Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 536 Shutdown

Chapter 536 Shutdown ([-])

Bai Muchuan was releasing water.

Hearing this, he asked her for a moment, then turned around and smiled.

This smile, Bai Meisheng.

The emotions in the eyes are really hard to describe.

Xiang Wan was stunned, stunned, fully realized, gritted his teeth and jumped down.

"Well, you Bai Muchuan, so you didn't even want to write it, you just wanted to renege on your debt..."

"Don't make trouble. After the new year is over, I will definitely write. I will make up for what I owe you!" The ground was too slippery, and Bai Muchuan was afraid that she would fall, so he reached out to hug her, but as soon as he stretched out his arm, she was already running away.

"I don't care about you!"

Bai Muchuan's arms were empty, and he was stunned for a while, seeing that graceful figure and the girl who pouted when she lost her temper, her heart, which had been agitated by the case these days, suddenly calmed down strangely.

Work is work...

Life is life.

The work is not done, and life has to go on.

He chuckled and licked his gums, "Little fairy, you still want to run? Huh?"

Of course, Xiang Wan didn't want to run away, but she didn't expect to be captured by him, snatched away like an eagle with a chick, and stripped of her body quickly, didn't she?

"Hey, hey! Bai Muchuan, you are so childish!"

"Where are you childish? Huh?"

The water was rushing, and there was a hint of a smile in his magnetic voice, and he gently pressed her into his arms. The two of them were placed under the warm shower, drenched from head to toe, and Xiang Wan kept shaking her. Water, screaming, but he was excited to play, suddenly raised one of her legs, put it into the crook of his arm, and clasped her hard...


Xiang Wan opened her eyes wide and gritted her teeth in disbelief.

"Bai, Mu, Chuan!"

"Didn't you say you want a lot?"

"Hiss!" Xiang Wan couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out her hand to push him, and couldn't help but catch her breath, "Damn it! Debtors are worse than creditors."

"Don't worry, little creditor, I'll pay it back! Pay it back slowly." He smiled contentedly and hugged her tightly, "This is just the beginning, don't worry..."



When I woke up, it was still dark.

Bai Muchuan didn't feel his body being hollowed out, on the contrary he was very sober.

He took his phone and checked the time, and the calendar.

On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, another day has passed.

He looked sideways at the sleeping Xiang Wan, gently pulled his arm out of her neck, rubbed the numb arm, and was about to tiptoe away when the woman behind her opened her eyes and jumped Come over, circle him again, half kneel on the bed, with vague sleepiness, ask: "What time is it? Are you leaving now?"

With a hum, Bai Muchuan unfastened her hand and stuffed her back under the covers.

"You sleep for a while, we split up."

"Huh?" Xiang Wan didn't react when they split up.

Bai Muchuan smoothed her hair, "I'll hold a Spring Festival stability maintenance meeting later, you don't have to go to the team today, just code at home, and do as we said last night!"

"Okay!" Xiang Wan rubbed her eyes like a child, "But you haven't woken up..."

Tossing so late last night and waking up so early today, even an iron man can't resist.

Bai Muchuan smiled, "Don't worry, I have a body of steel. I can hold on!"

Xiang Wan snorted, "Where did you get the gold and steel?"

"You!" Bai Muchuan leaned down and kissed her lightly on the nose, "You are my strength."

Xiang Wan murmured and blinked in satisfaction, "Then you go, Ben Gongyun!"

Bai Muchuan pursed his lips, "Thank you, Madam, for your kindness!"

Xiang Wan groaned, turned over, and didn't answer again.

She woke up suddenly and said a few words to him, and fell asleep again.

Bai Muchuan sighed, tucked the quilt up for her, and left.


On a winter morning, it was foggy.

When Bai Muchuan arrived at the unit, Tang Yuanchu came out yawning.

Seeing Bai Muchuan appear, he was startled, "So early, boss?"

Bai Muchuan raised his eyes and glanced at his red eyes, "You weren't on duty last night, were you?"

Tang Yuanchu shrugged indifferently, "Anyway, I'm young, I don't sleep much, I'm fine!"

Bai Muchuan gave him a deep look, said no more, and threw the key to him, "Accompany me to the hospital first."

Tang Yuanchu: "Yes."


When Bai Muchuan rushed to the hospital, Cui Jiaying was awake. Mei Xin was sitting on the edge of her hospital bed looking down at her mobile phone. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she was startled and immediately stood up.

"White team!"

Bai Muchuan looked at the girl, "You're on duty again?"

Mei Xin: "Anyway, I have nothing to do. I'm reading novels. When Miao Zichen comes, I'll just go back and catch up on sleep."

Bai Muchuan walked over and took a look at her novel.

"Murder the male god?"


"Did you read Xiang Wan's book?"


Bai Muchuan looked at her appreciatively, "The taste is good."

Mei Xin: "..."

Is this a compliment to her?Or praise himself?

Bai Muchuan didn't have any ink marks, and walked directly to Cui Jiaying's side, "Have you thought about it clearly?"

Cui Jiaying didn't raise her head, "I made it very clear yesterday. You don't need to waste your time on me."

Bai Muchuan sneered, "Have you never thought that your child might be gone long ago?"

Cui Jiaying froze.

Obviously, she had this idea.

Just don't want to admit it.

Sure enough, women understand women.

Xiang Wan guessed exactly the same about her reaction.

According to what the two of them had discussed last night, Bai Muchuan said to her, "We don't want to force you either. If the child is really in their hands, the police will definitely do their best to rescue it. But what we need to be sure right now is——he , or not. If it is, we will find a way, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t say it. If you are not, why are you being manipulated by others?"

Cui Jiaying turned her eyes slowly, "I'm not a gambler, I can't gamble."

Bai Muchuan: "Using the bargaining chip in your hand to exchange news of whether your son is safe or not is not a gamble, it is a decision that a smart person should make. It is not for yourself, but for your child. Cui Jiaying, you know it very well. ,right?"

Cui Jiaying was silent.

After a while, she opened her mouth and asked with difficulty, " am I going to do?"

Bai Muchuan: "You don't need to do anything, just wait for the result."


When I came out of the hospital, it was already dawn.

Bai Muchuan sent a message to Xiang Wan, roughly explaining the situation.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Wan replied in seconds: "I'm already sitting in front of the computer, ready to work."

The corners of Bai Muchuan's lips curled up unknowingly, "Your readers must be very happy today, so early..."

"Hehe! Duan Geng Wang, you should retreat quickly! When you go out in the future, don't say that I know you."


Break the king.

Bai Muchuan laughed.

During the day, he is busy.

The theme of the meeting is mainly to arrange the stability maintenance work and tasks during the Spring Festival.

The Sky's Wrath Project was like a shadow over his head, and Serious Case No. [-] was named again.

Bai Muchuan didn't refute, he came back to convey the spirit of the meeting, assigned the tasks, and returned to the office alone.

Opening the locked drawer, he took out the cell phone inside.

No news.

no phone.

not a single one.

There was no news from Huang He.

Bai Muchuan rubbed his phone with a strange emotion in his heart.

Could something happen to Huang He?

With this unease, he thought for a moment, then dialed a call to Huang He's cell phone.

Shut down.

It turned out to be off.


 Thank you Jinfans, Sister Taizi, thank you to all the babies who gave me rewards and votes...

  Our "Mu Chuan Xiangwan" won the first place in the reward list, which cost you a lot!
  So, tomorrow I will be a majestic and majestic hunk, let's make a four-shift——

(End of this chapter)

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