Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 80, Disgusting each other

Chapter 80, Disgusting each other


The crisp sound of bicycle bells woke up the hazy morning.

People who get up early to run, uncles who walk their dogs in the neighborhood, adults whose children go to work...

Xiang Wan walked slowly out of the community, smiling all the way, subconsciously searching for the mother and child on the fourth floor.

She found herself sometimes OCD.

With that shadow in my mind, I can't control my thoughts.

However, there is no sign of them today.

Xiang Wan trotted out of the alley, and Bai Muchuan stood there waiting for her.

She stopped, "Didn't you mean the breakfast shop, why are you here?"

Bai Muchuan put his hands in his trouser pockets, his smile was very "chun'er", but also a little bit cold.

"I'm afraid you will be kidnapped again."

Nima!Can't say enough good things about it! ?

Xiang Wan glanced at him. He was in a good mood and didn't care.

The two walked to the breakfast shop side by side.

He asked: "Have you used the sweet-scented osmanthus scented bag? Is it effective?"

She asked, "Why are you alone? Where's Team Cheng?"

in unison.

Bai Muchuan's face pulled down abruptly, looking unhappy.

Xiang Wan glanced at him, "It's very useful."

He snorted, "Breakfast shop."

Again, in unison.

Xiang Wan pursed her lips, shrugged her shoulders, and fell silent.

Cheng Zhengzheng went to the breakfast shop and occupied a table by himself.

It has to be said that the temperament of dealing with corpses for a long time is different. The table next to him is so crowded, but no one dares to sit beside him.

"Hi." Greeted Xiang Wan.

Cheng Zheng nodded, lowered his eyes, and looked at his menu.

Oh no, face sheet.

Xiang Wan vaguely remembered the noodles he seemed to eat every time he came?

"What to eat?" Bai Muchuan asked her.

Xiang Wan glanced at Cheng Zheng and thought, could the noodles here be better?

She reflexively said: "Noodles!"

Bai Muchuan said with a cold face, "Boss, here are two bowls of soy milk, a basket of steamed buns, and a basket of steamed dumplings."

Xiang Wan looked at him with at least three question marks on his face.


Why do you ask her what to eat?
Why did she answer the question, but he just pretended he didn't hear it?

The boss recognized Xiang Wan, so he said yes, and quickly came over to clear the table, calling them to sit down.

Bai Muchuan sat straight across from Cheng Zheng, then looked up at Xiang Wan.


For this kind of breakfast shop, the table is equipped with two stools.

Therefore, Xiang Wan could either sit with Cheng Zheng or Bai Muchuan.

This is simply a multiple choice question, okay?
Xiang Wan curled her lips and sat beside Bai Muchuan.

There are two reasons: one is that Bai Muchuan called her, and the other is that Cheng Zheng didn't call her.

The three of them sat down so strangely.

Cheng Zheng ordered a bowl of noodles with fried sauce, glanced at Xiang Wan, and said nothing.

Soy milk, Xiaolongbao and steamed dumplings were served quickly, and so were the noodles with fried sauce.

"Maybe that's why the business is doing well?"

Everyone is in a hurry for breakfast. The owner of this shop is fast, enthusiastic, and has an unmistakable taste. With a good location, it will be difficult if the business is not booming...

The three of them ate slowly, and the topic changed.

"Didn't you say there was a major discovery?"

Biting the bun, Xiang Wan vaguely introduced the topic.

Her curiosity swelled to the extreme, but Bai Muchuan asked lazily, "Are you sure you want to listen now?"

Xiang Wan frowned, "Didn't you say you talked while eating?"

Bai Muchuan murmured, and said calmly: "The samples we took back from the wall last night have come to a conclusion."

"What?" Xiang Wan bit the bun stuffing into the road.

"Human tissue fragments that have been stirred into meat slag, mixed with concrete..."

"Uh~" Xiang Wan blocked his throat.

The picture Bai Muchuan described was too strong, and her stomach suddenly felt bad, and she couldn't swallow the mouthful of bun stuffing in her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Bai Muchuan asked calmly, took another bun and chewed it with gusto, "Are you scared?"

How can you admit it?Xiang Wan looked at him calmly, neither swallowing nor spitting, she was silent for a few seconds before swallowing the mouthful of the meat bun, then choked gorgeously, coughing until her cheeks turned red...

"Drink some!" Bai Muchuan handed the soy milk in front of her.

This guy!
Xiang Wan coughed twice and narrowed his eyes to examine.

Bai Muchuan probably didn't rest last night, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, so that those deep eyes with the effect of colored contact lenses were a bit cloudy.However, even though he was tired, the narrow smile that could not be concealed between his brows and the corners of his eyes still did not escape Xiang Wan's eyes.

"Bai Muchuan, did you do it on purpose?"

Xiang Wan took a sip of soy milk, swallowed the turbidity, stared at him and asked.

"Huh?" Bai Muchuan seemed puzzled, with a charming arc on his lips, "Don't you like it? I think the taste is really good? The minced meat is finely chopped, the taste is good, and the quality of the meat is good, it shouldn't be that kind Shoddy rotten meat...the human tissues in the imperial palace walls are probably also chopped to this extent..."

"Bai, Mu, Chuan." Xiang Wan gritted his teeth, "Stop talking! Do you want to eat?"

"Didn't you let me talk while eating?" He smiled innocently.

I go!

She is innocent.She didn't offend him, she was fine, why did she hate her?

Xiang Wan looked at the sneer on his lips, then at the indifferent Cheng Zheng, and felt that there was something wrong with both men,

Then, without even thinking about it, she slowly raised her leg and stepped on Bai Muchuan.

"Sorry!" She gritted her teeth and smiled darkly.

"Hiss!" Bai Muchuan's eyes slid across her face as if patrolling, "Push your nose on your face, right?"

Xiang Wan pursed his lips, drank his share of soy milk slowly, and pushed the buns and steamed dumplings in front of him.

"I'm full. I'll give you the rest. The top-quality minced meat is probably mixed with concrete, and it's about the same as human flesh..."


Bai Muchuan glanced at her lightly, and ate.

Cheng Zheng didn't react at all, just eat.

Not a normal human being! ?Xiang Wan was surprised.

She clicked her tongue twice, and while watching them eat, she asked, "Have you found out whose meat is minced in the wall? How did you mince and mix it in? Is it raw meat, or is it like meat wrapped in miscellaneous sauce?" cooked meat?"


Cheng Zhengwan slowly raised his head to look at her, "Chop the raw meat first, and then stir it. There is no conclusion as to whose meat it is. It has been submitted to the Physical Evidence Center for DNA comparison..."

He talked about the matter very seriously.

At the same time, he also "sucked" a mouthful of the noodles in the bowl.

As for Bai Muchuan, he didn't seem to hear him at all.

Xiang Wan watched the meat bun enter his mouth, and his mouth was compressed.

Damn!People don't care at all?

"Want to eat?" Cheng Zheng asked suspiciously as she watched her keep looking at him eating noodles.

"No, no, you use it." Xiang Wan smiled awkwardly and declined.

Then I saw a steamed dumpling stuffed by Bai Muchuan in the bowl, "Eat."

"..." Xiang Wan was speechless, "I'm full. Don't eat."

"No, do you want to go see Huang He with me?"

Ha ha ha ha...

Xiang Wan really wanted to beat him up.

This guy can always find the right opportunity to threaten and make her obey with great precision.

"Eat." Xiang Wan smiled and picked up the steamed dumplings.

No appetite, more difficult than taking medicine.

Xiang Wan used a lot of willpower, not thinking about the meat in the steamed dumplings, and finally swallowed it, tears welled up in his eyes.

"I won't eat anymore, I will fight desperately with anyone who asks me to eat again!"

Bai Muchuan glanced at her lazily, "I can't stand this, how dare you be a criminal investigation consultant?"


Xiang Wan's nerve suddenly tightened.

She almost forgot about this matter, but Bai Muchuan brought it up again.

From hope to disappointment, from disappointment to hope...

She smiled, "Are you kidding me?"

"What?" Bai Muchuan remained calm, "There are opportunities, but you have to fight for them yourself."

"?" She looked at Bai Muchuan expectantly.

"Don't look at me like that." Bai Muchuan pursed his lips, "I'm never a person who favors others. If you can, it must be because you can."


It's as if they have some personal affair.

What Xiang Wan wanted to know was when and how he fought for it.

However, Bai Muchuan didn't have any further explanations.

He ate up all the steamed buns, wiped his mouth with tissue paper, stood up and smiled softly.

"Cheng Dui, I don't have any money, I'm in trouble."

"I have it." Xiang Wan lowered her head to pick up her phone, but was held down by Bai Muchuan.

"How can we use money from women?" He said, "Don't scare us Cheng Dui."

Cheng Zheng seemed to sneer, without any expression on his face, "It's okay, although I'm not as rich as the white team, I can still afford breakfast. You go first."

These two people!

No one will let anyone go?

Xiang Wan was a little curious about their delicate relationship.

After coming out of the breakfast shop, she secretly asked Bai Muchuan, "You and Cheng Dui knew each other before?"

Bai Muchuan paused when he pulled the car door, then turned to look at her, "Before, how long ago?"

Xiang Wan thought about it and asked, "Before you came to Jincheng?"

Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, but his expression was as if he had eaten a hundred thousand catties of coptis, "The capital is only that big."

Such an answer can be said to be very vague.

But after careful analysis, it was that they had known each other before.

"Isn't it possible that you two have some enmity..."

Xiang Wan guessed, with gossiping excitement on his face.

Bai Muchuan snorted and raised his eyebrows, "I remember telling you?"

"What did you say?" Xiang Wan was at a loss.

"Your spirit is used to write books, and it has long been popular."


Jincheng Detention Center is located in a town in a suburban county, about [-] to [-] miles away from the main city.

On the way to the detention center, Xiang Wan actually hesitated for a moment, whether to call Fang Yuanyuan together.

As a result, Bai Muchuan rejected her just as she made a suggestion.

His reason was simple, that was definitely not the result Huang He wanted to see.

"Hmph! I can't understand your man's thinking."

"What about IQ?"

"?" What about IQ?

No matter what happens, two people bear it together, isn't it better than one?
Instead of making Fang Yuanyuan feel sad for him every day, why not tell her directly?
Bai Muchuan glanced at her sideways, "The three major tragedies in life-beauties are waning, and heroes are doomed. Therefore, men are most unwilling to be seen by women as prisoners, just like women don't want men to see their confidantes fade away, ugly face."

"...That's you, doesn't it mean Huang He?"

"Hehe, I'm more handsome than him."

"……Ha ha."

"Ha ha!"

This logic is gone!You don't even want to be handsome, and even less so if you are not handsome?

Xiang Wan and he taunted each other with "hehe", and gave him a big roll of eyes speechlessly.

"Okay, you're handsome, and everything you say is right! Then, what is the other one of the three major tragedies in life?"

With a proud face, Bai Muchuan drove seriously, "Your talent is exhausted. But don't worry, you won't have such a tragedy."

"...Must." Xiang Wan imitated his arrogant face.

"After all, you are not Jiang Lang, you have no talent."


With Bai Muchuan, Xiang Wan would often be speechless.But she had to admit that even if she was speechless by him, she wasn't that annoying in her heart, and even felt very comfortable.

It's hard to describe that feeling.

Relax, be at ease, and have no thought burden.

On the contrary, with Cheng Zheng, but suppressed for no reason.

Women are sensitive animals, and many times the choice is based on intuition.

The same goes for Xiang Wan.

She is good with herself and cares about her emotional comfort.Be with whoever is comfortable with you, be with whoever is happy with you.

Especially after losing the early restraint with Bai Muchuan, even if there is a little ambiguity occasionally, she can handle it perfectly, and then get along with him without embarrassment, and it will be much more comfortable.

At the same time, she thought she knew him better.

His arrogance comes from his own excellence, and his unruly comes from his outstanding ability.

Maybe in his world, everyone else is an idiot! ?Maybe he felt that he was trying his best to maintain the dignity of an idiot, and he was very tired, so he would say something to her from time to time?

Maybe he is not as free and easy as he looks, and needs such an adjustment to synthesize his unfortunate life. In her clumsy reaction, feeling the simplicity that is completely different from the cold world he lives in, will give birth to joy in his heart?

"Xiang Wan, your update last night surprised me. That's why I decided to come to you today."

"Huh?" Xiang Wan was suddenly pulled back from his thoughts, and looked over in a daze.

"Did I tell you that you like being silly?"

"...That's thinking, thank you." Xiang Wan rolled his eyes.

"Oh!" Bai Muchuan steered the steering wheel, his eyes fell on the bustling traffic, "Tell me, how did you come up with this idea? There are human tissues in the wall, mixed in the concrete, fully mixed... so abnormal!"

"You won't doubt me again, will you?" Xiang Wan's heartstrings tensed suddenly.

Yes, that's right.She was emotional last night, and the chapters she wrote after staying up all night happened to "collide" with the test results that Bai Muchuan told her this morning.This time, she didn't imitate the case, but wrote it in front of the case again, which became another proof of her pre-writing ability.

"If you don't make it clear." Bai Muchuan dragged his throat, "It's hard not to make people doubt..."

"Go!" Xiang Wan was upset, "Please, use your brains, please? Xiaotian snapped at the wall, but nothing was found inside. There are probably two possibilities. One is drugs, the other is a corpse... For drugs, which idiot would mix it into the wall? How to take it out and use it again? It’s not drugs, so there will be only one... dead body. However, you have almost searched the wall, and found no hidden body. So, What outcome best fits the plot?"

"It's that simple?" Bai Muchuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the result is deduced based on known conditions, it's that simple." Xiang Wan glanced at him, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

"Hmm." Bai Muchuan thought about it, and said, "You are very good at profiling. Did you study political science in China?"

Profile ability?Xiang Wan was stunned, "What is that? I studied law in Zhongzheng, and it's not like you don't know."

Bai Muchuan looked at her seriously.

After a while, he was probably sure that she wasn't lying, so he snorted.

"That probably can only be summed up as talent."

No one doesn't like to be said to be gifted, but Xiang Wan doesn't understand what this talent is.

"I've heard of profiling, but what exactly does it mean?"

"Ask Du Niang!"

"Oh, Du Niang! Can you tell me quickly?"


Bai Muchuan laughed angrily at her serious look.

Tapping the steering wheel with his fingers lazily, he said casually, "Profiling is a foreign word, profile, also translated as dissection drawing, which is to infer a criminal's psychological state based on his behavior, and thus analyze his personality. Living environment, occupation, growth background, etc.”

"Oh!" Xiang Wan suddenly realized, "So this is called profiling, so I must be talented!"

Hearing her categorical words, Bai Muchuan slowed down and became serious, "Then tell me, what kind of person is the criminal in Case 805?"

"I think about it!"

Xiang Wan concentrated on it, and after a while, cleared his throat and spoke.

"The criminal is about one meter to two meters tall, may be male or female, and has a personality between introversion and extroversion. He should be a new human who grew up in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent and the west coast of the Pacific Ocean..."

"Xiang Wan." Bai Muchuan interrupted her.

"Huh?" Xiang Wan said with a serious face, "What's the matter?"

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, and asked solemnly: "The Fourth Hospital is not far ahead, it's on the way, do you need help?"

Xiang Wan smiled, "Thank you. I don't need it for now."


At this time, the car screeched to a stop.

At the red light ahead, Bai Muchuan stopped the car, but Xiang Wan didn't see clearly how the seat belt was unbuckled.

When she regained her composure, his handsome face appeared in front of her like a magnified face, with a cool smile on her face, most of his body leaned over her body, squeezing her between the backs of the chair, his breath seemed to envelope him Around her, she was almost out of breath.

"What are you doing?" Xiang Wan's heart was beating wildly.

"The red light has 70 seconds, and there are 65 seconds left." Bai Muchuan rested his hand on her head and looked at her for a moment. He lightly brushed her hair, but he didn't make any further movements, just pointed at her like that. She blushed in embarrassment, looked at her with a half-smile, forced her, and gave her a proper space to breathe, "Think about it carefully, and answer my question just now, or... huh?"

The question just now, which question did he ask?
Otherwise what would he do?Playing hooligans?
Xiang Wan's heart was about to jump out of his throat, so how could he think about what he was asking?
She was short of breath, holding his firm and powerful chest with her hands, but she didn't dare to really push him... After all, he didn't really press down.

So, this action is embarrassing.

The speed of her heartbeat is much faster than the speed of the red light...

In the small compartment, the atmosphere was strangely tense.

Xiang Wan was really afraid that before the red light was over, she would be suffocated by Bai Muchuan's lack of oxygen.

"Hey, Bai Muchuan! You sit back and we can talk, okay? There is a traffic policeman three meters behind you..."

"I didn't break the rules!" Bai Muchuan liked to see her pretending to be calm while being startled like a little rabbit. He looked at her for a moment with a half-smile, and then he suddenly raised his hand and dropped it from her head...

Xiang Wan reflexively closed her eyes.

She didn't know why she had to close it, she just closed it.

Then, I heard his wicked chuckle, and his hand tapped on her forehead.

"Green light! Let you go."

...Let her go for what?
Xiang Wan opened his eyes in a panic, but he didn't sit back, his handsome face was still staring at her with a half-smile, very close to her, his focused gaze was like a wolf staring at its prey, waiting for her to find himself Being teased, he was so angry that he wanted to yell, but he straightened up gracefully, put on his seat belt, and stepped on the accelerator slowly.

"Sit down!"

The warm sunshine poured in from the car window.

It was daylight, another bright day.

Xiang Wan turned his head to look at the traffic outside the window, thinking about his half-joking, half-serious eyes just now, his cheeks were hot.

She thought: It's too hot.


It was a bit congested to go out of the city, and it took the two of them more than an hour to reach their destination.

This was Xiang Wan's first visit to the detention center, and everything he saw was novel and unexpected.

In the past, her impression of this kind of place was very scary.

Damp, cold, dark, rough food and clothing, will beat new criminals and old criminals...

However, she really did not expect that the real detention center has clean windows and much better sanitary conditions than her home.


Bai Muchuan went through the formalities, and soon met Huang He in the reception room.

I haven't seen him in just a few days, but he actually... gained weight.

Is it because the food in the detention center is too good, or is he living too leisurely here?
Thinking about Fang Yuanyuan who had lost nearly ten catties, Xiang Wan's teeth suddenly became sore.

A man's heart is really wide!
Xiang Wan's thoughts diverged, looked at Huang He, and suddenly smiled coldly.

"Officer Huang, are you doing well?"


 I have seen the tickets, diamonds, and Hua Erjin from the little fairies. Every day, I look through the bowl and look at your names with satisfaction. I feel loved by many people, and I feel a lot of joy for no reason...

  Well, writing is hard work, but I am happy to have you.

  These days are spent in this kind of abuse and being abused.

  ... Today Xiaobai was too late to flirt again, his heart was beating wildly, and then this guy... spread his hands.The younger son is always more arrogant.

  Hot Pot, Qian Er, Second Uncle, Fourth Brother, Old Nineteen, Liu Lang and others in front sent congratulatory messages—brother, Tsundere is having fun for a while, chasing his wife and crematorium!
(End of this chapter)

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