Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 628 Cold

Chapter 628 Cold ([-])
"It'll be all right."

Xiang Wan hugged Fang Yuanyuan comfortingly, thought about it, and took off his coat again.

"Put on!"

Fang Yuanyuan was taken aback, "I'm not cold."

"Not cold? Your hands are almost frozen into ice cubes."

She was wearing home pajamas at home, and the indoor temperature was in stark contrast to the outdoor temperature. She might have temporarily forgotten the cold when she was in a state of tension and fear, but now that she relaxes, she feels that her whole body is about to freeze, and she can’t even speak. trembling.

"Well, you still love me the most!"

Fang Yuanyuan chuckled, and took the clothes from her hand.

"Cousin, why do you suddenly feel that you... are so manly!"

Xiang Wan: "..."

Glancing at her, Xiang Wan was about to speak when a men's coat fell off his shoulders.

Well!Here comes the real man.

She looked up and saw Bai Muchuan's stern eyes, "My lord, you are still sick..."

He had no expression on his face, "You are not allowed to freeze!"


Xiang Wan resolutely refused, "You are a patient, listen to me."

"What does it matter if I'm sick? I'm a man."

He insisted, could not refuse, and left as soon as he lost his clothes.

"You guys wait here, I'll go over and see what's going on."

"……All right!"

Sometimes, Bai Muchuan is very domineering, especially at such times, he is the last thing he wants to refuse Xiang Wan's concern.His woman is frozen, and he wears it himself, what do you say?In his heart, men should protect women, because women are weak and men are powerful, this is innate... Although Xiang Wan didn't feel that he was as weak as he thought, but being cared by him like this, he secretly felt in his heart Cool.

"The cold dog food patted my face indiscriminately—"

Fang Yuanyuan joked and sighed again, "At this time, I miss my Huanghuang. Cousin, I will return to Jincheng tomorrow morning."

Xiang Wan didn't stop her.

They are cousins, they have played together since they were young, and they wish they could get tired of being together every day...

But now that they have grown up and have their own lives and jobs, Fang Yuanyuan and Huang He have already obtained their certificates, and now Huang He is still in the hospital, Fang Yuanyuan can leave her husband to help her catch monsters, this love is enough It is not comparable to ordinary feelings.

"I'll take you to the airport tomorrow," Xiang Wan said.

"Don't be so greasy, I'll take a taxi and go."

Fang Yuanyuan stretched her neck to look at the community, her tone was relaxed,
"I know you are busy. If something like this happened today, you should be even busier! If I stay, you have to take care of me, which is also a burden..."

"Hehe!" Xiang Wan didn't take it seriously, "You probably think too much."

"Huh?" What?

She looked over in confusion, and then heard Xiang Wan say, "I wasn't distracted at all. I didn't even take care of you..."

"...Fuck! Cruel!"

After Fang Yuanyuan pouted, she suddenly saw Xiang Wan's face change.

He stared at her as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" she asked Xiang Wan.

"Where's the cat?" Xiang Wan's voice became hoarse, "Where's Xiao Hei Hei?"

"When I came out, I didn't see it, and it was too late to find it..."


The crowd was chattering.

Two or three people were carried out, and then sent away by 120 vehicles.

Xiang Wan saw the person on the stretcher, who was unconscious and completely unresponsive.

Judging by the doctor's expression, the situation was more serious than expected.

The Jingdu police had a strong ability to deal with the situation on the fly. Within half an hour, biochemical weapon experts entered the scene, and the scope of evacuation expanded to the entire community. Xiang Wan once again saw Bai Muchuan's younger brother, Bai Muxuan.

This time he was not alone, and brought a team of special forces with live ammunition.

They were fully armed and searched the community with the special police - fearing that there were other biochemical sprayers hidden in the community.

The search process lasted all afternoon.

When night fell, the community finally lifted the alarm.

However, security was increased, and a group of special police remained.

This look of being ready for battle is frightening.

Similarly, such news cannot be suppressed.

All kinds of pictures and rumors spread on various social platforms, coupled with some people's embellishment, after the matter fermented, it not only aroused heated discussions in public opinion, but also inevitably caused panic among the public...

After the zombie drug, Resident Evil!
Such rumors are appalling.

The plots heard in the movie have been moved to reality.

Everyone is in danger!

The more I talk about it, the more mysterious it becomes...


"Sister Yuanyuan, you are too careless."

Among the melon-eating crowd, Sailimu said sadly.

"If it wasn't for Mr. Xiang feeling wrong, if Team Bai hadn't called the property management to verify, I don't know what would have happened today... Maybe, when Brother Huang He comes back, I can only pick up your corpse ..."

Can this child speak?
Fang Yuanyuan: "...Shh!"

She made a silent expression.

Sailimu didn't realize what she meant.

"Aren't you afraid? This time, your life was picked up."

Fang Yuanyuan: "...Brother, can we stop talking!"

Sailimu didn't say anything, Tang Yuanchu intervened, and at the same time Aite asked Cheng Zheng, "Are you sure? What kind of poison is that?"

Cheng Zheng: "I haven't got accurate information. If it's really a newly researched biochemical weapon, I'm afraid I haven't heard of it before..."

Tang Yuanchu: "This thing is too terrifying, and the trigger device is also very clever. I heard that if the device does not sense the water mist, it will not be triggered..."

If no water mist is sensed, it will not be triggered.

But in the bathroom, how can it not sense the water mist?
It happened sooner or later...

Tang Yuanchu: "That is to say, the person they are targeting may not be Fang Yuanyuan! Could it be..."

Thank you Wanwan?
He didn't say it.

No one asked either.

Sailimu: "Sister Yuanyuan, did you use water?"

Fang Yuanyuan: "...It's used. Xiang Wan told me about it, so I was curious. I went to the bathroom to check, but I didn't find anything wrong, the way, I washed my hands."

Tang Yuanchu: "That equipment is very concealed. It's on the pipe under the sink, and you can't notice it at all under normal circumstances."

Fang Yuanyuan said, "Yes, after chatting with Xiang Wan, I was a little curious, so I went to the bathroom to take a look, and washed my hands by the way."

Tang Yuanchu: " are amazing!"

Fang Yuanyuan: "Because they only went to the bathroom after they came in. They said there was a water leak and they messed with the sink for a while... I was standing at the door of the bathroom and didn't pay much attention. When I became suspicious, I went to have a look. Well...but I didn't see anything, and it was my fault."

Tang Yuanchu: "That's no wonder you, most people would never think of..."

(End of this chapter)

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