Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 623 Hypnosis

Chapter 623 Hypnosis ([-])

A sentence without beginning and end, but angered the shadow.

He was slightly startled, looked at Zhan Se ferociously, and showed vicious and disgusted emotions towards the new hypnotist.

"What do you know, you don't know anything!"

he yelled!
he yelled!
He tensed up with fear!
Zhan Se raised his brows, with a half-smile, "You're in a terrible mood, do you need to relax first, and we can talk again?"

Yin Xiang understood her "conspiracy" and sneered, with rejection in his eyes, "Don't think about it! Don't think I don't know what you want to do to me? Hypnotize me? Let your guard down? Lose your mind?"

"so smart!"

Zhan Se smiled slightly, "But if you say that, do you really have a secret in your heart that no one can know?"

Her rhetorical question was not harsh, her tone was easy-going and natural.

Even, with a little smile.

"Your current state has reached the level of hypnosis, do you want to know?"

Shadow was startled, "to what extent?"

Zhanse, "You have entered a light hypnotic state."



He started yelling again.

Use a loud voice to fight against the sound of rain and fight against fear.

"What kind of bullshit hypnotism, are you bluffing me?"

He roared, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead.

The air was dull and humid, as if rain and fog had drifted in. He gasped for breath and felt cold again after shouting.

"I tell you, I'm sober!"

"Being awake doesn't mean you haven't entered the state." Zhan Se, like a science lecturer, explained the principle of hypnosis to him in detail, frowned slightly, and looked at his hand that kept pinching his thigh, "Did you think that as long as you stay strong, Can you resist hypnosis?"

Shadow shut his mouth tightly.

Silent confrontation...

A smile appeared on Zhan Se's face, "It's useless, you can resist me, but you can't resist yourself. You don't want to die, you still want to live. Although you are reluctant to hurt that person, you love yourself more... Even if he It's your son."

Shadow's face instantly changed color.

The wind that came from nowhere chilled his bones.

He seemed like someone who couldn't stand the cold, his teeth were tapping lightly, and his shoulders were desperately shrinking, as if he wanted to compress himself on the tiger chair.

"...I don't know what you're talking about...I don't know anything, don't ask me, don't ask me!"

Xiang Wan glanced at Zhan Se and felt a little nervous.

The state of the shadows is horrible.

The imitation is stuck in an invisible mud, dying.

He can communicate with the outside world, but cannot get out.

Is this what Zhan Se said, entering a light hypnotic state?
Zhan Se looked over softly, "Let's start."

Shadow bowed his head, teeth chattering.

Zhan Se's pupils were dark, and his eyes seemed to cast magic, "You raise your head and look at me..."

Shadow froze, shrank his shoulders, and slowly raised his head. This slow motion was like someone possessed by an evil spirit—the eyes were out of focus, and his face was blank.

Zhan Se: "Wei Gang, can you tell me where your son went?"

Shadow didn't speak.

Zhan Se: "We know that the person who planned the Sky's Wrath Plan and encouraged him. He is also the one who helped you control the remaining forces of the secret door, right?"

"No!" Shadow suddenly opened his eyes wide, his pupils terrified as if seeing a ghost, "You're talking nonsense! No, it's none of his business, it's none of his business at all..."

"You have met your son." Zhan Se came to the first conclusion.

Then, continue to ask: "He is in his 20s, and he is in Kyoto. Who is he?"

Shadow looked at her in horror, shaking his head, shaking his head, shaking his head nervously.

"I don't know... I don't know anything."

Zhanse smiled at him, "You know, he is someone we know, so you are very scared..."

"No!" Shadow was still in shock, his lips were trembling.

He didn't want to listen, and wanted to fight with silence, but Zhan Se observed the desired result from his micro-expressions time and time again.

"You want to protect him and do your best to be a father. It's a pity that he doesn't love you at all and never regards you as his biological father. He, yes, wants, kills, kills, you!"

"No—" Shadow roared, struggling to stand up from the chair, "You don't know anything, why are you talking nonsense... why?"

Zhan Se ignored her and continued to circle around according to the information provided by Xiang Wan.

"He hates you. What happened to you in the special school back then made him unable to hold his head up in front of his classmates. He was pointed out and insulted... You ruined his mother's life and ruined him. He has always held a grudge in his heart. Over the years Refusing to recognize you... Wei Gang, haven't you thought about it? He suddenly came to you again, and he is not as innocent as you thought..."

"No! He didn't..." Shadow shook his head feebly.

"...Who said there is no? He is a bad kid. He has kept his grudges all his life, and finally designed everything. He killed all the people he hated, and then sent his biological father to prison. Then, looking at him die-"

"You're lying! You're lying to me!" Shadow roared.

Zhan Se's voice was slow and soft, not listening to his growls, his gentle tone was neither fast nor slow, every word was like a needle piercing Ying Ying's heart.

As a result, he got affirmative answers time and time again.


Shadow didn't admit a word.

He exposed everything about him.

Giving them countless important directions.

Zhan Se smiled and took another list from Xiang Wan.

"A tiger's poison doesn't eat its children. Wei Gang, I believe you won't tell us who he is—but, this person must be by your side, he knows Xiang Wan, he knows Bai Muchuan, and knows a lot of facts, so—— We'll have no trouble finding him."

Not hard to find?

Not hard to find?

Shadow's eyes clearly revealed fear.

He stopped yelling and barking, and his face was full of tension.

Zhan Se observed him, "We have listed recent cases, and all men aged 20-25 are on this list. Now, we will investigate one by one, I will read a name, you just nod or shake your head..."

"I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

Shadow's lips trembled.

Not telling, but telling in a disguised form—there is such a person.

Zhan Se smiled, "You will tell me."

"will not."

"You will!" Zhanse was sure, "When I read his name, you... just tell me without saying a word."

Shadow looked at him in horror.

Zhan Se slowly raised a pen, pointed at him, and smiled lightly.

"I can see your heart."

After she finished speaking, she stopped talking nonsense and began to read the list one by one...

Read it, pause.

The muscles on Shadow's face were trembling.

He is afraid.

He was nervous.

He couldn't control his expression.

Like a trapped animal, it circles in the rain trying to get out of the rain and mist, but inevitably gets wet all over...

"Ye, Lun." Zhan Se spat out another name.

Then, looking at Shadow's expression, he slightly raised the corners of his lips, "It's him, right? It's the impeller."

(End of this chapter)

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