Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 59, The Corpse on the Finger of the Goddess

Chapter 59, The Corpse on the Finger of the Goddess

The space is silent, and the atmosphere is a bit cramped.

Fang Yuanyuan looked at the two silent people, "Are you still singing?"

Bai Muchuan remained silent, and stared at her at Wan, "Are you still in the mood to sing?"

Fang Yuanyuan was embarrassed, "If we don't sing, what are we doing here? Or, let's go back first?"

Whether to go or stay, Xiang Wan was also a little uncertain.

There is no way, there is a drunk man here!

When Bai Muchuan was sullen and silent, he was a little scary.

Cold gaze, ruthless facial features, handsome but hard to get close to...

"Officer Bai?"

Xiang Wan cleared his throat and called him something. Just as he was about to ask, a scream came from outside.

"Bang!" There was another sound, as if something heavy fell to the ground.

The sound insulation effect of Qiankun Temple is very good, and the sound that can come in is already loud enough.

Bai Muchuan's expression changed, he stood up suddenly, rushed to the window quickly, and pulled it away.

Xiang Wan was a little confused.

Aren't you drunk?
Don't need help?

She exchanged a glance with Fang Yuanyuan and followed her.

What happened downstairs in the imperial palace, countless people flocked to the fountain pool at the entrance from all directions...

"What's wrong?" Fang Yuanyuan stretched her neck to look down, "I can't see clearly! Oh, I don't wear glasses..."

Bai Muchuan turned around suddenly, "Let's go!"

Then he strode away, stopped after thinking about it, and looked back at Xiangwan.


The two women followed him into the elevator in a daze.

The mirror surface of the elevator was very smooth, which stretched their shadows extremely long, and people were deformed.

In the weird scene, no one spoke.


The fountain pool has been surrounded by crowds.

Xiang Wan followed Bai Muchuan closer.

One look, and cold sweat seeped out of the pores.

The fountain has a unique shape and is the most recognizable symbol at the entrance of the Imperial Palace.

The circular countertop and the center of the water storage is a towering half-naked goddess sculpture. Under the light, the goddess is smiling and dancing with her hands raised high. The fountain water is sprayed from her ten fingers...

The water has changed color at this time.

It was red and bloody, dripping from her fingers.

A naked woman just hung on her hand like that.

The blood mixed into the spring water, sprayed and splashed, supplemented by the lights of the fountain pool, has a strange beauty.

The sculpture of the goddess is very high, and the woman who fell on it cannot be removed without a ladder.

The police didn't arrive, and no one dared to touch her...

Who is she?
Is she dead?
The crowd is noisy, pointing and discussing.

Some people gossip that the police rushed in just now, and the woman must have fallen from the top while resisting arrest.

According to the news from the masses, sometimes it is "mysterious and well-informed", and they even say that this is a drug-addicted woman.

The troublemakers from across the street also surrounded him.

Countless mobile phones are taking pictures and recording.

The flashlight reflected on Xiang Wan's face, which was a miserable green.

Seeing her stunned, Fang Yuanyuan sighed, "Cousin, you really have the physique of Conan..."

Xiang Wan turned her head, and heard her say, "Wherever you go, you will die."

"Why not you?" Xiang Wan took a deep breath, regained her own voice, and then glanced at Bai Muchuan with a cold expression, " it him?"

Bai Muchuan seemed to have heard it.

He frowned slightly and didn't speak.

At this time, there was a noise from the gate of the imperial palace.

"Keep up, keep up! Be honest!"

"One after another, hold your head, don't look around!"

A group of police came out with the drug addicts they had just arrested.

Xiang Wan saw Huang He, Tang Yuanchu and others in the crowd. Their plainclothes were mixed with a group of police officers in police uniforms, but they were particularly conspicuous.


The police car arrived, and so did 120.

The crowd perked up.

Everyone from several streets knew that something big happened to the imperial palace!

Soon, the naked girl on the fountain goddess was carried into the ambulance.

The group of suspected drug addicts who were escorted by the police also walked past the fountain and were stuffed into the parked police cars one by one.

Xiang Wan was originally standing on the periphery of the crowd, but when he turned around, he was facing the group of people.

A young man came over.

He had studded earrings and was dressed stylishly. Unlike his companions who were tense, he was not only calm, but also had a show-like smile on his face.

It was as if, instead of being arrested for breaking the law, he was walking on his stage, showing his most handsome side to the audience.

Suddenly, his smile froze, and it fell on Xiang Wan's face, meeting her gaze.

A second passed, and he walked by, but Xiang Wan's heart shook violently.

"Is he handsome?" A low hum, showing the displeasure of the owner of the voice.

Xiang Wan turned her head and saw Bai Muchuan's face under the light of the fountain, full of air-conditioning.




Xiang Wan didn't say the words in his throat, Bai Muchuan had already been taken away by Huang He.

"White team." Huang He hurried over with sweat on his forehead and said, "I have to go back to the team right away, how do you arrange it?"

Bai Muchuan shrugged, "I'll go back by myself."

Huang He nodded, and glanced at Fang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan will drive you off. It just happens to be on the way, so I don't worry."

Bai Muchuan hummed, and handed the car keys to Fang Yuanyuan.

The dead and the living are gone.

The water in the fountain pool also gradually faded red.

However, the crowd of onlookers did not disperse.

They still stood there, discussing in groups of three and five, their voices rising and falling.


A party broke up.

Xiang Wan felt that there was something wrong with her luck this year, and she encountered these things out of nowhere.

In the car, Xiang Wan joked with Fang Yuanyuan, "If I knew I had Conan's physique, I should have been admitted to the police academy."

Fang Yuanyuan was driving and ignored her with a snort.

Bai Muchuan, who was lying beside him, snorted, "Don't drag down the overall quality of the police force!"


Xiang Wan leaned over to see his expression.

"Officer Bai, have I offended you?!"


"Then why do you keep talking about me?"

Bai Muchuan didn't speak.

He lay lazily, just looking at her.

The distance between two people is very close.

Although there were no lights in the carriage, Xiang Wan seemed to see a smile flickering across his lips.

"Teacher Xiang, I have never been in love."

Xiang Wan was embarrassed, his face was scorched by his warm breath.

Fortunately, the light was dim, so no one could see clearly.

Xiang Wan snorted and raised her chin, "So?"

Bai Muchuan suddenly raised his head and approached her face, "I'm very simple, you stare at me like this, I'm nervous."



The one who laughed was Fang Yuanyuan.

Seeing the two of them face to face seriously discussing indecent topics, she couldn't hold back.

"You two are so interesting! How about making a couple?"

This cousin is also an assist.

But at this time, Xiang Wan was so angry that his seven orifices were bleeding, how could he have any ambiguity with him?
"Hehe! I can't bear it."

Bai Muchuan sat back slowly.

"I'm not heavy."



Girl flirting skills, full marks!

However, Xiang Wan believed that his basic principle of only flirting and not admitting hadn't changed.

So, if she doesn't care about her mind or her kidneys, why should she bother?

Once a woman thinks about this, it is difficult to get hurt again.

Xiang Wan chuckled, "There is only one word to describe a man like Police Officer Bai."

"What word?"


She joked and talked to Fang Yuanyuan.

He didn't notice Bai Muchuan's gradually turning cold face.


(End of this chapter)

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