Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 529 Killing and denying

Chapter 529

You can't admit it even if you kill it.

Bai Muchuan ran along her hair, "Do I still need to understand this? After all, there are few women in the world who are as kind-hearted as my wife, right? I don't need to understand her, I just need to understand the things that happened between them. enough analysis."

"Hmph!" Xiang Wan was unhappy.

"Teacher Xiang, you are unfair."

"Hmph!" Xiang Wan continued to protest.

"You are also a suspense author, and so am can reason, and I can reason too, right? Do you think Xie Wanwan and Tang Yuanchu might be together today? Also, since Xie Wanwan blocked him, If you don’t care about it no matter how you coax it, then you have made up your mind.”

"Then it's not good for you to tell Tang Yuanchu directly?" Xiang Wan poked his neck and angrily attacked him, "Why do you have to let him touch his nose? Like a big fool, he can't hold his head up in front of Xie Wanwan." Come on, let that impeller watch the joke."

Bai Muchuan let out a snort.

He stared at her coolly, as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Don't you understand what kind of person Tang Yuanchu was?"

"how to say?"

"Don't look back until you hit the south wall, and don't die until Huang Hexin."


Xiang Wan was speechless.

Tang Yuanchu squatted in the underground parking lot.

Can't bear to look directly, can't bear to recall.

One thing can be confirmed, Bai Muchuan is right.

He is naive, simple, but stubborn.

Especially when it comes to feelings, they are so pure, even the male version of Fang Yuanyuan.

Would he have given up if he hadn't had the heart-wrenching pain of today?
Sooner or later an injury, sooner rather than later.

"Even if you're right! But—"

Xiang Wan pouted, trying to save face for herself, "Didn't you say that? What my wife said is always right. Our family must adhere to this basic principle unwaveringly, which is the foundation of our family and the way to strengthen our family... ...You violated the rules, what should you do?"

This little girl's mouth is getting more and more slippery.

Bai Muchuan couldn't help laughing, twisted her nose, saw her frown, then smoothed her brows with a smile, lowered his head and kissed her forehead with a light smile, and sincerely apologized: "I was wrong, baby, punish me not to sleep tonight , it is not allowed to stop until the whole night, and the exhaustion will stop!"

Xiang Wan smiled and patted his shoulder.

"You rascal!"

Of course, Tang Yuanchu would not hear if the two of them were locked in the office.

In fact, empathy does not exist.

Even if he understands, sympathizes, and even helps, but apart from Tang Yuanchu himself, who can really understand what kind of mood he is in?
Under the night, the same Kyoto has another view.

Huang He and Tian Danyue stepped into an underground casino.

If you don't see it yourself, it's hard for ordinary people to imagine such a place.

Dirty and noisy outside.Singing, eating, laughing loudly, getting drunk and swearing, it looks like a low-end entertainment venue, but the place is not big, with twists and turns, and there is an underground floor.

There is a hidden casino below.

Of course, it is not a professional casino like Macau, but a place where people gather to gamble.

At a glance, everything from the environment to the facilities is a mess.

Huang He frowned and looked sideways at Tian Danyue.

"This place is really not worthy of the current identity of Bu Yingying."

Tian Danyue smiled slightly, with disdain and contempt in her eyes, "Some people can't become princes even if they wear dragon robes. .”

Huang He looked at her again, his gaze deepened, and he didn't speak.

In this underground casino, the smell of smoke is very strong, and the ventilation facilities are not good, making people feel panicky.

Seeing Tian Danyue appearing in the basement, a clever kid immediately came over to say hello.

"Sister Danyue, are you here?"

Tian Danyue is a woman with high self-esteem. Although her life is not very good, she never bothers to confuse herself with these people.But for such a woman, the moment she saw the other party, her face was instantly filled with a smile, and her face was tired, which was completely different from the disdain just now.

"Sir, where's Brother Ying?"

The other party hissed a smile, with a bit of cool mockery.

"Brother Ying was fascinated by a girl just now, as soon as he walked away with his arms around her, you came back."

Tian Danyue's face changed slightly.

The appointed time, place, and what about the front and rear feet?
snort!She sneered, "Brother Ying probably doesn't want to see me?"

"Is that possible? Sister Danyue, I'm joking." The other party explained with a smile, "I only blame that girl for being too pretty, Brother Ying and a few brothers ate a few more drinks, man, hehe..."

Speaking of this, he saw Tian Danyue's complexion becoming more and more ugly, and smiled wickedly again.

"However, Brother Ying left a message."

"What?" Tian Danyue squinted at him.

"Brother Ying said that Sister Danyue is not in good health, so it's not appropriate to wait here, you, go back first, Brother Huang, play here for a while, and take him to see him when he's done."

"No!" Tian Danyue refused without thinking.

"Then there's nothing I can do." The other party laughed, not giving in at all, "Sister Danyue, you know Brother Ying's temper."

Tian Danyue lowered her face and was about to curse, but was stopped by Huang He.

"Okay." He said, "You go back first, I'll stay and wait for Brother Ying."

Tian Danyue moved her lips, wanting to say something, but Huang He stopped her.

The other party wanted to see him alone, and the intention was obvious.

What do you say, is it useful?
Huang He smiled slightly at Tian Danyue, "Go back, it's cold here."

Tian Danyue knew what he meant.

Not at ease, but left helplessly.

As soon as she walked away, the guy named San'er just now changed his face.

"follow me!"

Huang He pulled his lips slightly, submissive and obedient.

The other party glanced at him lightly, "Why don't you ask where you are going?"

"What are you asking? Aren't you going to see Brother Ying?"

"Heh!" There was contempt in the other party's eyes.

Huang He snorted, "Still asking why Brother Ying didn't come here at all, but lied to us?"

The other party was taken aback, "How do you know?"

Huang He snorted lightly in his nostrils, "This kind of place where fish and dragons are mixed, there are so many people, how could Brother Ying come?"

Late at night in Kyoto, cold to the bone.

Fine snowflakes were caught in the cold wind, fluttering on people's faces and burrowing into their necks, shivering from the cold.

The car is already parked outside.

Without hesitation, Huang He lowered his head and got into the car.

The heater was turned on in the car, but Huang He felt...It seemed to be colder than before.

As soon as he got into the co-pilot, a voice came from the back seat, "Don't look back!"

The tone of the order was very cool.

Huang He didn't say much, "Brother Ying?"

The voice behind him didn't answer him, but only ordered the driver, "Drive slower."

The car drove slowly into the street.

It was midnight, and there were fewer cars and fewer people on the street.Huang He never looked back, leaning on the passenger seat calmly, scanning the rearview mirror from the corner of his eye, waiting for the other party to speak.

It was too dark in the car.

He couldn't see the other person's face.

A dark shadow, just like his name, gave people a kind of psychological pressure for no reason.Huang He knew that this was an atmosphere specially created by the other party, and the purpose was to frighten others.Huang He was very happy to accompany him, pretending to be calm while being obviously nervous.

"Brother Ying, I'm looking for you for something..."

(End of this chapter)

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