Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 760 Extra Story 4 Just a Good Time

Chapter 760 Extra Story 4 It's a Good Time

Because of Huang He's position, he and Fang Yuanyuan's wedding was held in a low-key manner, except for relatives, classmates and friends, there was basically no extravagance or extravagance.

Simple, but also warm.

The weather was beautiful and the sun was just right. Because of such a wedding, the weather seemed to be a bit unusual.

Xiang Wan got out of the car and took Bai Muchuan's arm. The sun dazzled her eyes, and when she looked up, she saw Fang Yuanyuan, a coquettish and infinitely shy hotel entrance decorated with colorful flowers.

She was pregnant, she looked a little plump today, but also soft and delicate.

The spirit of the whole person looks like happiness, and the air seems to smell the fragrance of flowers.

Xiang Wan stretched her body and walked over with a smile.

"Why did you come here?" Fang Yuanyuan came up to meet her, took the accompanying gift from Xiang Wan with one hand, and smiled at her while winking, "It's good if you come, what red envelopes do you give?"

Xiang Wan held back her laughter and drew back the red envelope, "Thank you so much. Don't accept it!"

"It's okay if you don't charge it. It's once in a lifetime."

Fang Yuanyuan quickly took out the red envelope, laughed, and welcomed Xiang Wan and Bai Muchuan into the wedding banquet hall.In the end, he "snatched" Xiang Wan away from Bai Muchuan's side, studied her dark circles carefully, and asked in a low voice, "Did you two quarrel?"

Xiang Wan: "..."

"What look?" She glanced at Fang Yuanyuan, "I'm happy, why don't I see other people's happiness? Can't we quarrel?"

Fang Yuanyuan yelled at her: "The spirit is so poor, it seems that I didn't sleep well last night."

Xiang Wan: "I'm an internet writer, big editor! Can I stay up all night while writing?"

Fang Yuanyuan glanced at her, "But I remember you're done already?"

"Fanwai. Writing Fanwai is a lot of brain work. I don't want to move a word after I finish it, okay?"

After Xiang Wan finished speaking clearly, he glanced into the wedding banquet hall, but couldn't find the male protagonist in his extra episode, his heart sank slightly, and he asked Fang Yuanyuan in a low voice, "Did Tang Yuanchu come over today?"

Fang Yuanyuan pursed her lips, looked at Huang He who was greeting guests not far away, her tone was quiet.

"Huang He called him and said he was on duty today."


On duty today.

That's a really good excuse.

But that's not why he didn't come.

Huang He was a master who entered the trade at the beginning of the Tang and Yuan Dynasties.

For Huang He's wedding, he should have come even if there was a knife in the sky.

Do you have to pick today to be on duty?

"This Tang Yuanchu..."

Xiang Wan wanted to say something, but thinking about today's day, he couldn't continue.

"Alas!" Fang Yuanyuan understood her thoughts, put her arms around her shoulders, sighed, and pointed to a group of beaming people outside the door, "There are visitors, I'll go first. Let's talk later."

"Go ahead. Leave me alone."

Today is Fang Yuanyuan's big day, and she really doesn't have time to spend with Xiang Wan.

Xiang Wan and Bai Muchuan found the group of people involved in the serious case, sat down in the private room, and listened to their chat, a little absent-minded.

It is easy for people who write books to be immersed in their own stories and cannot get out.

Amidst everyone's chatting, Xiang Wan's mind was always on the woman in the side story.


Xie Wanwan's death lingered in Xiang Wan's heart like a strange shadow... I couldn't tell if she was good, bad, or had any other emotions, because there had been such a person in my life, and for her The experience has wiped a thick and heavy stroke, and then passed away suddenly, and it has become a stalk that cannot be left behind.Hanging in my heart, I can't dissolve it, I can't solve it.

In the private room outside, someone was playing cards and mahjong.


Xiang Wan stood up holding her bag, "I'm going out for a walk."

Bai Muchuan glanced at her lightly: "I'll accompany you."

"No need." Xiang Wan smiled and pressed on his shoulder, "I won't go far, I'm right here. Some editors will come over later, I have to go and have a look."

Bai Muchuan's gaze stayed on her face for about a second, then moved away, and squeezed her hand.

"it is good."

The sweet little happiness of the two attracted a group of people to ridicule.

These people are very familiar with serious cases, and they are not soft-spoken when they make jokes about them.

Especially Quan Shaoteng, who molested Bai Muchuan in 360-degree tricks.

In the end, Bai Muchuan sealed his throat with a sword.

"Fifth, a single dog is not qualified to laugh at other people's wives, they will say you are jealous."

Single dog...?
Quan Shaoteng smiled, "What's the matter with the single dog, did you eat your food?"

Bai Muchuan kicked his shoes, "It's blocking my light."

Quan Shaoteng: "Hehe! I was born with light. It won't hinder you."

Bai Muchuan played it lightly, "As the last single dog in serious case No. [-], old virgin, don't you think you are very honored?"

"I rely on!"

Young master Quan was stimulated.

"Believe it or not, I'll take it off for you today?"

"Take off? Take off, Team Quan." Everyone in a private room burst into laughter.

"Team Quan, take one off, we will appraise it."

"I said get out of the order!"

"...Take off! Take off, take off immediately!"

The atmosphere became dry.

Roaring, screaming, and yelling, everyone is in full swing.

Mei Xin, who was playing with her mobile phone in the corner, slowly raised her head.

"Should we go outside for a walk? It's very sunny outside, and it's too cold here."


Her presence is too low.

Usually with a cold face and no expression,
In many cases, the person involved in the serious case had already forgotten that she was a girl.

"I'm still a kid."

After Mei Xin finished speaking with a blank face, she lowered her head and continued to play with her mobile phone.

"And... I'm single, too."

This low-pitched murmur suddenly caused ripples in the quiet private room.

The big guys looked at each other and suddenly became eager.

Looking at Mei Xinjiao's pretty face and Quan Shaoteng's handsome appearance, everyone seemed to realize something...


Quan Laowu is single by virtue of his strength, and his reputation is really well-deserved.

Without waiting for everyone to match them up, he suddenly burst out laughing after hearing Mei Xin's words.

"Let me just say, how could I be the only single dog left? Did you see, Xiaobai, did you see that Mei Xin is also single, hahaha... She is even more single than me. I have girls who like it, When did you see a man pursuing her?!"

Mei Xin's face turned cold, and she raised her head.

"very funny?"

Quan Shaoteng's handsome face was about to burst into laughter.

"It's really... quite funny."


Without saying a word, Mei Xin picked up her phone and went out.

Everyone: "..."

They looked at Quan Shaoteng sympathetically.

"Quan, why do I feel that you have no hope of getting out of the order?"

Quan Shaoteng was more ignorant than them, restrained his smile, and took a strange look at Mei Xin's background.

"How did I offend her?"

"..." What do you think?

"Am I wrong? No one is chasing her!"




In the hotel garden, the sun is not so glaring.

Find a bamboo chair among the green plants, sit down and look at the sky, bask in the sun lazily, without doing anything, and feel quite comfortable.

Xiang Wan walked out of the toilet and sat in the garden, preparing to calm down and organize his thoughts.

In the quiet space of one person, it is a rare rest for adults to let their minds empty and let themselves fly. Xiang Wan misses her, Bai Muchuan, Xie Wanwan, Tang Yuanchu, and the one who is preparing for the wedding. Huang He and Fang Yuanyuan... thinking about the stories of their group of people, gradually lost their minds.

The bougainvillea in front of me is growing very well, its branches and leaves are so lush that it forms a flower shelf, and the colorful flowers shuttle among the green leaves into a forest, showing a gentle color.Just at this moment, a slim figure passed through the sparse leaves, and Xiang Wan's eyes froze.

The nerves that were abruptly pulled back from the plot of the novel were a little dazed.

Almost without thinking, she jumped up from the chair and followed.

That slender figure has become the back view, which is still familiar.

Her slender hands are on a man's arm, shining delicately in the sun, her slender legs are on a pair of bright high-heeled shoes, every step she takes is like a red carpet show, this temperament is really extraordinary What a vulgar beauty can have, it requires countless experiences...

Thank you Wanwan?
Is it Xie Wanwan?

Xiang Wan took a breath and walked faster.

To compliment her dress, Xiang Wan also wore a pair of five-inch high heels today.

She usually doesn't wear high heels, so she doesn't walk so freely.

By the time she caught up, the pair of figures had disappeared around the corner of the corridor——

Xiang Wan stood there, feeling lost.

"what happened?"

A cold voice came from behind.

Warm hands rested on her waist, gently approaching her face with a soothing breath.

"What did you see? So nervous?"

Bai Muchuan's tone remained the same for thousands of years, but it was filled with a sense of security.

Xiang Wan didn't look back at him, but just leaned his back back and leaned his whole body weight on him.

"I said I was crazy about a woman, would you believe me?"

"..." Bai Muchuan was silent for a moment, "I am more willing to believe that you saw a little fresh meat and couldn't control it."

"That can't be done." Xiang Wan said slowly, "Which little fresh meat can be more handsome in front of my husband for three seconds?"

"The desire to survive is very strong." Bai Muchuan gently stroked her soft hair, looking out from her fair and pretty face, and landed on the long corridor.

People come and go, festive and lively.

In this space, there is no disturbance at all.

But Xiang Wan was not in a good mood.

He frowned, grabbed her shoulders, and turned her to face him, "Xiao Xiangwan, you've been working too hard these days. Take a break and write again, okay? After all, not every author is like me Talented... your brain can't bear the load."

"..." Xiang Wan rolled his eyes, leaned against him, and smiled lazily, "If only I could control novels as well as men, that would be great."

Bai Muchuan tilted his head, staring at her side face, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"Oh. Dominate a man? To the teacher, is bragging never afraid of blushing?"

"Not afraid. As long as you don't have to pay taxes." Xiang Wan smiled casually, his eyes still searching the corridor, hoping to see that shadow again.

"Then you have to find out whether it is I who control you, or you who control me?" Bai Muchuan's voice was clear, with a lazy tone, his face turned sideways, his eyes half-closed, and his eyes fell. On a red mark near her collarbone.

Xiang Wan is very white.

The trace of ambiguity became even clearer.

Bai Muchuan frowned lightly, looking like an honest child, covered his slender fingers, stroked the red mark lightly, and asked earnestly, "Teacher Xiang, who controlled and made this?"

"..." Xiang Wan lowered her head.

He couldn't see the red mark, but Xiang Wan could imagine what it was from Bai Muchuan's flickering eyes.

"I think it's probably a mosquito?"

Xiang Wan gently picked up his collar and teased him in a calm and unhurried manner.

"And Mr. Bai, if you touch it any more, your wife may be gone."

Xiangwan usually wears casual clothes, and most of the time, she strives to be simple and comfortable.But today is different. For Fang Yuanyuan's wedding and to give Mr. Xiaobai a long face, she also showed off her figure, and the dress was beautiful and sexy, which set off her already beautiful figure to be exquisite and beautiful, showing her curves...

"Little fairy, my heart beats so fast."

Bai Muchuan chuckled, looked at the gully, coughed lightly, and moved his body.

"Why do I have a little regret, help you choose this dress?"

This little move was easily caught by Xiang Wan, and his mood suddenly improved. He swept him narrowly, put his head on his shoulder, and sneered, "Shouldn't your heart be numb, and the flames will run along your limbs?" Then I was thirsty, picked me up impatiently, strode upstairs, in the hotel room, threw me on the bed with a thud, pressed me up to kill me, kissed me madly, and announced domineeringly : 'Woman, you have to be responsible for playing with fire'?"


Bai Muchuan's eyelids twitched wildly.

Someone just walked by.

Xiang Wan calmed down, "Master President, do you want to find a place to buy your little fairy, huh?"


Bai Muchuan laughed, convinced.

"A female romance writer, I can't afford it. I can't afford it. I lost."

Xiang Wan giggled, hooked his shirt cuff lightly, and asked seductively, "Then we... who controls whom?"

" control me."

"I drive you?"

"Well, clip it, clip it."



The two looked at each other.

Bai Muchuan lowered his eyebrows, "Let's go, I will really react in a while."


The newlyweds are full of sexual interest when there is a slight disturbance.

Mr. Xiaobai, who has just recovered from his illness, has a good "appetite" recently, and it is not a problem to eat three meals a day.Xiang Wan was a little offended by him.Usually the two of them stay at home, and they often discuss the writing methods of some novels. Among them, the part about married life is of particular interest. They often enter the topic while talking, and fully develop the primitive and beastly nature of men.Therefore, this little shyness is really nothing in their happy little life.

However, this is someone else's wedding.

Xiang Wan was really afraid that if he was not careful, he would eat him to the bone...

A small episode, just like this.

Xiang Wan returned to the banquet room, but did not mention it.

The familiar shadow passing by was automatically interpreted by her as dizziness.

After all, after thinking for so long, it is normal to suddenly have hallucinations.

She sat for a while, and a few editors who were close to Fang Yuanyuan arrived.

Fang Yuanyuan called Xiang Wan over and said something casually.

"Just now when Tang Yuanchu came, it was like seeing a ghost. Before the red envelope was handed over to me, he left again—"

Xiang Wan was taken aback.

Looking back, I looked at the arch covered with flowers.

Was it also because he saw that familiar shadow?



 Little fairies, Si Jin's new book "Mr. Qiao's Black Moonlight" has been published, please bookmark and pay attention——

  Little fairies, Si Jin's new book "Mr. Qiao's Black Moonlight" has been published, please bookmark and pay attention——

  Little fairies, Si Jin's new book "Mr. Qiao's Black Moonlight" has been published, please bookmark and pay attention——

  It will be officially updated on December 12th. At that time, there will be a new article event, and various desk calendars, notebooks, umbrellas, physical books, etc. around Jingong will be given away. Don’t miss it~
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(End of this chapter)

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