Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 34, you say, who is the murderer?

Chapter 34, you say, who is the murderer?
The interrogation begins.

But for a long time, there was no sound in the interrogation room.

There is not a single word in the transcript in Huang He's hand, and the name of the interrogated person is not filled in.

Yes, Tian Xiaoya didn't resist or make a sound the whole time.

She is very smart, and she doesn't explain anything, which is the best explanation.

The blockbuster "Resurrection with a Corpse starring Quan Shaoteng", apart from medically proving that "Xu Zhaodi" can stand up and re-identifying her true identity, has no evidence pointing to her murder.

"Tian Xiaoya, Xiaocheng has recruited, why are you still resisting?"

Huang He became a little impatient, tapped on the tip of his pen and growled, "Don't take our politeness as kindness! Recognize the situation and be frank and lenient!"

Tian Xiaoya was silent, not even raising her eyelids.

To put it bluntly, this is her inner strength.

To put it bluntly, this is a typical dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

Anyway, I'm already sitting here, what's the difference between recruiting and not recruiting?
"Tian Xiaoya! I'll give you another minute to think about it!"

Huang He was finally so angry that he filmed the case, stood up and pointed at her, "It's not good for you to fight the police!"

As we all know, although torture is not allowed now, if the police have no means, how can they pry out the truth from the criminal's mouth?

No one else responded to the sound of him slapping the table, but Xiang Wan's heart skipped a beat.

That day, she also sat there and was interrogated—maybe because Tian Xiaoya was her reader and had a long communication on the Internet, she would have a different perception of Tian Xiaoya from others, and even had a little pity This woman is gone.


She sighed.

There was a small sound.

But Bai Muchuan heard it and turned his head, "Teacher Xiang!"

What is the intention of calling her so formally?
Xiang Wan narrowed his eyes and looked at him defensively, the corners of Bai Muchuan's lips twitched slightly.

"Give you a chance."


"Talk to your readers."


This is a novel experience!

In the criminal investigation team, in the interrogation room, the author communicates with readers.

Xiang Wan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Police Officer Bai's tense and cold face was very serious, not like he was joking.

After pondering for a while, she sat next to Bai Muchuan, separated by a distance of about ten centimeters, feeling a certain kind of icy and quiet aura from him, and had the first real formal communication with Tian Xiaoya from the Internet to reality.

"Second Girl..."

Perhaps because of the kindness of the screen name, Tian Xiaoya finally responded.

She raised her eyelids a little, looked at Xiang Wan, her lips were tightly pursed.

"If I persuade you to surrender, it seems a bit cruel. But facing yourself is your only salvation now."

Tian Xiaoya's tightly pursed lips pulled her chin into a stiff arc.

She never answered, but Xiang Wan knew that her heart went to her when she heard it.

"You know, I'm not a police officer. I'm sitting here, just a person who has a little relationship with the case...Of course, you can still consider me your friend. I don't know about your two encounters with me ’ for something. But I guess you must have something to tell me. Right?”

Still no response.

However, there was a layer of mist in Tian Xiaoya's eyes.

People don't necessarily cry when they are in pain and sadness.But when you meet relatives or someone who cares about you to comfort you, you will have nowhere to hide your grievances.

Xiang Wan's words come from the heart, and they are all true feelings.

"You have to believe that if the police suspect you, there must be a way to confirm your identity. Even if your parents are not biological, DNA can't do it, but Xu Zhaodi's parents are always biological, right? How about you pretending to be her? Possibly hide it?"

The sentence "not my own", with a strong and rotten smell of scars, penetrated directly into Tian Xiaoya's inner softness.

That layer of mist turned into anger, which she roared out.

"So what if I'm not Xu Zhaodi? I didn't kill anyone!"

Finally he spoke.

From a psychological point of view, as long as a person is willing to speak, he has the opportunity to communicate.

Xiang Wan's heart relaxed, "Even if you didn't kill anyone, you still have to explain the matter to the police, right? If you refuse to say anything, isn't it just acquiescing?"

Tian Xiaoya's lips trembled, her body seemed to be a little weak, and her hands were limp on the chair.

"Explain what? I have nothing to explain. If you want to know anything, you can check it yourself."

Very stubborn!
Xiang Wan glanced at the silent Bai Muchuan, knowing that he could continue to ask.

"Just tell me, how did you kill Xu Zhaodi and replace her?"

"...I didn't kill her." Tian Xiaoya's dehydrated lips seemed to be dry and cracked, her voice was hoarse and almost excited, "She was the one who wanted to kill me! She was the one who wanted to kill me from the beginning to the end! As for the replacement... …Ah!"

She suddenly let out a sneer, looked at Xiang Wan with a distorted expression, suddenly spread her hands, stood up in front of her, her legs were still trembling.

"Do you know why I can't record fingerprints on this hand? Do you know why my leg has become almost unbearable?"

"You think I'm a fake? You think I'm willing to make myself look like this?"

Not her?
A terrifying guess welled up in Xiang Wan's heart.

Then, I got confirmation from Tian Xiaoya.

"What kind of love between husband and wife, what kind of deep love between husband and wife, are all fake, fake. Once his wife threatened his interests, he made a choice without hesitation—"

Having said that, her voice stopped abruptly.

The interrogation room was silent for a moment.

Tian Xiaoya's expression changed from arguing excitement to a sad sneer.

"That woman is so stupid! She only saw the man's pain and remorse, and thought that he would repent when he knelt down and begged her bitterly... As a result, she never thought that she would die in front of the man who was kneeling in front of her." In the man's hand..."

"I sympathize with her IQ, but I am very happy that she died, I finally don't have to worry about danger..."

"She said that I robbed his man and slept with his man. She said that she would peel off my skin with a knife and cut out my heart to see what color it was. Hehe, a man who hasn't lived with a man for six years Woman, seeing other women pregnant with her husband's child, that's crazy, so crazy, if she can stand up from the wheelchair, I guess she will kill me..."

"And I don't have to do anything. I'm pregnant with her man's child. That's enough."

After Tian Xiaoya spoke for a long time, her voice became even hoarse.

The eyes staring at Xiang Wan were clearly smiling, but hatred seemed to emerge from the depths of his soul.

"You have written so many love stories, tell me, what will a man choose at this time?"

Xiang Wan couldn't answer.

Questions that already have answers do not need to be answered.

"As much as that woman hated me, he hated that woman. He killed her, pushed her into the incinerator with his own hands, and turned her into a pile of ashes... Then he picked it up piece by piece, bought a beautiful urn, Embed my photo and be buried in my hometown!"

She laughed!
Laughing maniacally, the corners of his mouth trembled.

"Master Xiang, how about this story? Is it more exciting than your novel?"

Xiang Wan opened his mouth, his scalp numb.

"Then... why did you become like this?"

"Why else? Who can end well for a woman with a love brain?" Tian Xiaoya laughed hoarsely, the laughter was a bit creepy, "How could Tian Xiaoya live like Xu Zhaodi?"

She laughed again!

"He is such a genius, no wonder he can do such a big business. No one would have thought of it? He killed his wife, artificially created a disabled wife, and continued to show affection to her, take care of her sick, just Like... nothing happened."

There was a sound of gasping, I don't know who made it.

Xiang Wan held her breath and looked at Tian Xiaoya's smile that was uglier than crying.

"I am pregnant with a child, but I have to suffer from such pain... Do you think I can make him feel better?"

Finally getting to the point?
Xiang Wan pricked up her ears, Tian Xiaoya suddenly leaned over her head, a mysterious light flashed in her eyes.

"I killed him...I killed him! But the police took me...there was nothing they could do."

"?"What's the meaning?
Pounding!Xiangwan's heart quickened.

She and Tian Xiaoya looked at each other, and the cells in her body were almost frozen by her terrifying gaze.

Seeing this, Tian Xiaoya laughed hoarsely, "I killed him, the six-month-old child is a boy! He can move, kick my stomach, and he seems to be able to do everything except call mom, maybe He also knew that I was going to kill him. That night, he tossed and tossed in my stomach all night. At dawn, the fetal movement finally stopped... died, he finally died..."

In the interrogation room, there was no sound at all.

Xiang Wan was brought into this story, feeling helpless and sad.

When Tian Xiaoya said this, she slowly narrowed her eyes and looked at her.

"I remember what was written in your book, the day Erniu met him, the whole city was very warm, the sun took away the melancholy, she was like a flower blooming in the dust, watered by the sun into the most beautiful colors... …Let him see it, and selfishly forget the whole world, his family and his wife, and just want her to live forever—”

"Master Xiang, I believed you. In the end - you lied to me."

"There is no eternal life. There is only deceit, betrayal, and sin."

"There is no beautiful love in the world. All the beauty is because... there is no broken moment."

"Young Master Xiang, even in the dust, no flowers can bloom—"

"Zhao Jiahang was wrong. The boy who sells fish has never been able to climb up to the daughter of a famous family. If he does, the inferiority complex in his bones will make his life worse than death. I was also wrong. The woman who buys tea can't climb up to the CEO of a listed company. If you climb up, it’s just a malicious use.”

The long accountability pierced Xiang Wan's heart.

It was like reading a novel with a be ending, it took her a long time to catch her breath.

"Then Zhao Jiahang—who killed it?"

"I didn't kill him!" Tian Xiaoya said with a smile, as if something funny happened, "I mentioned to him the modification of that off-road vehicle based on your novel. He wanted to use it Tried to kill Xu Zhaodi, but the result—the killing device didn’t work, and he gave up after two failures. Later, for safety, he asked me to tell Wang Tongsheng to remember to eliminate the invisible fault. Probably because the device was useless, he didn’t Didn't take it to heart."


"Of course, I didn't tell Wang Tongsheng. I just forgot to say it!"


The truth is cruel and realistic, which is embarrassing.

The interrogation process was boring and tedious, without the stimulation that Mr. Quan Wu wanted.

This is just a love story full of sourness and powerlessness that is indescribable.

An ordinary and extraordinary story.

At the end of the story, Tian Xiaoya asked seriously and confused.

"Who do you think is the murderer?"

 Who do you think is the murderer?
(End of this chapter)

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