Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 77, I'm sorry

Chapter 77, I'm sorry

A light was on at the gate of the imperial palace, but there was no one there.

The light rain rustled in his ears, and Xiang Wan felt a little cold for no reason.

The sense of dark pictures entered her mind, giving birth to a numb sense of fear, which grabbed her heart.

The prosperity of the Imperial Palace on that day, and the desertedness of the Imperial Palace on this day, the two contrasting images are like cross-edited images from a movie, alternating back and forth in her mind...


Suddenly, she heard Bai Muchuan calling her.

"Hmm. What's the matter?" Xiang Wan turned her head and saw Bai Muchuan frowning.

"I still want to ask you what's wrong?" His voice was a little worried, "What are you thinking? I don't answer your questions."

"Uh." Xiang Wan stroked her hair, apologizing for her fugue, "What did you ask me?"

"Do you want to go up to the fifth floor?"

"Come here, of course."

Bai Muchuan frowned even tighter, "That's the scene of the incident, are you sure it's all right?"

He thought she was in a daze just now because of this nervousness?
Xiang Wan pursed her lips slightly, and raised two fingers, "I promise it's okay, sir."

Bai Muchuan looked at her suspiciously for a moment, then turned to Tang Yuanchu and said, "Let's go!"


The gorgeous bar in the lobby is empty, and there is no vigil.

In the huge space, only one light is still on, giving people an empty and dark feeling.

Hearing their voices, a man who looked like a manager came out from the small door of the compartment.

"What's the matter..."

Tang Yuanchu showed his ID: "Police!"

The manager has gotten used to dealing with the police these days, without any surprise on his face, he walked over calmly and smiled professionally, "Do any of the police officers need any help?"

Tang Yuanchu glanced at Bai Muchuan and said, "Let's take a look at the scene."

The manager spread his hands in a businesslike manner, "Okay, please come inside."

Since the accident, the Imperial Palace has been closed for rectification. The accident room on the fifth floor was also sealed up according to the police's requirements, and no one entered.

The manager said, "Is this case still open? We're all waiting for news."

Tang Yuanchu hummed, without making it too clear, "Soon!"


The manager brought three people to the fifth floor.

Before they came, the lights on the fifth floor were not turned on, and it was pitch black.

The faint light at the elevator entrance reflected Xiang Wan's face, which had a pale whiteness.

Bai Muchuan glanced at her, "Afraid?"

Xiang Wan looked at him and shook his head.

Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows, "Turn on the lights."

"Okay." The manager responded and walked in front.

Soon, the lights on the entire floor were on.

The dazzling light made Xiang Wan narrow his eyes reflexively.

"Just over there—" the manager pointed in the direction.

The room where the accident happened was not far from the elevator, just around the corner.

The manager introduced the situation at the time of the incident, and then sighed: "This room is actually not the largest on the fifth floor. When Sun Shangli called to book a room, I heard that they were crowded, and I suggested that she book the first room, but she refused. Yes, I must have that room..."

Sun Shangli.

It is the name of the deceased "Sun".

More than half a month has passed, and the room on the fifth floor is still the same as that day.

The scene is well preserved, wine bottles, snacks, cups... no one comes to clean them.

Xiang Wan stood at the door, the images that flashed in his mind were all replays...

In the sound of music, men and women twisting wildly, faces with heavy makeup.Sun Shangli by the window, smiling, suddenly jumped down...

As if imagining the plot when writing a novel, Xiang Wan made up many pictures in his brain, and his curiosity became even stronger.

When the manager left the room, there were only the three of them left, she couldn't help but ask Tang Yuanchu.

"Officer Tang, what happened here when you came in that night?"

Tang Yuanchu glanced at Bai Muchuan, hesitant.

Bai Muchuan snorted and put his hand lightly on Xiang Wan's shoulder, "My own. It's fine."

Tang Yuanchu scratched his head, hehe, gave them an ambiguous look, and then spoke seriously.

"Huang He was really wronged about this matter. When we came in, the group of people were like crazy people, shouting, singing, and screaming, like some kind of carnival party, the music was loud, and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes …The smells are mixed together and irritate the nose. But except for Sun Shangli who jumped off the building, there is no one without clothes."

As Xiang Wan listened, her heart suddenly suffocated, and she couldn't help but glance at the window, as if she saw a naked woman standing there writhing her body...

The picture is so strong!
She shivered and pointed to the window, "Is that the location?"

Tang Yuanchu was startled, then nodded, "Yes. I didn't even have time to see clearly. Huang He said it. When he rushed in, Sun Shangli was standing by the window. Did you see that tall stool? At that time, Sun Shangli was standing on that high stool, naked, twisting and dancing to the music..."

What a twist party!

Xiang Wan sniffed, as if smelling something in the air.

"And then?" Bai Muchuan asked suddenly.

Tang Yuanchu said: "Huang He said that he yelled: Police! Don't move! Then the woman froze for a moment, and before the music stopped, she climbed onto the window sill within three seconds."

"When I came in, Huang He just rushed over, and she jumped suddenly, no one had time... Sigh!"

Having said this, Tang Yuanchu suddenly felt aggrieved.

"Damn, what do you call this? We did our best to do things, and ended up like this. Team Bai, to tell you the truth, everyone has been feeling a little depressed recently, feeling blocked, unspeakably blocked..."

What happened to Huang He was indeed wronged.

It is human nature for a rabbit to die and a fox to be sad.

Bai Muchuan patted him on the shoulder and walked around the room.

Suddenly, he turned his head and stared at Tang Yuanchu, "Is there no surveillance in the room?"

Tang Yuanchu sighed, "It's just not. Otherwise, why would the imperial palace be ordered to suspend business for rectification?"

Bai Muchuan was taken aback.

In the imperial palace, the so-called emperor-like enjoyment actually has a level of absolute privacy for people.Except for the lobby on the first floor, above the second floor of the Imperial Palace, only the corridors are monitored, and no monitoring equipment is installed in the rooms. The incident of Sun Shangli jumping from the building happened so fast that no one expected it. Huang He drank again that day and rushed to the In the front, the tall body just blocked the policeman carrying the law enforcement recorder.

Therefore, the body camera did not capture the footage of jumping off the building.

This also gave the Sun family the biggest excuse for accountability.

"The police said she jumped off the building by herself, so they have to show the law enforcement records, or how to convince the public?"

"Everything was photographed, except that she jumped off the building was not photographed, isn't it deliberately concealing something?"

Xiang Wan knew that the Internet was full of such remarks.

In fact, she also had doubts at the time, but she never imagined that such an oolong was actually caused.

"So, there is nothing else hidden in this case?" Xiang Wan asked to herself, and followed Bai Muchuan as she walked slowly in the room, her mind full of imaginary scenes, "Seeing the police coming Jumping off the building, that's too...unbelievable, right?"

Tang Yuanchu sighed helplessly, "Yeah. It's clear that she doesn't want to live anymore. But there is no other way, she will rely on us. In fact, the team also wants to help Huang He clear this stigma. We have been investigating these days , just no eyebrows."

"No?" Bai Muchuan suddenly turned his head.

Tang Yuanchu was taken aback, "Is there any?"

Bai Muchuan said softly: "As far as I know, the insurance company came to report the case shortly after Sun Shangli's death. It said that Sun Shangli bought several large sums of commercial insurance for herself last year, involving tens of millions of compensation..."

When something like this happens, the insurance company will not pay compensation so happily.

Because the insurance contract has been effective for less than two years, if Sun Shangli committed suicide, the insurance company may not pay the claim.

So whether she committed suicide or was forced to kill by the police, the result is completely different.

"In the final analysis, it is still dictated by interests."

Tang Yuanchu snorted and laughed, "Okay, Team Bai, you've figured everything out. It's true. However, it was Sun Shangli's family who came to the police with doubts about the cause of Sun Shangli's death. According to We investigated, and the beneficiary of the insurance was not them."

Bai Muchuan's expression turned serious, "Who is the beneficiary of the insurance?"

Tang Yuanchu sighed: "Her son."

"That's not right!" Xiang Wan listened to their chat for a long time, and his mind was full of illogical things, "Could it be that Sun Shangxiang... no, Sun Shangli herself also wants to use her life to exchange for the last huge insurance premium for her son? "

Tang Yuanchu shrugged, "Money is really not a good thing!"

"No!" Xiang Wan shook her head seriously, "If that's the case, she might choose another way. Why let herself die so ugly?"

He doesn't wear any clothes, and he can't die like this if he wants to die.

As a woman, Xiang Wan understood that that layer of clothes not only covered her body, but also her dignity.A person with normal thinking, even if he wants to die, he will not let himself die so ugly.

Xiang Wan thought for a moment, "Officer Tang, why is she the only one without clothes? Have you checked this?"

"This..." Tang Yuanchu hesitated again, and aimed his eyes at Bai Muchuan.

Seeing him hesitate to speak, Bai Muchuan snorted, "She is not afraid of anything. Tell me!"

Tang Yuanchu chuckled, "It's not that she's afraid, it's that I'm afraid... I'm a little embarrassed."

Xiang Wan: ...


(End of this chapter)

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