Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 614: The Monster’s Xiao Jiaojiao in Infinite Stream

In the middle of the night, when the monster was causing trouble and mischief, the huge monster moved lightly towards the girls' dormitory.

He smelled the sweet scent that softened his heart.

The monster climbed towards the window of the girls' dormitory. He thought that he would not disturb Xiao Jiaojiao, but just wanted to take a look at her.

When I climbed out of the window of Yu Shu's dormitory, I saw an ugly spider monster lying there. The spider's eyes were obsessed with longing and it was scratching on the glass. Several sharp claws scratched the glass and made a harsh sound.

This sound is so noisy, will it disturb her sleep?
That petite human being was so fragile and was born delicate and frail. He was afraid of hearing such an unpleasant sound and seeing this ugly spider monster. Now he was so frightened that he huddled in the quilt, trembling his shoulders and sobbing softly.

Because she was afraid of being discovered by the spider monster outside the window, she might cover her red lips with her long white hands, praying in her heart with red eyes that the spider outside would leave quickly.

Thinking of this, the monster's heart throbbed with distress. He looked at the red spider that was still lingering outside Xiaojiaojiao's window with a dead look. He concentrated on it and said "leave" to the spider. Order.

High-level monsters have the ability to control and drive low-level monsters, and he can control all monsters here.

Spider received the order, with fear in his eyes. He reluctantly glanced at the window with the bed curtain closed, but there was still no movement in the window, and Spider could only leave lonely.

There was nothing unsightly. The monster carefully crawled to the place where the spider had been. He took out a handkerchief and wiped off the spider's saliva on the window. He also used the monster's ability to strengthen the glass.

After doing this, the monster listened to the shallow breathing of the people in the dormitory. He pressed against the glass and looked at the unsightly bed curtains installed uniformly in the school. It seemed that he could smell Xiao Jiaojiao's sweet breath. , which made him unable to move even more and walked away.

The monster comforted himself that Yu Shu was from the school. If he was suddenly scared to death by other monsters, it would have a great impact on his layout. Thinking this, the monster continued to lie on the window with peace of mind, guarding the fragile little space inside. Little Jiaojiao will stop breathing when scared.

Although he lay on the window until it got light, he still didn't think carefully about what this huge impact was.

In the classroom, when Yu Shu accidentally saw his monster form, the monster thought that the beautiful and fragile Xiao Jiaojiao would be frightened and fainted, and was ready to rape the person in the infirmary.

But when Xiao Jiaojiao stared at his ugly appearance and kissed him affectionately, the monster looked at the girl who was stroking the long and soft hair on his body, and felt extremely soft.

It turns out that some people really like his monster appearance.

The girl is too petite and can almost fall into the monster if she throws herself on it. As long as the monster wants to hide her, take her to his lair so that no one else can find her again and make her belong to him alone. Very easy thing.

The monster was thinking so maliciously and carefully hugged the girl to prevent her from falling. The little Jiaojiao in his arms was no longer satisfied with stroking the monster's soft fur. Instead, she stood up on tiptoes and raised her hand to touch it. Monster's horns.

His horns are so high, how can a girl get them?

The monster looked at Yu Shu with soft eyes and leaned down until the girl could touch its horns.

She touched her horns with satisfaction. The girl seemed satisfied and stopped making trouble. She just lay on the monster obediently, closed her eyes, opened and closed her lips slightly, and slapped her warm spit on the monster's arm. This was sleep. On fire.

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