Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 599 Cooperate with you to perform

Chapter 599 Cooperate with you to perform ([-])
"No." Xiang Wan pondered, "He is a successful businessman, and under normal circumstances, he wouldn't let his hands get bloody. Moreover, he had no reason to kill Xu Siqi..."

"Disgust? The victim is obsessed with him?"

"Are you going to kill someone if you get entangled?" Xiang Wan snorted, "Mr. Xiaobai, you don't know much about men."

"..." What is this called?

Bai Muchuan: "Do I know women better?"

"Cough!" Xiang Wan cleared his throat, "Of course, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to say that you don't know much about this kind of greasy man."

"Oh?" Bai Muchuan hooked his lips with interest, "Tell me."

"They have lived a thousand sails and seen countless women. What kind of storms have they never seen? There are ten thousand effective ways for a man to deal with a woman's entanglement. I dare say that killing is definitely not the most beneficial one. Xu Siqi has nothing to do. Power has no power, unless there is some kind of reason in his hands that makes him have to choose to kill to silence. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be stupid."

"It's very thorough." Bai Muchuan looked at the stars in the sky, "But what if there is such a possibility? After all, the murderer would think so too."

"..." Xiang Wan fell silent.


He was right.

The possibility of murder cannot be ruled out.

It is also possible for the new love to come to power and accidentally discover the secret of the benefactor.

Xiang Wan's speculation just now came from her intuition, but now Bai Muchuan denied it. Although she could use this reason to overthrow herself, she still felt that the first possibility was more likely.

"I still prefer someone else as the murderer. If Zhang Houfa wanted to kill someone, he probably wouldn't choose to kill him in his own home, and put the corpse in his swimming pool, which cost tens of millions..."


This reason is easier to convince Bai Muchuan.

Wearing white gloves, he touched the wall lightly, raised his finger to look, and said slowly: "Let's go to the hall to have a look."


Xiang Wan turned around, but Bai Muchuan stopped.

"Xiao Xiangwan."


Bai Muchuan's eyes fell on her face, "Do you remember the famous Bao Gong case?"

"This..." Xiang Wan chuckled, "Master Bao has solved so many cases, which one are you referring to?"

"Is it the case where the murderer was caught by clever use of wisdom to solve the case on the spot?"

For a while, Xiang Wan really couldn't remember.

She looked at Bai Muchuan in confusion, "Why are you asking this?"

Bai Muchuan raised his lips, "Master Bai also wants to give you one today—to solve the murder case on the spot."

"Pfft!" Xiang Wan looked at him with a smile, "I don't know what good plan Master Bai has?"

Bai Muchuan spread his hands, "Not at all. Aren't you going to consult my military advisor? How did you find out which one is the murderer among the suspects?"

Having said that, he raised the corners of his lips, "Criminal mind profiling, at this time, can come in handy."


Does this mean to let her "solve the case by looking at her face"?
"Come on, I'm not that good."

Bai Muchuan put his arms around her shoulders, "Don't be modest, I believe in you."

Such trust made Xiang Wan tremble.

She didn't think she had the ability to tell who the murderer was in a large group of people at a glance.I don't even think that "Bai lord solves the murder case wisely" can be as relaxed, simple and effortless as the Bao lord written in the novel.

After all, in Master Bao's era, the folk customs were still very simple.

Today's people are all fine.

Dare to kill, the psychological quality must be higher than the average person, how can it be easily exposed?

But she never expected that not only did Bai Muchuan have confidence in her, but he also had more confidence in himself. He returned to the lobby, called Quan Shaoteng over, asked about the interrogation in the lobby just now, and looked at the monitoring records at the scene. and transcript, cleared his throat, and immediately started his "Bai Gong Judgment Case"——

"Everyone, please be quiet."

There were a lot of people in the hall, maybe dozens of them.

The crowd whispered, but under the organization of the police, the order was good.

Hearing Bai Muchuan's voice, everyone quieted down and looked at him.

Some people here know Bai Muchuan.

Many people don't know him.

Bai Muchuan used to be a very low-key person, but today, he was extremely high-key.

"Let me introduce myself to everyone first. My name is Bai Muchuan. I am the first-class police inspector of serious crimes. I am known as Sherlock Holmes in the Eastern Police Force. I have solved all kinds of criminal cases..."

He talked eloquently.

Everyone looked at each other.

Xiang Wan couldn't help laughing.

This is to put psychological pressure on the murderer.

Let me first talk about how awesome I am, if the murderer is in the crowd, the fear will definitely increase...

For a normal person, the most difficult thing to control is his emotions. A thief will feel guilty, and a murderer will be afraid.Many people want to pee when they see the policeman, what's more, there is an "Oriental Sherlock Holmes" standing in front of them?
After Bai Muchuan introduced himself, he began to talk about the case.

Xiang Wan heard the phone ringing and looked down to see someone talking in the group.

Tang Yuanchu: "Damn it! Why didn't I know that Team Bai had such an awesome nickname?"

Quan Shaoteng: "There are many things you don't know. Your white team was once called... What about Harry Potter, Spiderman and Ultraman?"

Tang Yuanchu: "...Really?"

Quan Shaoteng: "Fake. Harry Potter, Spiderman and Ultraman are all me."

Tang Yuanchu: "Captain Quan, when will you be able to tell the truth?"

Quan Shaoteng: "I am a handsome guy from the universe, I will not communicate with you mortals - this is the truth."

Mei Xin: "Team Bai, are we going to bring the drowned back to the team?"

Quan Shaoteng: "..."

Do you want to spoil the scenery?
Quan Shaoteng's awesomeness was interrupted abruptly, and he turned around and interrupted Bai Muchuan's awesomeness.

"Xiaobai, Mei Xin is asking for your instructions."

Um?Bai Muchuan looked down and replied, "Wait a minute!"

Mei Xin: "Okay, do you want to carry it to the hall?"

Bai Muchuan thought for a while, "No need."

Carrying the deceased to the hall can of course fit his "Baigong Judgment Case", but it is disrespectful to the deceased. When the family members make a fuss, I am afraid that Tang Yuanchu will have ten mouths, and he will not be able to do a good job in crisis public relations.

"Everyone!" Bai Muchuan raised his hand and pressed it, stopped a few people who were whispering, and said with a cold face: "Now the police have got the relevant clues and basically locked the murderer. However, I still want to give the murderer a chance..."

He looked around the crowd, "Stand up now, or surrender yourself."

There was an uproar in the hall.

No one knows what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd.

But just relying on these three words and a "great nickname" to make the murderer confess, wouldn't it be too naive?
Quan Shaoteng looked up at the ceiling, feeling that this guy was too embarrassing, and wanted to pretend he didn't know him.

However, Xiang Wan showed Bai Muchuan a lot of face, walked to his side, glanced at the people in the hall, and whispered to him.

The two talked like they really knew who they were.

Xiang Wan's glance was also very technical.

Everyone here will think...she is looking at herself, at least, her eyes are different from others.

"Yes. Understood." Bai Muchuan nodded at her, then turned his eyes, and said to everyone: "This is the criminal profiler of our serious case No. [-]. I communicated with her just now. Unfortunately, we locked The murderer is the same person."

 Which one did the young couple sing?

  see you tomorrow!
  Love you, my little goldfish, my dear...

  Finally, I hope that the mangosteen will be eaten by the people of Guangdong soon!

(End of this chapter)

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