Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 502 Hysteria

Chapter 502 Hysteria ([-])

Bai Muchuan put the piece of paper into the item bag and returned to the room.

At this time, the woman's mood has calmed down a lot.However, being swept away by Bai Muchuan's cold eyes, he could clearly see the tension and horror visible to the naked eye, and quickly lowered his head.

Bai Muchuan carried the evidence bag and walked up to her.

"Who drew this?"

When Wang Xinggui was asked, his shoulders flinched, he looked up, and quickly lowered his head again.

"I don't know, I... haven't seen... I don't know..."

"Don't know?" Bai Muchuan snorted coldly, "In your house, would you not know?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Xinggui's dull-faced son again.

"Did you draw it?"

Feng Kui looked at the painting in his hand and shook his head.

"Who drew that?"

"I don't know." His answer was exactly the same as Wang Xinggui's.

"Say!" Bai Muchuan yelled so loudly that Feng Kui was so frightened that his legs went weak and he almost knelt down, "I really don't know... Uncle Policeman... I really don't know..."

Uncle police?

Bai Muchuan looked at his trembling shoulders, "Aren't you guys willing to tell the truth?"

Feng Kui shook his head while crying, his snot bubbles were about to come out.

Wang Xinggui felt sorry for his son, resisted the trembling of his body, protected him, and looked at Bai Muchuan vigilantly.

"Officer, officer, my son... He really doesn't know... He doesn't know anything..."

Bai Muchuan turned his head coldly: "So you know?"

As the criminal suspect in the case, Wang Xinggui was already scared out of his wits. He was yelled at by Bai Muchuan, wanting to protect his son, but also nervous, his teeth chattering, "No, I don't know...we don't know anything... "

Repeatedly, only this sentence.

Bai Muchuan suddenly took Ding Yifan's flashlight and flashed it at her face.

"You know."

Under the strong light, Wang Xinggui shuddered, his pupils dilated suddenly, and he was speechless.

Bai Muchuan sneered, "Say!"

Wang Xinggui trembled, shook his head, and did not speak.

The house was quiet.

The whole world suddenly fell silent.

Wang Xinggui suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiang Wan.

Xiang Wan was startled, and vaguely saw something in her eyes, but before she had time to react, she suddenly broke free from the policeman guarding her, and rushed towards him, her eyes stared ferociously, and she opened her mouth, revealing her two eyes. Pai just bit the teeth of people.

"It's all you, it's all you bitch...I'll bite you to death...I'll bite you to death..."


Xiang Wan's whole body was stiff, watching the woman's skeleton-like body rushing towards her, but she was too clumsy to react because she was overdressed...

An arm stretches out.

He wrapped her tightly in his arms.

Wang Xinggui rushed to nothing, staggered two steps, and just rushed in front of the charcoal stove.

She was not afraid that the charcoal in the furnace would burn herself, as if she lost her mind, she directly lifted the iron ring on it, and poured the charcoal all over the room...

"If you want to die, let's die together! Burn you to death! Burn you bad guys..."

For a time, sparks splashed everywhere.

When the incident happened suddenly, Xiang Wan instinctively hugged Bai Muchuan's waist tightly and huddled in his arms. Bai Muchuan also wrapped her around her and pinned her head to his chest, "Quick! Stop him!"

"Hahahaha! You are afraid, you are afraid... you bad guys... are you also afraid of death?"

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of death, come on! Come on!"

Wang Xinggui roared, her hands were scorched black by the coals, but she suddenly didn't realize it, as if she had broken through the limit of the human body and became an indestructible body, waving and waving, the sparks splashing on her body didn't feel pain , the charcoal made the corners of her clothes ignite, she didn't care about it, she just shouted, shouted, and wanted to die with everyone...

"Fire! Extinguish the fire!"

The moment when chickens fly and dogs jump, it is a long story, but in fact it only lasted more than a minute.

How powerful is a crazy woman?

Xiang Wan buried her head in Bai Muchuan's arms, and didn't see the scene of the flames dancing, but could only hear Wang Xinggui's shrill scream!

The pain is unbearable!

Obviously she was hurting people, but she was more like a victim.


A loud bang.

Wang Xinggui was thrown heavily to the ground.

She struggled to reach out, towards her son's direction...

The moment Xiang Wan turned his head, the charred hand appeared in front of him.Just like the moment when Wang Xinggui rushed over, with hatred, pain, unwillingness, and the most helpless accusation of life, her hand was raised high, and then fell limply.

"Quick! Take it to the hospital!"


Wang Xinggui was sent away.

Her shriek still lingered in the side street.

Many people stretched their necks to see, but were stopped by the police again.

In that house that was almost on fire, Feng Kui looked at Bai Muchuan in horror.

Even more scared than when they came in just now.

"Will my mother die?"

"The doctor will save her! Now you can tell me the truth."

"I..." Feng Kui lowered his head, "I don't know. I'm a fool."

Bai Muchuan supported his forehead.

A fool calls himself a fool.

How can you be so stupid?

Bai Muchuan suddenly thought of Xiang Wan.

When Yu Bo was interrogated back then, she had a hand...

Bai Muchuan looked sideways, and Xiang Wan was also looking at him.

The four eyes met, and in her eyes, there was still the panic when Wang Xinggui went crazy just now.

Bai Muchuan couldn't bear it, he didn't say anything, and he didn't make a request.

But Xiang Wan already knew what he was going to say.

"Let me do it!"

Bai Muchuan stood beside her silently, "Yes. Be careful."

That scene just now was crazy.

If Wang Xinggui's son was like her...

Bai Muchuan stood within three steps of Xiang Wan, protecting her.

Xiang Wan smiled at him knowingly, and walked slowly to Feng Kui.

"Shall we talk?"

Next to Feng Kui, there were two policemen.

He sat upright.

not talking.

no action.

Seems to be scared silly.

But Xiang Wan didn't want to take the man in front of him as a fool.

Those faded awards on the outside wall can't hide the fact that this was once a good kid.

She thought that this "child" might just need psychological intervention.

"Is your name Feng Kui?" she asked.

Good-looking young lady, talking is much more useful.

Looking at her expression, Feng Kui was obviously much softer than before.

Then, he tilted his head, but pursed his mouth and did not answer.

"Do I know how I met you?" Xiang Wan asked again.

Feng Kui didn't answer, but lowered his head.

Emotional expression of shame.

He may have a problem with his IQ, but his three views are normal.

Xiang Wan smiled slightly, "Where did that girl go?"

No ink, straight to the point?

Bai Muchuan gave her a surprised look.

Xiang Wan didn't look at him, turned a blind eye to him, and picked up the evidence bag with the paper in it, "The girl who drew this. You know her, right? You've seen her...can you tell me?" , where did she go?"

Feng Kui stared at her for a long time.

"I don't know who drew it."

"Then there was a girl in your family, right?"

"How did you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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