Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 549 The Big Fool

Chapter 549 Big Fudge ([-])
Her dad?

Xiang Wan regained consciousness, "What's wrong with my dad?"

"Your father..." Tan Yunchun hesitated to speak.

"Did he betray you? Or did you betray him?"

Xiang Wan's inference from the last sentence made Tan Yunchun's expression change instantly.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"You tell me, and I won't talk nonsense." When Xiang Wan's father passed away, she was still young, and she didn't know much about many things. Now that she recalls it, except for the whiteness of her father's mourning hall, other things about him are basically Forgot all.Even if I occasionally recall my father, my mind is blank, and I can't even remember his appearance.

It was her mother who brought her up.

In her life experience, her father has been absent.

As a result, that figure gradually became blurred, and she rarely thought of it.

"What happened to my dad?"

"People are gone, what's the point of talking about that?" Tan Yunchun didn't want to recall the past, patted his daughter on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Don't worry about your mother's business, take care of yourself. Xiaowan, Xiaowan Bai is a good boy, you have to treat him well, if you lose such a man, you won't be able to find him with a lantern, do you hear me?"

"You heard me! I'll make a lantern with a higher wattage later..."

"You stinky boy!"

Xiang Wan was very curious about the matter of his deceased father today, but Tan Yunchun refused to talk about it, and she sensiblely stopped asking.

As soon as she left, she called her aunt.

"Auntie, did my father do something wrong to my mother back then?"

"...Eh?" Tan Xichun: "Where did you hear about it?"

"My mother said so."

"Hey! That's why I said that all men are the same. Those who have the conditions will cheat, and those who have no conditions will cheat..."

"Cheating?" Xiang Wan murmured, "My dad is having an affair?"

"Isn't it? A female colleague with him. Oh, don't mention it, it's too ugly. Your mother doesn't allow others to mention it, and you don't ask her...Your mother, before you married your father, we were three sisters. Among them, the prettiest one has many young men chasing her, but in the end they just fell in love with your father. Look at what has changed now? So, I have always supported your aunt's opinion, and asked for a son-in-law Find the best-looking and richest one within your ability. Men will cheat anyway, so why bother yourself..."

"Auntie!" Xiang Wan patted his forehead and moaned.

Tan Xichun talked about her "view of love", and Xiang Wan wanted to surrender.

"Okay, I see, auntie, goodbye..."

"Hey, your mom promised mom, will you go to the group year?"

"...I'll go." Xiang Wan thought about it, "She wasn't angry with my aunt, she was mainly afraid that she would be awkward."

"Then please comfort her well, you must go, do you hear me? In case your little uncle, that goblin, comes looking for trouble..."

No way, so bold?

Are you so bold to cheat now?


Xiang Wan turned on the computer upstairs, staring at the screen in a daze.

In the yard, Zhao Bo, his wife and Tan Yunchun were talking and laughing while hanging up lanterns. I don’t know which kitchen’s scent was not turned off, and they kept scratching their noses...

My heart is so tangled.

She checked the time over and over again.

Too tormented.

Xiang Wan hugged her neck, closed her eyes, and lay lazily on the chair, trying to relax her body, her back was still cold.

That's when the phone rang.

The caller was Quan Shaoteng.

"Xiang Wan." He called her by his first name, a little anxiously, "Is there any news about Xiaobai?"

Now, why are you asking her?

Xiang Wan was startled for a second, sat up straight suddenly, pressed her phone against her and asked, "Aren't you together?"

Quan Shaoteng: "We separated when we were carrying out the mission. I led the action team, and he and Qi Canghai acted together... The appointed time and place, I didn't fucking wait for anyone, fuck it!"


Xiang Wan was not very clear about their plan of action, and when he heard it suddenly, he was completely at a loss.

"Then where are you now? Team Quan... Hey, Team Quan..."

Quan Shaoteng had already hung up the phone.

this person!
Is it urgent, or did you just give up on her when you learned that she couldn't help?

Xiang Wan was thinking wildly, but Quan Shaoteng didn't have time to talk to her at all.

After cutting off the phone, he glanced at this dilapidated warehouse in the suburbs with a binoculars, his fox eyes were full of coldness.

"Brothers, we are on our own now!"

There were three people lying on the ground beside him, all his comrades in arms.

"Roger that!"

Quan Shaoteng wiped his lips with his fingers, looked darkly at the abandoned warehouse, and then called the headquarters of Serious Case No. [-].

"I'm Quan Shaoteng from the special operations team. I can't get in touch with Bai Muchuan right now! The other party is about to leave with the goods, and I'm going to act alone. Please continue to contact Bai Muchuan. Be sure to contact him, definitely!"

"Captain Quan!" Ding Yifan answered the phone, "Please be careful too. I will immediately ask the Jincheng special police for support..."

"It's too late!" Quan Shaoteng gritted his teeth, "I will complete the task! The call is over!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up directly and saw Weisan's comrade-in-arms.

"Soldiers of our Red Thorn Special Forces, when we get to the place, do you want to be cowardly?"

"Don't be shy!"

"If you're not cowardly, just do it!"

The course of action changes, but the purpose remains the same.What they have to do is to destroy the goods in the warehouse in front of them, so as not to let any goods flow out to harm the masses.

With his gun loaded, Quan Shaoteng looked radiant, with a pair of hawk-like eyes and fierce eyes. The goods and people brought out of the warehouse and loaded into the truck were his prey.

"Captain Quan, it can't be full of medicines, right? How come there are so many of them?"

"There must be some real ones and some fake ones!" Quan Shaoteng held the binoculars and looked at the cartons with the laundry detergent logo on them, and snorted, "Regardless of the real ones, don't let out one box! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" A team member hesitated after answering, "I didn't see that they had weapons on them, so the right team... This is different from the Red Thorn's mobility, can we shoot?"

"You can't shoot casually!" Quan Shaoteng glanced at the three comrades beside him, "However, once the opponent confronts with force, you don't have to be polite! If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

It's good that someone has the bottom line.

With weapons, there are also fire escapes.

"Captain Quan, look! They are about to leave!"

Outside the dilapidated warehouse, several cars were parked, and the drivers were about to get into the car.

Seeing this, Quan Shaoteng gritted his teeth fiercely, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.


A group of four people quickly rushed out of the temporary bunker, armed with guns, fell from the sky, and rushed directly to the warehouse.

"Don't move! Police!"

"Hold on—hands up!"

"There are all of them! Hold your head and squat down!"



The other side of Jincheng.

Under the gloomy sky, the tall chimneys of the cement factory in the industrial area emitted thick smoke.

It curled up and dyed a piece of sky into haze.

Huang He's half-closed eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

From Xishi to Jincheng, it was nearly a thousand kilometers, and I sat in a car until I spit.

He stroked his fingers, sitting in the laboratory of this small cement factory, his eyes were a bit cool.

"Does your finger hurt?" Tian Danyue leaned over to look at him.

"It's okay." Huang He didn't look at him, and raised his wrist to check the time, "Isn't it another big fool?"

 No tickets at the end of the month, no man bubble!

  Ho ho ho!Ask for votes, votes, and encouragement!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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