Lu Chen was born with a special physique and could see all ghosts. After seeing the ridiculously beautiful little female ghost in the room, he had a premonition that the little female ghost would come to him.

Late at night, after he felt the little female ghost floating into the house, Lu Chen gathered yin energy in his hands and planned to tear the little female ghost off when she got close.

Lu Chen has been haunted by different ghosts since he was a child. Lu Chen has never been kind to ghosts, even for this little female ghost with a bewitching face.

But when Lu Chen coldly watched the little female ghost approaching and was about to take action, he saw the little female ghost suddenly pounced on him like a delicious food and rubbed against the remaining half of his pillow. , after sticking the pillow, it moved towards him again, moving its furry head on him, as if sucking something invisible.

Lu Chen frowned, guessing that the little female ghost might be a pervert.

The perverts make a living by sucking spiritual energy. When they meet a man, they will be excited and pounce on them. They look similar to the little female ghosts today.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body. He looked down and saw that the audacious little ghost girl, who really thought that no one could see her, was unscrupulously lifting up the corner of his clothes and putting her head against it, breathing warm and moist breath. On the skin, Lu Chen's area was numb and itchy.

Lu Chen wanted to lift the person and throw him away, but he just raised his hand and hadn't touched the little female ghost yet. When he saw the little female ghost raised her head, her brown eyes were confused, and her little face was a little dizzy with a beautiful pink color. He just raised his hand a little, but couldn't let it fall down.

Even in order not to scare the little female ghost, Lu Chen carefully retracted his hand, letting the little female ghost sniff greedily on his neck and abdominal muscles, clenching his fingers, and did not move no matter what, only the skin The redness of his face proved that his mood was not calm at this time.

The little female ghost sucked it everywhere, and finally stopped being greedy and pressed her lips to Lu Chen's chin, lying next to him.

After the little girl ghost's breathing gradually became calmer and she fell into a deep sleep, Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked at the little girl ghost who would lean on his shoulder even when sleeping, using him as a pillow. Lu Chen's eyes darkened, and no one knew he was there. What to think.

When it was almost dawn, Lu Chen woke up and saw that the little female ghost was still in his room. He frowned and used Yin Qi to check that Fan Yushu was not a ghost with physical problems, but simply a good sleeper.

Lu Chen, who had never seen such a sleepable ghost before, was stunned. He looked at Yu Shu's half-white face for a while, then he got out of bed quietly, changed his clothes and went out quietly. There was almost no sound from beginning to end. The little female ghost fell asleep on the bed smelling the lingering catnip scent, and didn't even notice that the person next to her had left.

For several days in a row, the little female ghost visited every night. Lu Chen knew that the body would be damaged if too much yin energy was absorbed by the perverted ghost. He looked at the talisman in his hand and was stunned. He knew that as long as he put the talisman on the door, he could prevent the little female ghost from entering. .

But Lu Chen, who had been bothered by ghosts since he was a child, was thinking that the talisman he drew himself would do more harm to ghosts.

If such a weak female ghost with only a pretty face hits this talisman, her strength will be reduced by half, and she will not be able to maintain her appearance, and she will look like a terrifying ghost.

Lu Chen successfully persuaded himself to put the talisman back into the suitcase on the grounds that he didn't want to see an ugly ghost. However, Lu Chen, who had seen countless hideous-looking ghosts, how could he be so easily frightened by a weak little female ghost? .

After putting the talisman away, Lu Chen deliberately moved chairs, bedside tables and other objects that were close to the bed in order to prevent the little female ghost from bumping into it when it came. Then he lay on the bed and waited for the little female ghost to float over. .

Well, it's like a vicious dog waiting for prey to come to your door. (End of chapter)

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