Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 532 The Way of Being

Chapter 532 His Way ([-])

Immediately afterwards, someone kept reporting to Quan Shaoteng.

"Hospitals are being evacuated."

"The fire engine has arrived at the entrance of the hospital..."

"The fire escape is blocked, fuck it."


Once the fire broke out, the fire exits were blocked.

"Captain Quan, the fire has spread, should we participate in the rescue?"

Someone asked anxiously.

What he got was Quan Shaoteng's scolding.

"Firefighting is a matter of firefighting. Leave one person to observe! Wei Bing, you bring the rest of the people back!"



Mei Xin has been waiting nervously.

Seeing Quan Shaoteng enter the ward again, she immediately asked, "Shall we transfer?"

"awaiting notice!"

It depends on the fire situation.

It also depends on how the firefighters handle it...

Quan Shaoteng glanced at the billowing smoke mixed with flames outside the window, and just after he finished speaking, he found several medical staff running over in a hurry.

"Attention everyone! Prepare to evacuate the patients!"

"According to the hospital's notice, all evacuated..."

With this roar, everyone on the whole floor panicked.

In this "hard to find a bed" hospital, in addition to the medical staff, inpatients, family members, and invited nurses... There are many and mixed personnel. Amidst the roar of the medical staff calling for evacuation, someone leaned out from every ward Head to see the situation.Everyone heard the siren of the fire engine just now, but the thoughts in their hearts were similar to those of Mei Xin.

Do you want to evacuate?
After all, the evacuation of people in the inpatient department is the most troublesome.

The patients here are generally in a serious condition, and no one dares to move around without the consent of doctors and nurses.

Now, everyone panicked.

In the corridor, someone asked: "It seems that this building is not on fire, should we evacuate?"

The medical staff responded urgently, "I'm afraid the fire will spread!"

Someone asked again: "It's so far away, it can't spread."

Medical staff: "Aren't you afraid of burning? Hurry up, stop the ink!"

When a fire breaks out, people's hearts are already impetuous. Who would dare not withdraw after such a roar?So almost instantly, it was too late for everyone to clean up. Many people in the ward, under the command and help of the medical staff, were preparing to evacuate downstairs in an orderly manner.

Quan Shaoteng gritted his teeth, "It's so fucking amazing!"

Mei Xin frowned slightly, "What should we do?"

Before Quan Shaoteng had time to answer, a medical staff came over, "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and evacuate the patient downstairs..."

After shouting, he left.

The identities of Quan Shaoteng and Mei Xin are only known to those above the director level, and ordinary medical staff only regard them as new colleagues.Moreover, Director Ye is in charge of this ward himself. Except for the medical staff appointed by Director Ye, no one else knows the inside story.

In the eyes of others, the patient in this ward is a "special person". He was sent by the police on the first day. It is said that he is a "murderer in a zombie case". He is seriously injured. He just woke up two days ago. The director specifically ordered it down, and no one is allowed to approach at will without his approval.

Of course these people dare not and do not want to approach.

Who has nothing to get close to the "murderer"?

Therefore, only a few people knew about the situation in the ward, and it was well hidden.

But when the fire came, if they evacuated, wouldn't they be exposed?

Cui Jiaying (false Xuanyue) is not awake and relies on medical facilities to maintain her life. How can she be transferred and evacuated normally like an awakened person?

Mei Xin became anxious: "What should I do? Talk quickly!"

Quan Shaoteng snorted coldly, "It's easy!"

Mei Xin: "?"

Her face was full of doubts, but Quan Shaoteng had no time to explain to him, and pushed her into the ward very quickly, found a set of patient clothes for her, "Put it on!"

Mei Xin: "Huh?"

Holding the patient gown, she was puzzled.

Quan Shaoteng: "They can fool us with a fake Xuan Yue, but can't we fool them with a fake Cui Jiaying?"

At this time, Bai Muchuan was still on his way here, and the people in the inpatient building were evacuating down one after another. If they stayed still, the other party would inevitably become suspicious.

But to move?
This was the only way Quan Shaoteng could think of.

He stared at Mei Xin: "Hurry up!"

Mei Xin glanced at him, hugged the clothes in front of her, "Go outside!"

Quan Shaoteng: "..."

"You're wearing clothes inside, but it's not that you're naked. What are you afraid of?" He snorted, walked out quickly, closed the door, and observed the situation in the corridor.

At this time, the whole building was in a state of evacuation, a bit chaotic, with footsteps coming and going.

In the crowd, Cheng Zheng and Miao Zichen hurried over, "How is the situation?"

They hadn't gone far when they received news from the team and rushed back quickly.

Seeing them, Quan Shaoteng said, "It's just in time! Get ready for the stretcher!"


Cheng Zheng and Miao Zichen didn't quite understand what he meant, but they complied because of the emergency.

Quan Shaoteng didn't have time to communicate, so he knocked on the door lightly, "Are you ready?"

"Come in!" Mei Xin's voice.

Quan Shaoteng pushed the door open and entered, Mei Xin was already ready.

Putting on the patient uniform, the scalp was carefully pulled up, and the pale face looked more like a patient than a patient.

Of course, this is not enough.

Quan Shaoteng looked at Cheng Zheng: "Hurry up, make her look like Cui Jiaying! There is not much time. Speed ​​up!"

This explanation was already very clear, Cheng Zheng quickly understood what he meant, let Mei Xin sit down, wrapped gauze around her head, made a "patient shape" of the same style as Cui Jiaying, and then asked Miao Zichen to help Tie the night tube on Mei Xin's hand, holding the drip and equipment, pushing the guarantee to go out.

When passing by Quan Shaoteng, Cheng Zheng paused, "What should she do?"

She refers to Cui Jiaying.

Quan Shaoteng sat down on the chair, "I'm here to guard! If there is any situation, you can also respond. Go away!"

Cheng Zheng glanced at the hospital bed, "This is very unsafe."

Quan Shaoteng: "Don't worry, there's a fire over there, but it won't burn over here. Besides, the fire brigade has already entered the fire, and it won't take long for it to be extinguished!"

Cheng Zheng: "Alright!"

Quan Shaoteng: "Be careful! You may become targets!"

Cheng Zheng nodded and left in a hurry.

Only Quan Shaoteng was left sitting in the ward.

He ordered a few action team members to move closer to Cheng Zheng immediately, do a good job of their security, and at the same time, pay close attention to the people coming and going.

Then, he quietly looked at Cui Jiaying who was lying on the bed.

Gradually, the outside of the ward became quiet.

Those who should be evacuated have all gone downstairs.

The entire building was dead silent.

The plan from the very beginning was to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit...

I hope someone will throw themselves into the Internet cafe.

(End of this chapter)

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