Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 534 His Identity

Chapter 534 His Identity ([-])

Not anymore!
no more! ?

In the choking air, Director Ye's words were like a soft knife.

Bai Muchuan narrowed his eyes dangerously, and before he could speak, he saw Cui Jiaying's hard-pressed head slowly soften.

She stared blankly at the ceiling without making a sound. In the air environment where everyone covered their noses, she was as quiet as a corpse.

Bai Muchuan glanced at her: "Everyone evacuate first!"

"Damn! This guy is really not afraid of death." Quan Shaoteng pulled on the mask, still coughing, and then pulled his sleeves to cover his mouth and nose, feeling that his lungs and throat were as hot as fire, and he helped push him to run outside , and couldn’t help looking at Cui Jiaying on the guarantee, and said in a persuasive way: “If I hadn’t stopped you in time, he would have killed you. We saved you again, you will be more honest later, and explain everything you have to say. Confess. You see, your organization has abandoned you..."

Cui Jiaying did not speak.

The tears in the corners of the eyes dripped down silently, but they didn't even have the strength to sob...

"No! She's not in a good condition and can't hold on anymore."

With a low shout, Cheng Zheng suddenly stopped and looked at Director Ye.

"We can't evacuate, we must send her to the emergency room immediately!"

Cui Jiaying's physical condition is of course very bad, Director Ye's forehead is dripping with sweat.

The smoke was so thick that it made people cough and he almost passed out. How to rescue him?


"You must be saved!" Cheng Zheng insisted.

Bai Muchuan took a look at his pulled face, and ran out to take a look, "Help!"

At this time, the fire has been brought under control.Under the fire hose, the smoke gradually dispersed.

Director Ye wiped off his cold sweat and gritted his teeth.

"Push to the emergency room! Hurry up—"

This is a hospital, and everything is readily available. Although Cui Jiaying may not be willing to wake up, after more than two hours of long rescue, she woke up again.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she said was to ask that person.

"What about him...?"

Bai Muchuan stood in front of the bed in a white coat, looking at her coldly.



"Cyanide poisoning. Before coming to the hospital, he was prepared to die."


Cui Jiaying's lips turned pale, and she closed her eyes again.

"When you wake up, open your eyes and have a good talk." Bai Muchuan said lightly, "If a person has so many things in his heart, even if he dies, he won't feel at ease."

Cui Jiaying was silent for a while, then slowly opened her eyes to look at him, "I want to know, is he here to kill me or to save me?"

Bai Muchuan remained silent.

Not to mention him who wasn't there, even if Quan Shaoteng was there, how could he know what that person was thinking when he walked to Cui Jiaying's bedside?

At the beginning, because they formulated this "catch the turtle in the urn" action plan, everyone tacitly believed that the person who came must be to kill people and silence them.

However, it was later discovered that the man had no weapon on him.

Except for the cyanide in his mouth, there is nothing directly fatal.

However, this does not rule out that he will not kill people.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Muchuan could only answer, "What do you think?"

Cui Jiaying: "I also want to know..."

Bai Muchuan frowned: "Is it very important?"

Cui Jiaying said weakly: "It's very important."


After a pause for a few seconds, Bai Muchuan asked, "Who is he?"

This time, Cui Jiaying was very frank, "I...husband."


Name: Kong Yunhai
Sex: Male
Age: 35 years old

Native place: Jishi people.

Identity: Cui Jiaying's ex-husband, Cui Jiaying's son's biological father

The identity of the deceased was quickly confirmed.

Kong Yunhai and Cui Jiaying can be regarded as a typical marriage because of love. The young couple gave birth to a lovely son less than five months after marriage. The relationship between the couple is so enviable.Moreover, Kong Yunhai runs a large catering chain store in Jishi City. The national economy has developed by leaps and bounds in those years, and his catering business is also very prosperous. The life of a family of three can be very prosperous.

People are afraid of doing things.

A person with a lot of money does not necessarily have a high IQ level.

With enough money, Kong Yunhai, like many others, embarked on the old path of inflation.

It's a pity that he didn't think about how to bring his small family to a new level, but... fell in love with gambling, and embarked on a road of no return.

The subsequent stories, without writing, are almost predictable.

Most of the gamblers in the world end up like this - their wives and children are separated.

Kong Yunhai, who fell in love with gambling, refused to do business well, and the more he lost, the more he gambled, and the more he gambled, the more he lost.

Gradually, Kong Yunhai's eyes became red, he lost so much that he lost his fortune, and he also lost so much that he had long forgotten the vows he had made with Cui Jiaying at the beginning——

The money was lost, and he owed a lot of debts. He still didn't know that he was tricked.

From Cui Jiaying's persuasion and crying at the beginning to scolding and beating later, the couple had a quarrel that turned upside down, and finally they could only end in divorce. But during the years they were together, Cui Jiaying had no job. Therefore, during the divorce battle, she He failed to obtain the custody of his son, and always thought that he was not up to date, but he never thought that there would be another possibility.

Kong Yunhai did not allow her to visit her only son.

For this reason, Cui Jiaying cried, made trouble, and tried everything...

However, until now, she still has not been able to see her biological son.

Kong Yunhai's initial excuse was that the child was taken back to his hometown by his grandmother.

Later, Cui Jiaying went to his hometown but did not find the child, so he said that the child had gone to other places to study in a noble school.

Anyway, she was not allowed to watch it.

Cui Jiaying appealed because of this, but she couldn't afford the lengthy civil lawsuit, so she withdrew the lawsuit herself.

Things were at a stalemate, and she finally realized that something was wrong——

After Kong Yunhai divorced, he transferred all the restaurants out. He no longer had a proper job, and his life became more and more desolate. Where did he get the money to pay the high tuition fees of the noble schools?
Where did her son go?
After realizing the seriousness of the problem, Cui Jiaying approached Kong Yunhai and said that if he did not hand over her son, she would call the police...

At this time, Kong Yunhai simply broke his face and dragged her into the water.

It turned out that as early as the time of divorce, he had already been deeply mired in the quagmire of that huge gambling debt.The gambling debts owed, with rolling interest, quickly snowballed to a sky-high price.For this reason, the other party took away their son and used it to threaten Kong Yunhai to pay off the debt.However, even though Kong Yunhai sold the restaurant, sold the house, and forced his parents back to his hometown, he still couldn't make it——

"I wanted to kill this man so much. But if I killed him, I would never see my son again."

"Where is my son, I still don't know. They don't want me to see him, and they don't even want to hear his voice... Originally, they have already promised me that as long as I complete this task, I can see my son. It's a pity mission has failed."

Bai Muchuan: "Why didn't you choose to call the police?"

"Call the police?" Cui Jiaying laughed and coughed again, "Is it useful to call the police? Do you think they are as merciful as me? The little girl in the coffee shop that day, I just didn't want to kill her... I just couldn't do it... A child's life is too fragile, as long as I am cruel, she will die..."

"My son, in their hands, I don't dare to bet... I dare not bet that they will be like me, and have the slightest compassion for children..."

 Immediately continue to update...

(End of this chapter)

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