Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 578 Don't change face

Chapter 578 Don't change face ([-])


What does it feel like?
Xiang Wan pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment, then raised her head slightly, looked directly at him, and smiled obediently.

"Of course I don't believe her words!"

"Why don't you believe it?" Bai Muchuan asked again.

"Strange! Why should I believe it?" Xiang Wan asked back with a smile, then grabbed his neck again, stared at him and asked, "Do you want me to believe her?"

"Understood." Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows, "It must be because of my handsomeness that you have enough confidence!"

This is……

Quan Shaoteng possessed?

Xiang Wan couldn't bear his arrogant appearance, so he let out a huff and couldn't help laughing.

"You can pull it down!"

Xiang Wan snorted, glanced at her, moistened his throat, and stroked his chest lightly with his fingers, with a hint of a smile in his tone, "Well, I do have two reasons of my own."

The corners of Bai Muchuan's lips rose.

He just liked Xiang Wan's serious and rational look.

When she was serious, he wanted to laugh.

"Tell me!"

Xiang Wan: "One is that this incident is too coincidental, she made it up like a story, the credibility is too low, and I also said, this big girl, I always have such an inexplicable affection for you , let me instinctively reject everything she said, which can be regarded as taking sides subjectively.

Second, I have checked.When my father passed away, your mother was still alive and the time was wrong. How did he kill your mother?Isn't this nonsense? "

Bai Muchuan's heart relaxed.

Pulling Xiang Wan closer, she bowed her head and kissed her lightly.

"You're right in your analysis. I didn't love you in vain."

"Fuck you!" Xiang Wan rolled his eyes, "Who is the master?"

"What do you think?" Bai Muchuan gently pinched her waist.

"Of course it's me..." Xiang Wan pressed his hand, pulled it away, then put her finger into his armpit, gently tickled him, with a greasy smile on her face, "Hurry up, Xiao Baibai, come call Father!"



She tried to tickle him.

However, how could Bai Muchuan be so easy to admit defeat?
He didn't change his expression, he was unmoved, he suddenly grabbed her, turned around, pressed her down hard, and imitated her just now, gently scratching her.

"Who is Grandpa? Huh?"


"Speak! Xiao Xiangwan, who is the master?"

"Hahahahaha... ah ah ah..."

Xiang Wan couldn't bear this the most.

She struggled, tears were about to come down.

"You are the master! Okay, okay, you are the master!"

"Call! Call Master Sheng to listen."

"...Hahaha! Heck! Bai Muchuan, your uncle!"

The egret's sudden visit did not have much impact on Xiang Wan.

Moreover, Bai Lu himself was the one who was so angry that he shed tears and ran away.

Compared to Xiang Wan, this little girl was still too young.

In order to break Xiang Wan's feelings for Bai Muchuan, and to sow discord, she added fuel and jealousy, and made up many illogical things that she imagined like novels...

Xiang Wan is a rational person.

She will analyze.

What Bai Lu said was too false.

There is no credibility at all.

So, she didn't take this matter to heart, and told Bai Muchuan as a joke.

And her reaction completely loosened Bai Muchuan's heartstrings.

you know me.

I know you.

You agree with me.

I'm used to you.

Probably this is the best way to get along between men and women.

Moreover, the three views of these two people can basically be integrated.

They take their feelings seriously and don't like to act.

If there is a problem, it will be solved, and if there is a problem, it will be solved directly.

Now that we are together, we will try our best to trust each other, and try not to cause trouble or trouble for the other party.

Especially Xiang Wan.

Before identifying Bai Muchuan, she once had a stage of thinking ahead and thinking about the future, and set up countless unknowns for the relationship between the two of them, presupposed all possible situations, and set herself a psychological boundary—if something happened, , can she bear it?

That's it.

After being vaccinated, she decided that she wanted to be with him. Once she lived together, she completely gave up resistance. She was not coquettish, self-willed, or petty. When encountering any small conflicts and frictions, she would take the initiative to communicate with him. Find a solution.

It can be said that she is a typical example of rational love.

Bai Muchuan happened to like this kind of girl.

He doesn't have that much energy to guess and coax.

He can spoil a girl like a princess, but the premise is that she is a princess herself...not a princess disease.

After a night of in-depth communication, by dawn, the two had reached an agreement tacitly.

Put this matter behind you and do what you should do.

The second day of the new year.

Bai Muchuan accompanied Xiang Wan to pick up Xiao Hei Hei.

This little thing was consigned by Fang Yuanyuan from Jincheng years ago.However, when it arrived, Bai Muchuan and Xiang Wan had just returned to Jincheng, so Xiao Heihei was taken back by Zhan Se and temporarily fostered in her home.

When he went, Bai Muchuan prepared a bunch of gifts.

When he came out of Jimser's house, his trunk was almost full.

They are all toys and cat food that Zhan Se gave to Xiao Hei Hei...

In just three days, Zhan Se has already treated Xiao Hei Hei as his pet...

However, she has children at home, so she did not force the cat to stay.

Bai Muchuan took the cat away.

By the way, a single dog, Quan Shaoteng, was also taken away.

This guy is an unmarried young man who lives in his brother-in-law's house all year round...

Bai Muchuan took him, first sent Xiang Wan and Xiao Heihei home to settle down, and the two went straight to Serious Case No. [-].

This is the afternoon of the second day of the new year.

He has already started work.

The profession of criminal police can be said to last all year round.

Shadow and other people involved in the case have been escorted back to Kyoto.

They had to conduct surprise interrogations in a short period of time.

Before leaving, Bai Muchuan told Xiang Wan that he might come back later today.

Xiang Wan wrote.

As a result, he was either late, or he never came back at all.

When Xiang Wan saw Bai Muchuan again, it was already the fourth day of the Lunar New Year...

That afternoon, just after nightfall, Xiang Wan uploaded the written chapter to the background, and Bai Muchuan drove back to pick her up.

"The team has a dinner, and I will take you there."

Xiang Wan rolled his eyes at him.

"You also know that you have neglected your sweetheart!"

"..." The corners of Bai Muchuan's lips were full of smiles.

After fighting for two consecutive days, he already looked a little tired, but seeing Xiang Wan like this, despite being apologetic, he still couldn't help hugging him into his arms and making out first, "Let's go, they'll be waiting in a hurry."

"Hmm. Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes."

Serious Case No. [-] Interrogation Shadow, Xiang Wan was also full of curiosity about the content of the interrogation.

Without saying a word, she changed her clothes and followed Bai Muchuan out the door.

"Let's talk as we go."

"What?" Bai Muchuan looked sideways at her.

"A case?" Xiang Wan took his arm with a smile, "You are all ready to have a dinner party to celebrate, there must be a breakthrough, right?"

Bai Muchuan smiled and rubbed her head.

"I will go out myself, will there be no?"

Xiang Wan couldn't stop laughing, "Then tell me, what's going on?"

"Shadow has confessed!"

"Confessed?" Xiang Wan frowned, "Is this really related to Xie Wanwan?"

"Xie Wanwan?" Bai Muchuan tilted his head to look, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't you read the gossip news?" Xiang Wan observed his expression, and said in a low voice, "In the past two days, public opinion on the Internet has been attacking her, saying that she was involved in the zombie case, and some people took out real hammers, He also said that he was brainwashed by Xie Wanwan's fans, and then unwittingly participated in the 'Sky Wrath Project'..."



 This time I came out with a small notebook, the keyboard is super difficult to use, and the code words are super broken... My fingers hurt when I press it, and I can't type fast...

  Ahhh, I'm sorry for my little goldfishes. When I return to Chengdu, I will definitely update the compensation.

  Thank you for your perseverance, Mu Chuan Xiangwan, it is wonderful because of you...

  Well, the recent international practice, to be kissed... the little goldfishes are bubbling, bubbles... blah blah!
(End of this chapter)

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