Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 67 Ego, Id, Superego

Chapter 67 Ego, id, superego (one more)
Xiang Wan was stunned for a while.

Who else is related to Zhanser?
For a moment, an inexplicable expectation surged in her heart.

If it's Bai Muchuan, does that prove...he's paying attention to her?

Xiang Wan frowned, and hurriedly texted Zhan Se for verification.

"Appointment! It is necessary to make an appointment. But, senior sister, how do you know that I am in Kyoto?"

"I'll tell you when I see you."

Zhan Se made a fool of himself, and before Xiang Wan could reply, he sent another one.

"Where to eat, you find a place. Then I will come to you."

She was familiar with the boundaries of the capital, so of course it was more convenient for her to find Xiang Wan.


They said it was a treat, so of course Xiang Wan couldn't choose a place that was too expensive.

She picked a restaurant with good reviews and a reasonable price on Dianping and sent it to her.

"how about this?"

"Well, let me see."

After a few minutes, Zhan Se said, "You add me on WeChat, and I'll send you your location."

Zhan Se sent a wechat to apply, and Xiang Wan added her.

With a beep, she sent a positioning message.

"Here, not far from the place you chose. The taste is very good, I have eaten there."

"That's fine, you decide."

"See you tonight?"

"See you tonight."


The two made an appointment, and when Xiang Wan put down his phone and looked at the computer again, he had no intention of typing anymore.

My heart is like grass.

The weeds grew crazily, crazily, so long that they entangled her heart, and she couldn't breathe freely.

Zhanse's invitation, she couldn't refuse.

Neither of them mentioned Bai Muchuan just now.

But Xiang Wan had a vague feeling that it had something to do with him.

If not, she and Zhan Se are not familiar enough to treat guests to dinner!

It must be him.

There were still a few hours before the appointed time, and she couldn't control her messy heart, so she simply lay on the bed for half an hour, calmed down, and then forced herself to calm down and sit up.

Wrote a chapter, [-] words.

Upload to the platform, review and release.

After finishing these, it's already seven o'clock!

She tidied up, took out her makeup bag, put on a little make-up and went out.


Zhansek arrived before her.

The restaurant is located on the top floor of this building. The dining environment is very good. The slow music soothes people's nerves. The warm lighting and the arc-shaped floor-to-ceiling glass windows open the tables like flower petals. There is a lot of space between the petals, which is absolutely convenient for the diners to chat.

The lights are not bright, but it is very emotional.

However, there are a lot of dishes that occupy the color point.

Xiang Wan smiled shyly, "Senior Sister, the two of us can't eat..."

Zhan Se smiled so much that his eyes rolled up, "It's okay, we can't eat, let's eat slowly."

Suddenly, she looked up again: "How about some more wine?"

"please do not."

"How can you entertain distinguished guests without wine?"

Xiang Wan pursed her lips and smiled, but she couldn't refuse again and again, she just asked, "You didn't tell me, how did you know that I came to the capital?"

With a light haha, Zhan Se laughed.

"Coincidentally! I saw your picture."

"Huh?" Xiang Wan was puzzled, "Where?"

Zhanse lowered his head, took out a black and white two-inch photo from his wallet, and passed it over the table.

"Your neighbor on the plane is a distant cousin of mine."


Isn't he a liar?

Xiang Wan looked down at the photo and was even more confused.

She put this photo in her wallet, how could it be in Zhanser's place?

"When you gave him the taxi money, it slipped out."

Zhan Se smiled and explained to her, "He picked it up and just came to my house today. Speaking of it, I immediately recognized the little girl in the photo as you..."

Xiang Wan pursed her lips lightly, lowered her head and put away the photo.

"Thank you!"

She didn't look into Zhan Se's eyes, and smiled suspiciously.

"I thought he was a liar. Sorry."

"It's okay haha, many people say that. Did he tell you that he can tell fortunes or something?"

"Yeah." He even asked me for 1200 yuan.

"Actually, he didn't coax you." Zhan Se said, "He will."

"Huh?" Xiang Wan's eyes widened.

Hearing this kind of words from Zhan Se's mouth, I was a little surprised.

Shouldn't she be a modern intellectual woman?Actually believe this?

Zhan Se observed her expression, and smiled broadly.

"Our ancestors of the Zhan family actually did it difficult to understand?"

"Ugh!" Indeed.

It's like a fantasy!
Isn't Zhanse an expert in criminal psychology?
How did she become the daughter of a fortune teller's family?

Zhan Se smiled and didn't explain too much.

"Anyway, that's what it means. Our Zhan family ancestors have learned divination for generations. Well, my father is also a divination teacher."


Such a professional fresh word.

Xiang Wan listened attentively.

Divination: "It is dream divination, word detection, word interpretation, name learning and other mystical arts... When modern people talk about divination, most of them think it is a trick to cheat money. In fact, real divination is not unfounded Dongxi, the ancient Zhuge Liang, Li Chunfeng, Liu Bowen, Zeng Guofan... are all masters of divination."

Xiang Wan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Then you will too?"

Zhan Se pouted in embarrassment.

"It was lost when I came here. Haha, I don't know much about it. But my father left a lot of related books, and my cousin wanted to pick them up to learn, so I gave him the books and let him learn... No, I was fascinated by learning, and I was talking about it all day long. Hearing me talk about Jincheng's case, I also rushed over, saying that I wanted to investigate the celestial phenomenon..."

"Pfft! All right."

So that's the case.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Xiang Wan's heart was inexplicably empty.

I don't know whether to be disappointed or funny.

Why did she think that Bai Muchuan was paying attention to her?
Xiang Wan chuckled, "Then how is your cousin doing?"

Zhan Se shook his head, "God knows, he's playing tricks all day long, and I just take it for fun, and don't dare to take it too seriously."

Don't dare to care too much...?
A dare word, there is a lot of mystery.

At this time, the dishes came up one after another.

The two of them exchanged pleasantries and took care of the food and drink. Xiang Wan suddenly asked, "Then, do you believe in what you studied about him?"

Zhan Se narrowed his eyes, and his tone was more solemn than before, "There are many mysterious things in this world. I have always been in awe. However, if you believe it, you will have it, or if you don't believe it, you won't. You don't have to take his words to heart."

It seems that Mr. "Harry Potter" told her everything?
Originally, Xiang Wan thought that guy was a liar, so his words passed away.

But now that he was suddenly identified by Zhan Se, Xiang Wan couldn't help feeling chills in his heart.

"Did he tell you anything about me?"

Zhan Se sat across from her, stopped his chopsticks and looked at her seriously.

This serious look made Xiang Wan's heart almost freeze.

"He said you've been unlucky lately...hehe, whose luck doesn't come from good times and jet lag? You don't have to worry too much about it!"

"Hahaha, it's all right. I think I've been lucky recently?"

It's good luck to be able to come to Kyoto for training.

Xiang Wan likes to think about things in an optimistic direction, suppress that weird feeling, and stop thinking about it.

"I called you here today to apologize to you." Zhan Se said, "My cousin is often unreliable, and he only cares about asking for money..."

"It's okay, I didn't really give it to him."

"Haha, look at your monkey spirit, you won't be deceived if you think about it."

"Pfft! That's right."

The two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very good.

Suddenly, Zhan Se smiled and asked her, "Have you come to the capital to see Xiao Bai?"


Xiang Wan was eating fish and almost choked.

She coughed, wiped her mouth with a piece of paper, and smiled awkwardly.

"No. I don't know Officer Bai very well, so I don't want to disturb him."

"Oh?" Zhan Se had a smile in his eyes, "Really?"


"Then I'll call him over to have dinner together." Zhan Se said and went to find his mobile phone, "I heard from Lao Wu that he went back to Kyoto alone sadly, so I thought he had a conflict with you... Since I'm with you It's okay, then it won't be embarrassing to ask him to come over..."

"……do not!"

Xiang Wan frowned, not knowing how to explain.

"It's pretty good for us two women. It's not convenient to talk to a man."

"It's okay if the fifth child comes together. It's just the two of us, it's too deserted."

"Senior sister..." Xiang Wan asked with a look in his eyes.

Zhan Se smiled slightly, put down the phone slowly, and glared at her with a snort, "Still fooling me? Have you forgotten what I do?"

All right!People who study psychology are not normal human beings.

In front of her, all emotions are invisible.

"Actually, I felt that the relationship between you two was not normal." Zhan Se said.

"What's abnormal? It's always been normal." Xiang Wan's cheeks were a little hot.

"I'm not sure. Maybe your relationship didn't reach that point, but I thought you would develop..."

"Unfortunately...not at all." Xiang Wan smiled casually, "In this day and age, isn't it easy to have a little ambiguity that ends without a cause?"

Zhan Se sighed, and suddenly said, "Many people just can't recognize their original mind."

She looked at Xiang Wan without saying a word, and slowly narrowed her eyes after speaking, "Do you know that I can hypnotize you?"

Her suddenly dimmed expression was somewhat similar to that of her cousin, with a mysterious feeling.

Xiang Wan's heart choked slightly.

Perhaps the "magic art" of hypnosis itself has a psychological deterrent effect on people. Looking at Zhan Se in front of her, she felt goosebumps popping out, and her body felt numb and uncomfortable.

"Senior sister, is hypnosis really that magical?"

Zhan Se smiled, "How about we have a try?"

Xiang Wan asked curiously, "How?"

Zhan Se didn't answer, his eyes gradually darkened, and he stared at her non-stop.

The lighting in the restaurant is not very bright.

The lamp hanging from above their heads flickered, casting their shadows on the window glass.

Outside the window is the distant night sky.

The location of the restaurant is very high, and the whole city is under their feet.

Zhan Se suddenly said, "Look at me."

Without her ordering, Xiang Wan actually kept looking at her.

She wanted to see from Zhan Se's eyes how she was going to play tricks.

However, she looked at it for a long time, and her vision gradually became blurred, as if the restaurant was spinning.

Xiang Wan shook his head, feeling a little dazed...

Zhan Se opened and closed his mouth, talking to her.

"In fact, our hearts are very complicated, and the level of complexity may be far beyond your own imagination."

"Many emotions are suppressed when we are sober and rational. These emotions will even separate different versions of you and collide with you... So, Xiang Wan, do you often hear in your heart, There will be a different you talking."

"One said yes, one said no. One said yes, one said no."

"Ego in contradiction, id, and superego."

Xiang Wan was taken aback.

Is this what everyone has?

Especially after starting to write online novels.

She can not only talk to the characters in the text, but also talk to herself.

These words will not be spoken, but will only be read silently in my heart.


Zhanse called her name.

"I can see that you are frightened."

"?" Xiang Wan was in a trance.

"There is fear in the depths of your eyes. Tell me, what are you afraid of?"

Zhanse's voice, at some point, became faint and cool, as if reaching his ears from the distant night sky.

Xiang Wan looked at her, wearing a black dress, a pair of black eyes, and a clean face. She was obviously pretty, but she seemed to have suddenly turned into a charming woman.When Zhanse blinked her eyelashes, her heart skipped a beat.The thinner, longer, softer, and slower Zhanse's voice is, the more slowly her mind becomes in a trance.

"I'm afraid... I think about it..."

"I remember! That dark alley, that cat that appeared out of nowhere—"

"Also, that woman, she has a dull face and cold eyes."

"Every time I see her, and her lovely son, it's like watching a horror movie."

"'s because every time I meet her, it's in a dark environment?"

Xiang Wan muttered, talking to Zhan Se.

But she felt that the voice was a little floaty.

The subconscious is speaking, and it seems that the unconscious is speaking.

This feeling is very mysterious, like a person walking alone in a deserted dark alley, facing the endless void, and she was talking to the person in the void, her voice trembled uncontrollably, clearly felt I am sober, and I can't struggle with that vortex.


Yes, it is.

Nightmare feeling.

"I'm still afraid... that ID left in the book review area..."

"Like a pair of eyes, like a camera installed on my door and window beams..."

"I don't like people intruding into my life, I'm afraid of being destroyed, disturbed, stared at..."

"That would make me nervous, like somewhere unknown, someone is going to kill me..."

"...Could it be...the person they want to kill is me?"

Xiangwan's nerves were relaxed, and his vigilance was reduced to the extreme.

Her conjectures, hesitation, and those feelings that she couldn't express when she was awake were all babbled out.

"I don't know if I fell in love with Bai Muchuan..."

"I just like the feeling of being with him... I feel that he can protect me..."

"It seems that with him, I will be absolutely safe..."

"After my father died, no one gave me such a sense of security..."

She took a deep breath, lowered her head weakly, and suddenly lost control of her emotions.

That poor look, like a helpless child.

"Mom has a bad temper, looks fierce, but is actually cowardly, and relies on my aunt for everything... Every time I see her being criticized by my aunt, I feel ashamed..."

"Mom can't protect me. She sleeps alone at night and cries... I climbed up the window once when I was a child. I... the building is so high... why did that woman jump... the water in the fountain pool is so red... bloody The strands came out, from the person's body, from the goddess' fingers... I looked at if I saw my own dead body lying on it..."

Xiang Wan was a little incoherent.

One sentence after another, one sentence slower than one sentence.

At this time, beep beep——

Accompanied by the vibrating sound of the mobile phone on the table, a series of bells rang piercingly.

Xiang Wan's conversation was interrupted.

The sound of the bell was like a needle piercing her heart, and when it hurt, she suddenly regained consciousness.

What was she talking about just now?
Xiang Wan stared at Zhan Se, in a daze for a moment.

Zhan Se answered the phone calmly, with a faint voice, "I see, um, let's talk about it later."

After she hung up the phone, Xiang Wan blushed and asked, "Senior Sister, did I...drink too much?"

Zhan Se snorted, "You don't drink very well, but this little wine won't make you drunk."

"Then..." Xiang Wan rubbed her head and suddenly remembered something, "Could this be the hypnotism you mentioned?"

Zhan Se pondered for a while, "Strictly speaking, you have not achieved the effect of real hypnosis. Your psychological willpower is very strong, but you have entered a light hypnotic state under the influence of alcohol, music, and my hints and guidance."

"Light hypnosis?"

"It's hard to explain to you, well, it's not much different from your drunken state. People have a slight trance, the body relaxes, the pressure disappears, and there is a desire to confide in others..."


so amazing.

Xiang Wan carefully recalled what he said just now, but his mind was a little empty and his sense of picture was weak.

This feeling of being unable to control her emotions made her heart flustered badly.

"Senior Sister, you are amazing. I won't dare to drink with you anymore!"

Zhan Se looked at her with a faint smile, "No, you should drink with me more in the future."

Xiang Wan stayed for a while.

Zhanse said: "People's emotional pressure is too much, and the spirit will be unhealthy."

Is it unhealthy?

Many authors say that after writing a book for a long time, people will be depressed, and all of them come out with mild schizophrenia.

However, Xiang Wan always felt that she was fine.

In the restaurant, there is soothing music.

The light bulb on the top of the head was still shaking every now and then.

Outside the window, at the end of the night, where the neon lights cannot penetrate, there is a star that seems to be twinkling.

Xiang Wan narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment quietly, and looked at the time, "Sister, I can't stay too long, I have to go back. It's not good to be late for the first day of reporting."

"Okay." Zhan Se smiled, "How long will you stay in Kyoto this time?"

Xiang Wan frowned, "Half a month."

"It's a tight schedule."

"um, yes."

"Success! Call me if you need help. Anything is fine."

"Okay, thank you, sister."


(End of this chapter)

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