Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 512 Emergency Situation

Chapter 512 Emergency Situation ([-])

Bai Muchuan tightened his fingers, "Speak clearly."

Quan Shaoteng: "The woman seemed to be alert, she led us around to a coffee shop called Midsummer Fruit, then ordered a cup of coffee, drank it for two hours, and took the time to go to the bathroom to think To get away..."

Midsummer fruit?

Xiang Wan was slightly taken aback.

Isn't that where Fang Yuanyuan and Xuan Yue made an appointment?
She trembled in her heart, could it be that Fang Yuanyuan broke the appointment with Qing Dai and made her find out?
Xiang Wan clenched his fists slightly, and heard Bai Muchuan ask in a deep voice, "Where is that man? Did you catch him?"

Quan Shaoteng: "She took a hostage! I'm looking for you to ask for instructions, can you kill me?"


Finally caught a big fish.

If they were killed, wouldn't the previous work be in vain?

Bai Muchuan hesitated for a moment, "Try to keep alive. However, the premise is to ensure the safety of the hostages!"

Quan Shaoteng: "Got it!"

Bai Muchuan: "I'll be right over!"

Several police cars pulled out from Serious Case No. [-].

The siren sounded sharply across the long street, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Pulling the siren, Bai Muchuan and others quickly arrived at the scene.

Midsummer Fruit Cafe, located in the bustling area of ​​Shizhong District, is a bottom store.

The arrival of the police car caused a commotion among the crowd.

Discussions, screams, and pointing voices were all noisy.

At the same time, the district police station, 120, 110, special police, armed police, criminal police, and several police dogs all appeared at the scene in full readiness.Someone is evacuating the crowd, pulling the long cordon far away...

Everyone in the coffee shop ran away.

The few who were held hostage were asked by the fake Xuanyue to squat on the ground with their heads in their hands——

Fake Xuanyue sat alone behind the bar, with a glass of water and a mobile phone in front of her, looking at the monitoring equipment in the bar with blurred eyes, and placed a little girl who came to the coffee shop with her mother on the bar to block the view from outside .

The child was only about six or seven years old, and he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to cry.

The order outside the cordon is a bit chaotic, and the crowd is getting more and more...

Bai Muchuan glanced at the dark head and frowned.

"White team!" Ding Yifan walked over, "That woman is very cunning, she has a gun in her hand, and she has held six hostages, five big and one small."

have a gun?

Bai Muchuan hummed, and glanced at the crowd, "Where's Team Quan?"

Ding Yifan lowered his voice, "Quan leads the team to prepare for the sniper mission."

Bai Muchuan laughed, "Steal the business of the special police?"

Ding Yifan laughed, "You know Team Quan. Besides, our special operations team is not bad!"

Of course not bad!
The few people Quan Shaoteng brought were all the elites of the Red Thorns.

The purpose of forming the special operations team at the beginning was also because such emergencies would be encountered in actual combat.

Bai Muchuan pondered for a while, "Intercom!"

Ding Yifan handed him the walkie-talkie.

Bai Muchuan held it in his hand, "Fifth, fifth, call for fifth!"

Quan Shaoteng was a little uncomfortable with this title.Performing such an exciting task in a serious case, unexpectedly lost the awesome code name he used to have when he was in the Red Thorn Special Forces.

He coughed lightly, "Got it! Got it!"

Bai Muchuan: "How is the situation over there?"

Quan Shaoteng was crawling upstairs on the opposite side of the street at the moment. Hearing this, he said in a deep voice, "I'm looking for the best sniper position..."

Bai Muchuan grabbed the hands of the walkie-talkie and tightened slightly, "This fake Xuanyue is a big fish... I originally wanted to dig out some news from her."

Quan Shaoteng hissed, and observed the situation in the coffee shop through the scope: "Have you ever caught fish?"

Bai Muchuan: "What?"

Quan Shaoteng snorted, "It's hard to catch big fish!"

Bai Muchuan: "..."

What he said was the truth.

It is really difficult to ensure the safety of the hostages while leaving them alive...

Bai Muchuan: "Do your best! The safety of the hostages is the most important thing."

Quan Shaoteng: "I will do my best!"


The noise and chaos at the scene could not affect Quan Shaoteng's judgment.

He, the captain of the special operations team, was seconded from the Red Thorn just to carry out today's special mission. Criminal detective cases are not what he is good at. He usually runs up and down with Bai Muchuan, but he is called "the most idle The policeman", I was already suffocating in my heart.

He remained motionless, leaning his head closer to the microphone.

"Observers report the situation!"

To be on the safe side, he assigned three observers.

The coffee shop is just at the corner of the street, with walls on three sides, and only one side of floor-to-ceiling glass facing the outside.

Three observers at three different angles can provide him with a greater field of vision.

"Team Quan, there is nothing abnormal about A1!"

"Report, there is no abnormality in A2!"

"Report, there is no abnormality in A3!"

Quan Shaoteng narrowed his eyes slightly, and licked his gums, "Got it! Report any problems at any time!"

"A1 understands!"

"A2 understands!"

"A3 understands!"

Quan Shaoteng connected to Bai Muchuan again, "Xiaobai, my side is ready, waiting for your order!"

Bai Muchuan: "Got it!"

This fake Xuanyue was targeted by Serious Case No. [-], so they were also mainly responsible for the scene.Bai Muchuan had a face-to-face meeting with the special police and armed police who came, discussed the action plan, and decided to send them to negotiate with the other party first...

Negotiation is a technical job.

Before Bai Muchuan arrived, the police had already shouted inside.

However, Fake Xuan Yue has no appeal at all.

She is very patient.Sitting there calmly is like a competition of patience with the police.Don't panic, don't panic, and don't look like ordinary criminals. When they are generally surrounded, they are like a frightened bird, crazily retaliating and killing people or yelling, taking the opportunity to hold hostages to make various demands to the police, and want to run away... …

she does nothing,

She wants nothing.

This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.

Bai Muchuan took a telescope and looked at the coffee shop for a while.

"Shout out!"

Ding Yifan brought the speaker over, and there was a piercing electrical sound.

He adjusted it and shouted into the coffee shop, "Listen, people inside, don't hurt the hostages. We can discuss what you want!"

No one responded.

Of course, from such a distance, the voice inside could not be heard.

Ding Yifan walked in slowly, "Don't worry, the hostage is in your hands, we won't do it casually. But I believe that you don't want to be captured without a fight. Do you think this is good? I'm coming in now. What do you think? Let's face each other talk……"

A glass was thrown from the bar and onto the floor-to-ceiling glass.

The loud noise scared the hostages in the coffee shop to scream!

The crowd outside also screamed.

No shots were fired, just dropped a mug.

Fake Xuanyue expressed her resistance to Ding Yifan's approach by throwing a cup.

Then, she pointed the gun at a woman closest to the door of the coffee shop, and waved the gun in her hand, "That man in red, you go out and tell them, I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want to die... Let them stop doing tricks Me! Otherwise, I'll let them see the corpse right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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