Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 43, eat, eat, eat all

Chapter 43, eat, eat, eat all

Not only Cheng Zheng couldn't eat this meal, but Xiang Wan couldn't eat it either.

In the living room where the atmosphere suddenly cooled down, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The good mood seems to have been destroyed.

Auntie is a person who can come and go, startled for a moment, then smiled to smooth things over, "I don't care about him. If the protagonist is gone, shouldn't we have dinner? Let's go, let's eat."

After finishing speaking, he hugged Xiangwan's shoulder comfortingly, "Wanwan, don't be discouraged. After leaving him, there are still many good men..."

Finally, this... a divine sentence.

What do you mean don't be discouraged?

They thought Cheng Zheng left because he was not satisfied with his blind date?
This time, Xiang Wan really didn't think so.

Who can guess Cheng Zheng's kind of person?
She smiled slightly, and turned around: "Auntie, I don't want to eat anymore. My fingers hurt a little bit, so I still have to go to the hospital to have a look for peace of mind."

Tan Yunchun was startled, took her hand to look at it, and immediately took off the apron, "I'll accompany you—"

"Mom, no need. I'm not a child."

With the gauze-bound hand, Xiang Wan held the bag, politely said goodbye to the elders one by one, quickened his pace, and walked out of his aunt's house like flying.

It's hot.

At the end of July, the heat is steaming, and the ground is so hot that eggs can be boiled.

Walking on the road, Xiang Wan was hit by the exhaust of the car, his hairs were rubbed against each other, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He felt uncomfortable everywhere.

Of course she didn't come to see the doctor.

I just don't want to stay in that house.

It’s only when I came out that I realized that I’ve been in the house for a long time, and I don’t even have many friends... Many of my classmates and friends who used to get along well have fallen in love, got married, and have their own families and life circles.

Where could she go on this scorching afternoon?
Bai Muchuan was leaving.This sentence is always circling in my mind.

Lingering, can not stop.

Standing under the shade of a tree with a cool breeze, she took out her mobile phone, swipe through the phone book, and found the name - Bai Muchuan.


After a long hesitation——

Shaking her hair, clearing her throat, she finally dialed it.


The low-pitched baritone voice was magnetic, melodious, very penetrating, clear and cold, as if sticking to her scalp and ears and penetrating into her heart, Xiang Wan tightened her hands on the phone, trying to keep the tone stable.

"White team, that... the 720 case is closed?"


He expressed his attitude with silence.

He didn't have to nor would he like to talk about this case with her.

"Anything else?"

Xiangwan's cheeks were a little hot, and the skin against the phone seemed to be stuck to the stove. His emotions were inexplicably stirred up, and his heart was slightly tense.Bai Muchuan's words were concise and clear, but each character was like a set of passwords that penetrated the soul, making her heart beat wildly.

"It's about the case, I have some doubts that haven't been solved—"

"For example?" Bai Muchuan asked in a low voice.

"For example, is the cat abuser Tian Xiaoya?"

"Yes. Imitate your novel."

"That proves that she has indeed read the detailed outline of my first version?" Xiang Wan's heart suddenly brightened, and the joy in her voice suddenly increased several points, "If this is the case, it can prove that the other readers are Lying. Have you investigated why they lie?"

Another moment of silence.

After a long time, Bai Muchuan hummed in a lukewarm way.

"There is currently no evidence that they lied, and of course, they have no motive."

"Tian Xiaoya even proved that she had seen it, so that's not proof?"

"Of course not!" Bai Muchuan said in a deep voice, "Tian Xiaoya doesn't remember when she watched it, and she doesn't remember whether you posted it in the group. I can't find the relevant chat records. We also have reasons to suspect, but you and her Your private chat, you just misremembered. Even..."

"Even what?"

He stopped suddenly, Xiang Wan's heart was beating wildly.

After a long time, Bai Muchuan said: "Is it even possible that after you knew about her situation, you deliberately sent her this version of the outline to hint at her and instigate her. But when writing the text, you deliberately changed the plot to remove suspicion After all, you know Zhao Jiahang so well, and you want to be popular too!"


Is it wrong to think about fire?
Besides, what she knew about Zhao Jiahang was just the information available on the Internet!
How could it be possible to doubt her like this?

Xiang Wan suddenly felt an indescribable grievance.

"Excuse me, Team White, do you have evidence?"

"No." Bai Muchuan said: "If there is, it is naturally impossible for you to get away with it."


Xiang Wan's head seemed to be filled with lead.

Heavy and stuffy.

Also caught in some kind of uncertain thoughts.

Could it be that she remembered wrongly?

That version of the detailed outline was only sent to Er Niu privately by her?
"If you're fine, I'll hang up."

Bai Muchuan's tone was as steady as ever, with a businesslike attitude, as if they had never had any other friendship——

No!There is indeed no friendship.

It's all just her...

Maybe I have written too many novels, as Bai Muchuan said - emotionally sensitive.

Xiang Wan thought of himself who rushed out of Bai's house in anger that day, his cheeks suddenly burned so badly, and it took several seconds to find his own voice.

"There are still some things. For example, the flower pot that fell from my neighborhood? The encounter with Er Niu in the alley, and the weird comments sent to me by the account registered with the phone number in the book review area... Team Bai, is there anything else? What explanation?"

Bai Muchuan pondered, "That's all I can tell you——"

As soon as he said this, another voice came from the phone.

"Mu Chuan, who is it? We've been talking for so long—come on, everyone is waiting for you."

The woman's Jiao Didi's voice was very strange, it wasn't the Bai Musi Xiang Wan knew, and the affectionate name "Mu Chuan" was the first time she heard someone call him that.

Her heart seemed to be stung by something sharp.

Then I heard Bai Muchuan say, "Well, I'm dead."

no goodbye.

The beeping busy tone coldly dissipated the surrounding heat.

Xiang Wan looked at the phone in a daze.

No disappointment, no anxiety, no bad emotions of any kind.

It's just that there is nothing in my mind.

In fact, she still wanted to ask him, "Bai Dui, did you promise my police consultant, did you fail?"

She wanted to go, and even envisioned a lot of futures for it - for a moment, she even thought that she and Bai Muchuan were about to breed something.

The result is nothing.

All this is like a dream.

wake up.She is also a street writer.

Books are lukewarm.

The bustle of the book review area is also slowly disappearing.

Modern people are very forgetful, once the heat is over, it will be over.

Xiang Wan stood on the street with cars and people passing by, letting the loneliness in her heart grow crazily——
Haitian Hot Pot City.

At noon, there were only a few scattered tables in the lobby on the first floor.

Xiang Wan went alone.

She is obsessed with eating hot pot and is easily seduced by the aroma.

If you are happy, you want to eat hot pot, if you are not happy, you want to eat hot pot.

If you don't have money and want to eat hot pot, if you have money, you can eat hot pot.

The 2 yuan in the backpack weighed heavily on her shoulders.

With Bai Muchuan gone, no one will come to her to ask for the money.

She felt that she had every reason to eat a rich and unhappy hot pot——

The waitress looked at her with a lonely expression, and when she was the only one asked, she probably guessed that she was a lovelorn woman who needed hot pot to relieve her worries. Promote beer in the store.

Xiang Wan looked up, "Do I look like someone who drinks alcohol? Sorry...I only eat meat."

Waiter: "...wait a moment."

Served quickly.

The hot pot was smoking hot.

There is nothing better than hot pot on a hot day.

Xiangwan ordered the "Extra Spicy Red Pot". It was a pleasure to eat alone. The tongue was hot, numbing and spicy, and the taste was quite sour.

Tears came out hot.

While wiping her tears with a tissue, she frantically poured water and supported her stomach frantically.

A group of people came down from the private room upstairs.

They talked and laughed, chatting while walking.

Then, someone's footsteps stopped on the corridor like that.

Bai Muchuan, Cheng Zheng——

They stopped, and Huang He and his group also stopped awkwardly.

Following their line of sight, looking from top to bottom to the hall, Xiang Wan was sitting there alone, boiling a hot pot.



(End of this chapter)

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