Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

610 Psychological Trap

610 Psychological Trap
Come so fast?
Xiang Wan was dazed, and reflexively opened the phone link.

That piece of news was very simple, without detailing the content of the script, only citing Xu Siqi's death and the fact that the death script was posted on a certain platform, and then accompanying some screenshots of the script...

Like an entertaining gossip.

Xiang Wan slandered and went to the Internet to find the post.

The content of the script is almost the same as the one she found at Zhang Houfa's house....

The same.

Apparently, someone is intentionally distributing the web.

In order to create panic among the public, at the end, there is still a preview at the end.

"The damned person is dead. The first episode is over. Please look forward to the arrival of the second episode. At that time, who will die?"

The eerie text is matched with the color of bright red.

Public opinion was in an uproar.

There is a lot of discussion online.

"Oh my god! Will anyone really die?"

"It's a spoof, right? This script is a fake at first glance. Someone must be playing tricks to bluff people after Xu Siqi's death."

"Upstairs is so smart! Hehe, how did Xu Siqi die, do you know? Unless it's the police, who would know these details? You think you can write a script if you want? You idiot!"

Among the comments discussing the script, one or two pointed to Xie Wanwan.

"Isn't Xu Siqi that Xie Wanwan's assistant? Why did she go to shoot Meng Shi's "Chang'an"?"

"Thank you Wanwan for recommending it to Zhang..."

"Hehe! The weasel didn't have any good intentions to give the chicken New Year's greetings, did it? A woman like Xie Wanwan likes to step on others to take the lead. How could she be willing to support her young and beautiful female assistant..."

"In order to attract investment..."

"Let's stand up again! While recommending, I am afraid that I will be squeezed away. Maybe it's her tricks..."

"Let's go to the theater! Go to the theater, and pray that the storm will be more violent..."

The public's saliva has always been like this, and the source is unknown.Most people don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and follow what others, it's easy to be led by others...

Xiang Wan flipped through the pages for less than 3 minutes before putting down his phone.

This Xie Wanwan is really a dynamite existence.

Wherever you go, where you blow up...

It will always be the vane of public opinion, the position of saliva...

Xiang Wan sighed, retracted her thoughts, looked at the computer screen, and continued to write her outline.

As I was writing, my mind suddenly wandered, as if I thought of something, I opened the chat dialog box, and sent a message to Bai Muchuan, "I sorted out the plot just now, and found that from the case of 'The Temptation of the Great God' to the present Murder script, we seem to have fallen into a psychological trap by mistake?"

Bai Muchuan was in the interrogation room and did not reply.

Xiang Wan didn't care, and continued to write: "In the past, I always had a preconceived idea that behind all the cases, there must be an ultimate big boss... From the 720 case, to the Fountain Goddess murder case, to the crew of "Grey List" The serial case, the temptation case of the Great God, the zombie case... I firmly believe that there is such a person who exists and runs through it all. But I forgot that reality is different from fiction..."

"The mysterious ID in the book review section has long since disappeared."

"That person no longer exists. After Cui Ming died, he never appeared again."

"From that case to Tu Liang's tragic death, Meng Chi's arrest, and Shadow's arrest... Couldn't the boss behind him be a different person?"

Xiang Wan looked at her message and fell into deep thought.

After a while, she sent another one.

"I've been poisoned by a poison called fiction!"

Treating the case as a novel, thinking that it is an upgrade to fight monsters, there must be some kind of routine, but it was actually led into the ditch by inertial thinking.If we simply separate the cases one by one, we can clearly see that after Cui Ming's death, he entered another new node...

"Before Cui Ming died, Cui Ming was that person. After Cui Ming died, it was another person. I thought that person was Shadow, and Shadow's motive for committing the crime was reasonable. But now Shadow is in the detention center..."

"Therefore, if the murder script and the zombie case are of the same nature, it is basically certain that this series of cases can be divided into two stages. One stage is led by Cui Ming. The other stage is his development and extension—from heaven From the beginning of anger to the current murder script. We call this BOSS X. X may have some relationship with previous cases, but he may not necessarily be involved in those cases. Moreover, he, Cui Ming, and Shadow..."

Xiang Wan typed the words here, thinking of the scar on Xie Wanwan's neck when she came home that day...

The investor who bullied her that day was Zhang Houfa.

The person who took Xu Siqi away that day was also Zhang Houfa.

In other words, the person Zhang Houfa wanted at the beginning was Xie Wanwan.

"Also... X and Xie Wanwan must have some kind of relationship. If it wasn't for Meng Chi who went in, I would suspect... X is Meng Chi."




Xiang Wan rubbed his head.

It is cumbersome and painful to sort out the lines one by one.But she clearly felt that Xie Wanwan seemed to be on this line all the time. She was involved in both the cases of Cui Mingqian and Cui Minghou...

And, she's a victim.

There has always been a victim.

Psychological trap...

Preset psychological traps...

Xiang Wan grabbed her hair, her head hurting.

"Dong dong!"

Someone knocked on the door outside.


Xiang Wan recovered from her thoughts and raised her head abruptly.

"Me!" Sailimu pushed the door open and came in.

The young man just had a crew cut and looked very energetic. He smiled happily at Xiang Wan, "Teacher Xiang, guess what good news I brought you?"

Good news for her?

Xiang Wan looked at him suspiciously for a moment, and couldn't help laughing, "When did you learn how to be tricky? Tell me quickly."

Sailimu laughed, and pulled away the chair opposite her desk, with an unconcealed look of pride on her face, "Didn't the boss let me crack the victim's phone? Guess what I found?"

Looking at his flying eyebrows, Xiang Wan didn't understand anymore.

"Haven't you already mentioned what you found at the case analysis meeting?"

Those Xu Siqi's private records, as well as things related to the murder script, were all found by Sailimu...

"Is there anything else?" Xiang Wan thought of this possibility, and his voice was full of joy.

"That's right!" Sailimu happily snapped his fingers, pulled the chair closer, and leaned forward towards her, as if talking about a secret that no one could hear, "I deleted all the content that the victim deleted within a week. Restored and made a surprising discovery..."

Xiang Wan was pleasantly surprised, "What did you find?"

Sailimu, "In the victim's notes, something was deleted...the other party actually gave her a disk to store the script...but I don't know if it was a USB flash drive or something else. The other party asked her to Give this disk to Xie Wanwan..."

Xiang Wan frowned, "Is there any difference between this deleted message and the one you found before?"

They all mentioned the script, and they all said to hand it over to Xie Wanwan...

"No! Disk!" Before Sailimu could answer, Xiang Wan came back to his senses, "There is one more disk...then the question comes back again, why did Xu Siqi delete this one?"

Sailimu spread his hands, "Then I don't know..."

a plate.a script.

A disk to store the script, where is it?
After thinking about it for a moment, Xiang Wan suddenly waved to Sailimu.

"Come on! Let me show you something."

(End of this chapter)

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