Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 608 Easy to find

Chapter 608 Easy to find ([-])
The group soon arrived at Zhang Houfa's home.

The car parked at the entrance of the villa, and they walked in.

Xu Siqi died in this big villa, and Zhang Houfa's family is currently in a mess.It is said that for many years, Zhang Houfa's wife has ignored his affairs outside, turned a blind eye and closed one eye, and everyone is well.But this time, there was a fatal accident, and the incident was full of ups and downs in the city. Everyone knew that she couldn't sit still.

When Xiang Wan and others arrived, she was arguing with Zhang Houfa.

When people were downstairs, they heard sharp quarrels.

The butler greeted him awkwardly.

Bai Muchuan showed his police ID, "We came to find Zhang Houfa to understand the situation."

"Oh, yes, officers, just a second."

The butler hurried up.

Soon, Zhang Houfa and his wife came down together.

Mrs. Zhang smiled and took Zhang Houfa's hand in a dignified manner. Her calm and breezy appearance changed another person as if by magic.If they hadn't heard their quarrel with their own ears, anyone who saw these two couples would be a loving couple.

"Officers, please sit inside. Sit inside."

Mrs. Zhang came up to greet her enthusiastically. She was able to speak and communicate.And Zhang Houfa was also different from last night, he acted like a normal person, and held a Confucian businessman's demeanor, it seemed that the person who had a hot relationship with Xu Siqi was not him at all.


Calm down.

Bai Muchuan and Xiang Wan exchanged glances.

"Mr. Zhang, we are here today. In addition to checking the scene, we also want to see where Xu Siqi lived before his death..."

In front of his wife, this question is actually a bit embarrassing.

But they were the police, not his clients.

Zhang Houfa coughed lightly, glanced at his wife, "Well, this little Xu...should live, live..."

Listening to his hesitating, Quan Shaoteng was impatient.

He narrowed his eyes, gouged it coldly, and interrupted directly, "We have investigated, Xu Siqi has been living in your villa for the past two days, and has entered and exited with you, please cooperate with the work."

"Cough cough cough!" Zhang Houfa coughed louder.

He didn't dare to look into her wife's eyes, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and called the housekeeper over.

"Is there such a thing?"

The housekeeper let out an ah, his face changed slightly.

Although he said "MMP" in his heart, the butler quickly recovered his natural expression, nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Zhang, Ms. Xu has come to our house for the past two days to talk about the new drama. In our house."

Zhang Hou made a groan, and raised his hand, "Which room do you live in, take the police officer there."

Butler: "...Okay."

Really good at acting!
Like he doesn't know.

Xiang Wan couldn't help but want to laugh.

This kind of deceitful behavior can only lie to oneself, right?
"Wait a minute!" Mrs. Zhang called the housekeeper suddenly, looked at Bai Muchuan and the others, and said enthusiastically, "No matter which room Miss Xu lives in, as long as the police officer needs it, you must cooperate seriously, do you understand? "


What a tolerant woman.

Knowing that Xu Siqi is sleeping with his husband, she can still "cooperate" so calmly.

Xiang Wan felt emotionally, full of doubts about this kind of relationship between husband and wife in the upper class.

In the end what kind of way to get along?
like?I'm afraid it doesn't exist.

What about...hate?

Mrs. Zhang said that she would cooperate with the police, and all the workers in the house were very cooperative.

Everyone knows that someone died in the swimming pool last night. Now that the police are upstairs, every room is wide open. You can look at whatever you want.The housekeeper also followed every step of the way, explaining Xu Siqi's situation at home while walking.

Soon, he arrived at a guest bedroom.

"Miss Xu has been living here for the past two days..."

Don't you actually live in Zhang Houfa's master bedroom?

Xiang Wan frowned, and walked in with Bai Muchuan.

The room is for temporary living, and there are not many things belonging to Xu Siqi left in it, a cosmetic bag is placed on the dressing table.A small suitcase was quietly placed in the corner... It was similar to the place where she lived, and the room was cleaned and tidy.

Bai Muchuan put on the gloves slowly, "Look for it!"


The room is just that big.

A group of people want to turn over things very quickly.

The suitcase was not locked and opened easily.

Because the deceased was a woman, she was given the task of unpacking the case.

Some women's clothing and personal items, nothing special...

Xiang Wan pulled on the gloves, and then opened the accessory bag in the suitcase.

There was a file bag inside, with a plastic cover and a different feel. When Xiang Wan touched it, he couldn't help but feel happy, and with a little force, he pulled out the file bag.


She called out softly, and Bai Muchuan immediately turned his head.

"found it?"

So easy to find?
Xiang Wan himself was a little confused and couldn't believe it.

"Look, is it this!"

It was a document without a name.

Calling it a script is a bit of a stretch.

Because it only has a few pages in total, very ordinary A4 printing paper, it tells a very simple story, without beginning and end... But in this short story of a few pages, the protagonist of the story is indeed Xu Siqi... …

Terrifyingly, the cause of death was drowning in the swimming pool.

There are detailed plot explanations in the script, including Xu Siqi becoming Zhang Houfa's woman, and then being killed by Feng Yingjun, a man who likes her...the development of the case is not different at all.

"No, I rely on it!"

Quan Shaoteng leaned over and took another look at the script.

"How could there be such a bizarre thing? Isn't this too awesome?"

"Even if it's a preset killing, it can't be accurate like this."

"Yes! I have watched so many crime dramas, but I have never seen such a wonderful one..."

"Who wrote the script?"

"Why can he manipulate the case?"

"Even if you can manipulate Feng Yingjun, can you still manipulate Zhang Houfa?"

Everyone was talking.

I doubt the credibility of this script.

Bai Muchuan took the script and walked around the room again, with a stern face and no expression at all, "Just like what Lao Wu said, the other party doesn't need to manipulate Zhang Houfa, because he is Zhang Houfa..."


"Of course, this is just what they want us to see." Bai Muchuan slowly pursed his lips, and asked coolly, "Don't you think this room is too clean?"

So clean.

Nothing but some simple clothes.

What's even more bizarre is that there are no fingerprints inside.

Ding Yifan's eyes flashed, and he looked at Bai Muchuan: "So, Team Bai means..."

"The script may have been put in later." Xiang Wan took the words and rubbed his forehead with a smile, "I'll just say it. If Xu Siqi had seen the script from the beginning, why did he dare to go into the water?"

(End of this chapter)

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