Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 591 1 Face Shocked

Chapter 591 Shocked ([-])

Shadow was taken aback.

In the silent interrogation room, the atmosphere turned cold.

The conversation stopped abruptly.

He didn't speak, and didn't look at Bai Muchuan, his pale face under the night light was slumped and lifeless...

Xiang Wan looked at him, not wanting to miss his expression for a second.

When a person falls into panicked silence in the face of a sudden question, it can only prove that the question just hit him...

sore spot?privacy?or.other.

Biological creatures are the same, but human hearts are not.

The human heart is a complicated thing, and you may not even be able to understand yourself.

At this moment, his performance is the most authentic self.

After a long silence, Bai Muchuan didn't speak either.

The two figures seem to be competing with each other, and what is passed on to each other is an invisible aura and pressure.

"Why do you ask that?" Shadow relaxed.

This loosening is a psychological defeat.

Whoever speaks first loses.

What Xiang Wan saw was the helplessness in Shadow's eyes, and what Bai Muchuan saw was his defeated emotions.

"You are not a person who has the ability to contact foreign forces."

Bai Muchuan's words can be said to be very hurtful.

When Shadow heard it, he laughed.

"You seem to know me well?"

The corner of Bai Muchuan's lips twitched, "Maybe."

Shadow froze for a moment, then slowly narrowed his eyes, a dark light appeared in his vision.

Examine, recall.

However, he did not search his memory for who this stern and dignified police officer was.So he gave up, only smiled lightly, and regained his sanity before the gaffe.

"You're right. I really don't have the ability to contact the other party. But that doesn't mean that I don't have the strength to let the other party contact me? I can't, I can do it through secret doors."

Lots of information.

Bai Muchuan nodded.

"Who is calling you?"

Dig deep, the key points of the problem.

Shadow had slipped into his circular interrogation routine without knowing it.

Every answer is difficult.

But every time you answer a sentence, there will be a next question that is more important to answer.

Bai Muchuan is a master interrogator, and Shadow is a bit overwhelmed.

"A stranger, a stranger, he found me, told me about this plan, and said that he would help us with a large sum of money, and they would also be responsible for the goods... I have no reason to refuse this kind of business without capital..."

"Stranger, what kind of person is he? Time, place, who were there at that time? How did the other party find you..."


Shadow thought for a while, "In a hotel, he knocked on the door and came in without passing anyone. However, he seemed to understand me very well, and he didn't have too much politeness with me. We went straight to the topic, um, it was a very refreshing My brother... well, he looks a bit refined in his 30s, and he looks like a good guy."


A good man at first sight.

nice guy...

nice guy...

The corners of Xiang Wan's lips twitched uncontrollably.

Bai Muchuan snorted mercilessly, "It's a pity that you don't want to be a screenwriter."

Shadow paused slightly, looked at him, "I don't understand."

Bai Muchuan paused every word: "You're lying!"

Shadow: "I don't."

Bai Muchuan looked at him coldly, "After Cui Ming's accident, how afraid of death are you, why would you accept a stranger in a hotel casually? How could you reach an agreement with him right away when a stranger said such things casually? You don't have to worry that it's the police who will give you an answer." Are you playing tricks? Also, who are the accompanying people, the specific time and place, these important elements of the interrogation, you chose to blur them out to prove that you want to avoid... Wei Gang, the police are not so easy to fool."

When he said this, he opened the file in front of him and smiled again.

"Do you know how much is different from what you have said so far?"

Shadow was silent.

He couldn't figure out Bai Muchuan's rhythm.

But Bai Muchuan looked at him firmly and smiled, "In the four interrogations, there were as many as thirteen inconsistencies in your answers!"

How can I explain it other than lying?

It is difficult to achieve unification by editing things that have not been experienced.

Unless the kind of true master criminal.

Shadow is obviously not ready yet.

"Even if you make it up, make it up a bit."

Bai Muchuan threw the file on the table in front of him and put it heavily.

"Tell me, I will be very patient tonight."

Shadow was a little discouraged, "I didn't..."

He swallowed, trying to excuse himself.But after looking at Bai Muchuan for a while, he opened his mouth again, but asked an irrelevant question.

"Officer Bai, have I seen you somewhere?"

Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows, "You've met me many times! Before and after the case, didn't you plan to target me all the time?"

"No! That's not what I meant." Shadow half-closed his eyes, as if trying to search his memory, his eyes were a little blurred, "It should be a long time ago, yes, a long time ago... We must have met somewhere?"

Bai Muchuan didn't answer.

Shadow was taken aback, as if suddenly remembering something, his face turned pale.

"...Where did you come from?"

Bai Muchuan's complexion gradually turned cold.

After about ten seconds of silence, his tone sank, "Yes."

After a question and an answer, the people present were a little confused.

Where does it come out? What does it mean?

What kind of intersection did they have?
Ding Yifan and Tang Yuanchu watched, confused.

Xiang Wan's heart skipped a beat.

Special school!


Shadow had seen the young Bai Muchuan.

Bai Muchuan obviously also knew that he was Wei Gang back then.

It's just that time has passed, Bai Muchuan has grown up, and the shadow can't connect the two of them.

"No wonder..." Shadow smiled wryly.

No wonder Bai Muchuan said that he didn't have that ability.

In the special school back then, he was a cowardly coward.

School leaders, or other teachers, can bully him... Especially Feng Min, who was killed by him in the "zombie case", he and several instructors often take pleasure in bullying Wei Gang.

At that time, Wei Gang was so angry that he could only vent to the students.

"Since it's you, you should know that I was wronged back then." A gleam of hatred flashed in Yin Ying's eyes, "I didn't participate in Feng Min's dirty deeds, and it was impossible for them to let me participate... I was I was wronged, I went to jail for this, I lost everything, but no one stood up and said a fair word for me."

"I don't know." Bai Muchuan said lightly.

After a while, he slowly pulled away the corners of his cold lips, and said a word coldly.

"None of the teachers in that school was truly innocent."


Shadow leaned back, his face pale.

"I'm not involved, no..."

"Even if you didn't directly participate in those crimes, you are still an accomplice to the crimes!" Bai Muchuan looked at him coldly, "You think you are innocent, but you are innocent after all. The court gave you the best trial back then!"

"No!" Shadow's voice suddenly rose, and he looked at Bai Muchuan fiercely, "You don't know anything at all! You don't know me back then. Just take you as an example, I never beat you, did I? I never insulted you, did I?" ?”

As soon as his voice fell, Tang Yuanchu and Ding Yifan glanced over.


(End of this chapter)

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