Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 581 cornered

Chapter 581 Desperate ([-])

The relationship between Xiang Wan and Xie Wanwan was always a little delicate.

Back then, she used to be known as Bai Muchuan's girlfriend, no matter if it was true or not, she would be embarrassed.

Therefore, Xiang Wan didn't like to have in-depth contact with Xie Wanwan.

A woman who can't hate, but also can't like.

Moreover, no matter what the reason was, Xiang Wan felt that she couldn't bear this beautiful woman who had an unusual relationship with Bai Muchuan and her distressing life experience...

Slightly sour.

Life is too heavy.

What Xiang Wan likes is the relaxed atmosphere of getting along with each other.

As for Xie Wanwan, she had never been able to give her that relaxed feeling.

Xiang Wan politely declined.

Said that I have to catch up on the manuscript tomorrow, and I have been very busy recently.

Xie Wanwan smiled slightly, without forcing it.

Then, they left each other, and Xiang Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next day, she knew how naive her thoughts were.

Before dawn, Xie Wanwan, wearing glasses and a mask, and armed with a large suitcase, came to Bai Muchuan's house and rang the doorbell.

At this point, Bai Muchuan hadn't woken up yet.

He sent Xiang Wan home last night, went to the team to work overtime, and didn't come back until two o'clock in the morning.

Xiang Wan wanted him to sleep a little longer, so he didn't disturb him when he got up.

In order for him to have a hearty breakfast when he woke up, she started working early in the morning.

So, when Xiang Wan saw Xie Wanwan through the cat's eyes, her hair was casually tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing a calico apron. The whole image looked like a kindly middle-aged mother...


Seeing the "rival in love", this image seems a bit low?

But if it was for Xie Wanwan to change clothes, it seemed that he cared too much about her.

Paying too much attention to the opponent is actually a manifestation of psychological lack of self-confidence.

Xiang Wan didn't want to do this.

I don't like myself like that...

So, while she was struggling, the doorbell rang for the second time.

Afraid of waking Bai Muchuan up, Xiang Wan bit the bullet and opened the door.

"Miss Xie, what is this for?"

She frowned slightly, her tone was dignified, her face was expressionless, but her deep displeasure was revealed.

Xie Wanwan pursed her lips, slowly took off her sunglasses, and looked down at the suitcase.

"I'm here for you."


Go to her?
Are they familiar?

Why didn't he just say that he came to Bai Muchuan?
Xiang Wan's head hurts.

"This... I still don't quite understand."

Xie Wanwan: "I've been a bit desperate recently."

Xiang Wan pursed her lips slightly and did not speak, waiting for her to explain.

Xie Wanwan's hand pulling the suitcase slightly tightened, standing at the door, looking at Xiang Wan who was dressed "plainly", she raised her eyebrows.

"I have nowhere to go, can you take me in for a few days?"


Xiang Wan frowned even tighter, "Miss Xie means to live in?"

Xie Wanwan: "Can I?"


It's really difficult.

But it is more difficult to refuse in person.

Xiang Wan smiled, trying to be as tactful as possible.

"Miss Xie, you know that Bai Muchuan and I are the only ones living here now..."

The implication is that it is not very convenient.

Xie Wanwan nodded, expressing her understanding.

"I understand, and I know it's really wrong. But I—there's really no other way."

Speaking of this, she closed her eyes slightly, her expression was more serious than before, she put away all her pride and arrogance, sighed, helpless, and a little sad, "I won't hide it from you, what happened to me recently, I don't know. I think it is extremely abnormal, "Before the End of the World" was taken off the shelf because of the zombie case, the dirty water started from me, and it all poured on me..."

Xiang Wan raised her eyebrows: "Do you think someone is messing with you sincerely?"

"Obviously!" Xie Wanwan looked at Xiang Wan, "I don't think it's that simple. Someone came after me..."

"Who?" Xiang Wan asked coldly.

Xie Wanwan was silent for a moment, smiled and shook her head, "If I knew, I would hug his thigh directly and ask Grandpa to spare his life!"

Xiang Wan: "..."

Xie Wanwan smiled and stroked her hair lightly, "Maybe it's someone who doesn't like me and just wants to see me fall. Maybe it's the power of a certain capital behind it. After all, I don't just represent myself... ..."

She also represents Montenegro Media.

In the same industry circle, the water is very deep...

Xiang Wan nodded, agreeing with her statement.

However, she still felt embarrassed about moving in.

She hesitated and said: "Xiaobai hasn't gotten up yet, this kind of thing... I'm afraid I have to communicate with him. Besides, it's not convenient for you as a girl..."

"OK!" Xie Wanwan snapped her fingers and smiled, "Xiaobai is not a problem, as long as you agree. Who doesn't know now, he is a wife slave, and he obeys his wife. Unless, it's you I don't want to..."


"Of course, I won't be the one who lives here with a girl." Xie Wanwan smiled mysteriously towards Wan, then suddenly looked back in the direction of the elevator, "Come here!"

Hearing her greeting, two little assistants walked over silently pushing their luggage.

Several large suitcases, containing Xie Wanwan's skin care products, cosmetics, clothes, bags...

Put it neatly by the door.

The two assistants said nothing.

Xiang Wan was dumbfounded.

Xie Wanwan smiled lightly, "Xiaobai's house is big enough to accommodate us."


It seems that she is very familiar with it.

For a moment, Xiang Wan didn't know what to say. 
Xie Wanwan handed the bag to the assistant, and suddenly folded her hands on her lower abdomen, and bowed deeply at 90 degrees to Xiang Wan.

"Teacher Xiang, please!"

Xiang Wan was a little helpless.

A few people stand at the door, after all, it is not good-looking.

"Come in and talk..."

As soon as she entered the door, Xie Wanwan gave her a look, and the two assistants started to rummage through the boxes.

Then, Xiang Wan received a bunch of gifts from Xie Wanwan.

Clothes, bags, and skin care products are all high-end brands...

Xiang Wan refused, but Xie Wanwan forcefully pushed her over...

At this time, Xiang Wan realized that there was a problem with Xie Wanwan's previous positioning.

She's a pretty capable woman...

The high coldness in the past may just not come when it is needed.

She is very able to grasp the emotions of getting along with others, and gives people a comfortable and relaxed environment, making it difficult for people to refuse...

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man,
After being polite to each other, Xiang Wan let them helplessly, put all the things on the sofa, and poured water for them politely.

"Everyone sit down, just sit on the sofa."

"No problem, you go to work first. Leave us alone."

Xie Wanwan's reminder made Xiang Wan realize that there was still something cooking in his pot.

She ran to the kitchen in a panic.

Xie Wanwan sat down on the sofa, and the two assistants were also well-behaved, sitting beside her...

When Bai Muchuan woke up, he saw that there were three more people in the house.


She looked at Xiang Wan, then at Xie Wanwan.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

He was wearing home clothes, not as serious as usual, but he himself was a very dignified person, even if he was standing in the living room of his own home with a sullen face, it was difficult to be easy-going.

Xiang Wan shrank her heart and pointed at Xie Wanwan...

Want to say, but can't say it.

Xie Wanwan did not shy away, explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and then pointed at Wanwan.

"I've already talked to Xiang Wan. Xiaobai, can't you hold her back?"

(End of this chapter)

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