Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 617 I'm an Honest Man

Chapter 617 I'm an Honest Man ([-])
After a hot pot meal, everyone ate with a heavy heart.

After eating, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After coming out of the hot pot restaurant, Bai Muchuan arranged tasks for everyone, and they dispersed.

He arranged for those who worked overtime last night to rest, and the rest went to the team.

Together with Bai Muchuan, Xiang Wan went to the team to get the computer, sat in the office and waited for him for another hour, and finally waited for him to get off work.

It's rare for two people to go home together. It should be a happy thing, but the mood at work will inevitably affect the mood in life. On the way home, there is nothing to talk about.

Fang Yuanyuan has already arrived home and is doing hygiene with Xie Wanwan.

She is not a diligent person, but Xie Wanwan is.

Since she moved in, she has consciously cleaned up the house every day, and she will not completely rely on the assistant, but will do it herself.

It can be said that at home, she doesn't have the airs of a big star...

It's just that today... Xiang Wan was a little embarrassed.

Xie Wanwan actually washed all the clothes she had changed.


Xiangwan's cheeks were a little hot.

"I'll do it myself, it's too much trouble for you..."

Xie Wanwan glanced at her indifferently, "Just by the way. You don't have to worry about it, just treat it as my labor service to pay the rent."

Xiang Wan: "..."

She didn't know what to say.

Especially after seeing countless vicious curses on Xie Wanwan on the Internet today, and seeing this woman again, Xiang Wan's heart was very complicated and entangled.

She hoped that Xie Wanwan hadn't seen those things.

I hope she never sees the insidiousness in human nature...

But in the online world, there are no secrets.

How could she not know?

Looking at her calm face, Xiang Wan wasn't sure if she knew, but she wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

"Have you eaten yet?" she asked.

"I've eaten!" Xie Wanwan looked at her indifferently, "Go and rest, work is quite tiring, so don't meddle in these housework. I'm idle anyway."

Is she free?Xiang Wan didn't think so.

"You don't have to do it in the future, you are busy yourself."

"I want to do something." Xie Wanwan tightly squeezed the rag in her hand, and looked at her with a cool smile, "Get busy, don't think about anything. Just complete the task... and then look at the bright and clean window, A sense of accomplishment."


Xiang Wan understood.

She does things just to decompress.

"Okay, thank you then."

With a hum, Xie Wanwan pointed to the room, "Go and rest."

Bai Muchuan went into the bedroom when he came back. Xiang Wan couldn't help here, so he put away his bag and chatted with Fang Yuanyuan before walking away.

It is somewhat inconvenient for a group of people to live under one roof.

Especially Bai Muchuan, the only male.

When Xiang Wan returned to his room, he had already gone to wash up.

Listening to the rushing water in the bathroom, Xiang Wan put the computer away and slowly sat on the sofa, feeling a dull pain in his head.

Lying down on her back, she pinched her temples and slowly closed her eyes.

After a while, the sound of running water stopped, and Bai Muchuan came out wiping his hair.

"Tired?" He scanned Xiang Wan's face, threw down the towel, and sat beside her, "Come on, I'll massage you."

His slender and strong fingers slide slowly on her scalp with a comfortable rhythm...

Xiang Wan was a little reluctant to open his eyes, "It's so comfortable."

Bai Muchuan's eyelids were heavy, and he smiled half-smile, "There are more comfortable ones, do you want them?"

Xiang Wan's eyelashes trembled, "Aren't you tired? You still have this thought."

"Combine work and rest." Bai Muchuan changed a convenient position, hugged her head on his lap, and slowly smoothed out her long hair. Sighed contentedly, "Our work is endless. After one case is finished, there will be another case, and none of them is not heavy. Xiang Wan, you have to get used to this kind of life... You can't stop working because the work is heavy." Are you alive?"

Xiang Wan was taken aback.

I couldn't help but bend my lips.

"You're always so reasonable."

"I'm an honest man!" Bai Muchuan said solemnly.

Xiang Wan snorted, "Come on you! If you are honest, then no one else will have to live."

"Seriously." Bai Muchuan straightened her moving head, lowered his eyes, stared at her exquisite eyebrows seriously, and said casually: "Solving cases is our job, and the biggest difficulty of this job is that it will affect life ...So, we have to know how to regulate ourselves. Otherwise, we will wake up every day and worry about various cases, should we live?"


Xiang Wan raised her eyebrows, but he pressed them back down again.

"Am I wrong?"

"Yes!" She nodded clearly, then raised her eyelids and glanced at him, "So, allow me to take a shower first, and then come back to serve His Majesty's life?"

Bai Muchuan smiled lightly, "Good boy!"

A case is about life, and it is easy to make people feel unhappy.

If you don't know how to adjust, life will really change.

With Mr. Xiaobai's advice, Xiang Wan calmed down and went to the bathroom.

There is a big mirror inside.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Xiang Wan suddenly felt a little strange.

The same face, eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, have not changed.However, upon closer inspection, she was completely different from her previous self...

A woman's charm is closely related to the things she has experienced, the people she knows, the books she has read...all are closely related.

That's right!

Bai Muchuan's Xiang Wan is different from her Xiang Wan.

Xiang Wan smiled at the clean mirror, "Then work hard to become a better version of yourself!"

Bowing her head, she took off her clothes one by one, walked into the shower room barefoot, and was about to close the glass door when the bathroom opened.

Bai Muchuan's face was blurred by the dense mist...

Xiang Wan was slightly taken aback, her heart beating faster.

"Bai Muchuan..."

She wanted to ask him what he was doing.

Before the words were spoken, the glass door was pulled open.

The two looked at each other, and time seemed to stand still.

Standing under the shower, Xiang Wan looked at him with his mouth slightly open, his heart beating wildly.

This is not the first time, she will still unconsciously be swayed and attracted by him. The tall man in front of her has a healthy tanned skin, clear and powerful muscle lines, a slender and thick male body, and the body that cannot be covered by the bath towel. On the narrow waist, the arc of the mermaid line extending downward...

Xiang Wan's eyelids twitched, "Go out and wait for me first!"

Bai Muchuan had already walked in, and grabbed her by the shoulder, "I'll give you a bath."

"..." Xiang Wan's heart felt as if someone had lit a string of firecrackers, and they exploded. Almost at that moment, the roots of his ears turned red.

Having been together for so long, they have done everything that can be done between husband and wife... Sometimes she even felt like an old married couple with him. In the busy and heavy work day after day, she was often forced to The atmosphere was overwhelmed, and there was no time to spend the eve and month, and no time to think about whether the two of them getting along like this would lose the passion of some young people...

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Muchuan lowered his head and looked at her.

"I... didn't think about anything." Xiang Wan didn't dare to meet his gaze.

"Oh. It seems that I am being sentimental."


Bai Muchuan didn't answer, his big hand held the water and gently slid across her fair skin, intentionally or unintentionally touching the wildfire in the wilderness, "I thought you... want me?"

(End of this chapter)

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