-minded to miss out on a good marriage, so she has to find a matchmaker no matter what. If she still doesn't change her mind after being contacted, she will let Yu Shu go.

Yu Shu didn't expect that after several worlds, the blind date that humans often have would still appear to her, but she was lazy, and Maomao had identified a mate, which was a matter of eternal life. There was no such thing as changing people midway.

"Mom, I really don't have any feelings for General Shen. If mother insists on us meeting, I suddenly want to go south to visit my aunt."

Seeing that her daughter was threatening to travel far away, even though she had a beautiful face that made people irritated, the eldest princess's eyebrows still jumped a few times, and she reached out and poked her gently. Yu Shu looked at her smooth and white forehead and said helplessly.

"You, you, you are threatening mother. Forget it, if Shu'er really doesn't want to, mother can't force you. When Shen He comes to the Hou Mansion tomorrow, mother won't ask you to go to the main courtyard. "

When the matter was done, Yu Shu smiled sweetly and hugged the eldest princess and played coquettishly for a long time, which completely wiped away all the emotions in the eldest princess's heart. When she finally left, she still had a smile on her face.

Xiubi cleared the desk and wondered what was wrong with Shen He and why the lady didn't want to see him.

"No matter how good he is, if he is not that person, it is not my fate." Yu Shu said something that made Xiubi feel unfathomable.

Xiubi was very confused when she heard it, but her heart was with Yu Shu, so she naturally had no intention of refuting Yu Shu's words.

After having dinner in Yushu, reading a storybook for a while, and falling asleep, the servants of the Hou Mansion finished their work and went back to their rooms to sleep one after another.

When it was almost midnight, there was a burst of bird chirping outside the yard.

Ying Wuqi, who had closed his eyes in the house, suddenly opened his sharp eyes in the darkness, then quickly put on his clothes, quietly left the Hou Mansion, and went to an uninhabited forest outside the capital. .

In the forest, Ying Wuqi stood with his hands behind his hands in front of a man who was wearing a covering. The man knelt down with his fists clasped, took out a letter from his chest and handed it to Ying Wuqi with both hands.

"Your Highness, this is a letter from His Majesty to you. Your Majesty hopes that you will return to Zhou as soon as possible,"

Ying Wuqi pinched the envelope, his eyes as cold as frost, "The Zhou Kingdom is in turmoil, I will stay in Jing Kingdom to cover those people's sight, and I will return home after a while."

The man hesitated and wanted to persuade, but was frightened away by Ying Wuqi's eyes. He bowed and disappeared into the darkness.Ying Wuqi returned to the Hou Mansion, and after reading the letter, he lit the letter and envelope on fire with an expressionless face, burned it to ashes and then disposed of it.

The Zhou Kingdom was much more chaotic than the Jing Kingdom. It was the time when several princes were fighting for the throne and were fighting to the death. Even the emperor was poisoned by the interactions between the princes and concubines. When the courtiers saw that the situation was not going well, they each took sides with the princes.

It can be said that his father has a son who wants his life inside, and there is Jingguo who is eyeing the kingdom of Zhou from outside. Shen He returned to the palace and immediately went to the palace to meet the saint. Maybe it was to report these things.

If you ask him to go back this time, good things will not happen to him. He will be used to block the attacks of several princes and give the father a breathing space to make arrangements. This is probably what the good father wants in his heart.

There was a cold light in Ying Wuqi's eyes, and the bloodlust in his heart could hardly be suppressed. He propped up the window and looked in the direction of his young lady's room for a while before the emotion was suppressed.


It is true that Shen He came to visit the Marquis Mansion as the eldest princess said. Many servants who had no work came to join in the fun. It can be seen that Shen He was very popular.

"Miss, are you really not going to see General Shen?" Xiubi asked as she saw that there were many servants missing in the yard and handed Yu Shu the cleaned grapes.

The sun isn't too scorching today, so it's just the right time to bask in the sun.

Yu Shu lay on the recliner, took the grape into her mouth with her red lips, put her hands behind her head, and said to the cool wind.

"Xiubi can go if she wants to see General Shen. It will be difficult to see people up close after they leave the Hou Mansion."

Xiubi admired and respected Shen He for the soldiers who protected their peaceful life, but in her heart, her own lady always came first.

So no matter how much he moved, he quickly shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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