Mu Chuan Xiang Wan

Chapter 89, Important Witness

Chapter 89, Important Witness (Part [-])

Within ten minutes, Bai Muchuan's car appeared at the street next to the hospital.

He didn't drive a police car, it was the one in his own home. He stopped and rolled the window, and slightly curled his lips at her, feeling a breeze blowing over his face.

"What are you doing here?" Bai Muchuan really did work as a criminal police officer, and he grasped the crux of the problem right away.

Xiang Wan smiled awkwardly, and pointed to the hospital not far away, "I took my mother to see a doctor just now."

"Heh!" A trace of displeasure flashed across Bai Muchuan's cold and handsome face, "Why don't you just tell me the address of the hospital and let me navigate to such a small street? Teacher Xiang, what did you do wrong?"

Sorry?What a shame she is!
It's just that she didn't want Bai Muchuan to bump into Cheng Zheng and the others.

Xiang Wan's head was a little big, "Team Bai, let's get down to business now, shall we?"

Bai Muchuan gave her a gouged look, "Get in the car!"

Call!Finally no more questions.

Xiang Wan opened the car door and got in, and found that besides Tang Yuanchu, there was a man in his thirties in the back seat.

The sitting posture is correct, mature and stable.He is the kind of man who is born with aura without speaking.

Before Bai Muchuan introduced him, Xiang Wan had the answer in his heart.

He is Bai Munian.Bai Muchuan's cousin, the unlucky owner of the imperial palace.

"This is my cousin!"

Bai Muchuan pointed to Bai Munian, then glanced at Xiang Wan lightly, and introduced to Bai Munian, "This is what I mentioned to you, the woman who dares to challenge me, the future master writer Xiang Wan."


This introduction is gone.

Very Bai Muchuan, with a strong personal style.

"Hello, Mr. Bai."

"Hello!" Bai Munian smiled gently.

Xiang Wan found that, like Bai Muchuan, he had an aura that made people feel comfortable. There would be no obstacles and no sense of strangeness when getting along with them. .


On the way, they talked about their previous trip to the Imperial Palace.

Tang Yuanchu suddenly asked Xiang Wan curiously, "Teacher Xiang, the other day I heard you talk about Sun Shangli's psychology before committing suicide. When I looked at the sculpture today, I also felt that the expression on the sculpture was very mocking and full of hatred..."

"That's right. Actually, the statue is very well done, and the expression is lifelike."

Xiang Wan was very happy that someone agreed with her point of view.

But Tang Yuanchu said fiercely next, "So, I was wondering, would the murderer hide Tan Ziyang's bones in the statue? We saw it just now. The statue is made of cement and hollow..."

This idea is very bold ah?

Xiang Wan turned her head and looked at Tang Yuanchu.

The sun outside the window was very strong, and she slowly narrowed her eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head seriously, "I don't think it's very likely."

"Why?" Tang Yuanchu liked to discuss with him.

"The statue of the goddess is Sun Shangli's true self. The person who killed Tan Ziyang sealed Tan Ziyang on the wall on the fifth floor, just enough to face the mocking face of the statue. At least it can prove that he doesn't want to see the relationship between Tan Ziyang and Sun Shangli. Just imagine, you can hate it Killed people. Why did you put Tan Ziyang's skeleton in Sun Shangli's statue?"

Tang Yuanchu nodded.

If the bones were put into the statue, wouldn't that represent the fusion of two people?
It is indeed unreasonable!
"Teacher Xiang is very thoughtful. However, according to your statement, isn't Huo Shan the most suspicious person?"

"At present, he is indeed the most suspected." Xiang Wan frowned, "But judging from the meeting with him that day, he doesn't look like the kind of person who would dare to kill..."

"What kind of person is a person who can kill?" Tang Yuanchu asked.

"There are only two possibilities for the murderer in this case."

So sure?

Her confidence made Bai Munian, who was watching, look sideways.

Xiang Wan held back his expression and analyzed the case, his eyes seemed to be bright: "One is a strong anti-social personality, full of hatred for society, no sympathy for the dead, and willful enough to regard killing as a game or a means of revenge against society .He killed people, but he used other people's lives to feed his own soul. If this is the case, then the case of the Imperial Palace will not be just an isolated case... This is also the last result I want to happen."

I don't know why, but when she said this, her heart faintly twitched.

A strong sense of predictive reality made her stand out, and she always felt that this was closer to the truth.

"What about the second possibility?"

"The other possibility is just the opposite. The murderer is not a bold and reckless person. He is even very low-key, cautious, and likes to look at people's faces. He is used to compromise and patience. He is a good old man and is often bullied. He may not have a relationship with Tan Ziyang alone. Enmity, it is more likely to be a lot of complaints accumulated in the heart over time, thinking that the society is unfair to oneself, once such a person encounters something that cannot be tolerated, it is easy to lose his mind and kill when he is agitated."

"Haha, this analysis is very interesting!" Tang Yuanchu patted the chair, glanced at Bai Muchuan, and said with a smile: "Teacher Xiang, if you hit the mark this time, you can accept me as an apprentice!"

"...How dare I, get an ax at the door, stop joking, Officer Tang!"

"No kidding, no kidding. Seriously! Hahaha!"

In the car, there were only their voices.

Bai Muchuan, who was driving, was silent.

His cousin Bai Munian glanced across the faces of the two of them, with a faint smile on his lips.


Finally, the car stopped at the gate of an elementary school.

Xiang Wan looked at the school plaque outside the car window, feeling a little strange, but didn't ask.

In the security room of the school, two security guards were sitting there blowing fans and chatting.

The weather is too hot, there is no air conditioner, and the room is stuffy.

Tang Yuanchu walked over, stretched out his head and asked softly, "Excuse me, who is Zhang Decheng?"

The older security guard came over and asked suspiciously, "I am Zhang Decheng, are you...?"

Tang Yuanchu waved at him and said with a smile, "Come out for a while, I'll ask you something."

Zhang Decheng looked back at his colleagues, then at Tang Yuanchu's immature face, and walked out of the security room.

There were no outsiders anymore, Tang Yuanchu pointed to the car parked over there, and showed him his ID, "We are from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Hongjiang District, we need you to understand the situation, please cooperate."

He didn't make a big fuss, because he didn't want to attract people's attention.

Under the scorching sun, Zhang Decheng looked puzzled, "Okay, okay."


Zhang Decheng got into the car, looked at the people in the car, and was so nervous that his forehead was covered with sweat.

He didn't ask anything until Tang Yuanchu put Tan Ziyang's photo in front of him.

"Do you know this person?"

"This..." Zhang Decheng flipped through the photos and shook his head, "I don't know you well, who is this?"

"His name is Tan Ziyang, think about it again, you really don't know him?"

Zhang Decheng thought for a moment, but still shook his head, the doubt in his eyes didn't look like a fake.

Tang Yuanchu and Bai Muchuan exchanged glances, and continued to ask: "Then you recall, when you worked with Shantai Construction Company to build the imperial palace?"

ah?Zhang Decheng was slightly taken aback, "This... how do you know?"

"You don't need to ask this. Just answer what you know."

In front of the police, Zhang Decheng was very nervous and his voice trembled a little.

"That, Xiudi Palace...was several years ago, right?"

"Six years!" Tang Yuanchu corrected him.

"I... At that time, I was doing odd jobs on the construction site. I didn't do anything illegal, and I didn't even get paid in the end... Now, what do you want me to say?"

"Just tell me why you didn't get the wages." Tang Yuanchu reminded.

"Oh, I see. Is that unscrupulous contractor caught?" When it came to wages, Zhang Decheng became excited, "I knew that for doing such an unconscionable thing, the son of a bitch would be shot sooner or later. Son!"

"Who is the contractor?"

"Wu Hongliang!" Zhang Decheng thought for a moment, "That bastard...hasn't even paid me the money he owes..."

"Tell me about the situation."

"I think about it!"

Zhang Decheng recalled, and said slowly.

"When the main project of the imperial palace was completed, it happened to be the end of the twelfth lunar month. They were probably anxious to get their wages and go home for the New Year, but Wu Hongliang kept procrastinating and refusing to pay... That night, I had some wine and My wife called and was quarreled with, the more I thought about it, the more irritable I became, so I went to Wu Hongliang's house to ask him to get back my hard-earned money, when he happened to be arguing with his wife..."

Speaking of this, he sighed, gritted his teeth and regretted, "I was kind for a while, thinking that Wu Hongliang is usually good at being a man. At that time, I went to ask for money, just to cause trouble for people during the Chinese New Year. So, after listening at the door for a while, I I went back. As a result, the next morning, I heard that Wu Hongliang's bastard had absconded with money, and my heart softened a little. I didn't even catch a single hair. I worked for so long for nothing, are you angry?"

People of this age are a little careless.

Many of what Zhang Decheng said was not on point.

But they still quickly caught the doubt——

Wu Hongliang, a concrete masonry contractor, quarreled with his wife the night before he fled with money.

"Do you know what he was arguing with his wife?"

"I dare not talk nonsense about this..."

"Say!" Bai Muchuan suddenly turned his head and spoke louder.

Zhang Decheng glanced at him, more nervous than before.

"This, this... It seems that his wife stole someone." When Zhang Decheng said this, his eyes suddenly stopped, staring at the photo in Tang Yuanchu's hand, "Officer, what did you just say his name was?"

"Tan Ziyang!"

"Yes! It seems to be the name. I heard them quarreling, and it seems that this name was mentioned..."

Hearing this, Xiang Wan's heart suddenly brightened.

Finally, there are new clues.

Bai Muchuan gave Tang Yuanchu a glance, and Tang Yuanchu immediately changed the photo.

"Zhang Decheng, look at this man, do you know him?"

It was a pale woman.

Xiang Wan also knew her neighbor on the fourth floor...Kong Xinqiong.

"...I know, I know." Zhang Decheng read it twice nervously, nodding his head as if confirming, "She is Wu Hongliang's wife. At that time, she often came to the construction site, and this woman always yelled at Wu Hongliang, fierce Very good. At that time, we said in private that Wu Hongliang was a wife-afraid softie. However, I heard from a worker that the project in the Imperial Palace was obtained through the relationship of her wife. So, Wu Hongliang, after his wife No temper in front of you."

Several people looked at each other.

After a moment of silence, Bai Muchuan looked at Zhang Decheng coldly.

"What were you mainly doing at the construction site?"


Zhang Decheng's answer was exactly the same as their investigation.

"Think about it carefully. When you were pouring concrete in the imperial palace, did you find anything unusual?"

abnormal?Zhang Decheng shook his head.

Think for a moment, then shake your head.

He stared blankly at Bai Muchuan, "Officer, what happened?"

Bai Muchuan didn't answer directly, but withdrew his gaze and said coldly: "That's all for today. If we ask you, you keep it secret. If there is a need later, we will look for you again. In the near future, don't leave Jincheng casually."

After leaving school, the car was driven by Tang Yuanchu.

Bai Muchuan sat beside Xiang Wan, pondered for a while and asked her, "What do you think?"

Xiang Wan curled his lips, "Wu Hongliang is very suspicious, but where is his man now? Kong Xinqiong has been renting a house by herself for several years, and no one else knows that she has such a husband? And Huo Shan. One this big For a project, the project manager absconded with money, and he didn’t even know about it? He couldn’t even provide the other party’s name and personal information. This is unreasonable.”

Where there are demons, there must be differences.

Unreasonable, there must be unreasonable reasons.

Bai Muchuan's eyes deepened, "Well, continue talking."

Xiang Wan pursed the corners of his lips: "Huo Shan said that his wife messed with Tan Ziyang, and he asked someone to beat Tan Ziyang and kick him out of Jincheng. Now we know from Zhang Decheng that he is in charge of the concrete masonry project. His wife, Wu Hongliang, also had an affair with Tan Ziyang, and even caused Wu Hongliang to go to war for it..."

After a pause, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Bai Muchuan squarely.

"Bai team, do you think it is possible for a man to have sex with two cheating women at the same time?"

"..." Bai Muchuan squinted at her, "I haven't done it before. I don't understand."

With a smile in his heart, the corners of Xiang Wan's lips curled up in a half-smile, "I personally think that before Sun Shangli committed suicide, she chose the location on the fifth floor. She must have known about Tan Ziyang, that is to say, Sun Shangli had feelings for Tan Ziyang." of."

"That doesn't mean that Tan Ziyang also has feelings for her."

"It's all cheating. Would Tan Ziyang choose Sun Shangli, a young, beautiful and hot star, or Kong Xinqiong, a contractor?"

With a hmm, Bai Muchuan thought, "Maybe you want to have a bite of radishes and vegetables?"

"Full marks for the answer." Xiang Wan raised his finger at him, "It makes sense. But if Tan Ziyang is such a man, is it worth Sun Shangli's death for him?"


"So, Kong Xinqiong's split leg may not be aimed at Tan Ziyang..."

Tang Yuanchu gasped when he heard this with tense nerves.

"If it wasn't him, who would it be?"

Xiang Wan smiled slightly, "Those who refuse to tell the truth must have secrets to hide."

There was a sudden silence in the carriage.

After a while, Bai Muchuan suddenly looked back at Tang Yuanchu.

"Go back to the team and interrogate Huo Shan immediately."

Tang Yuanchu's spirit lifted, and his whole body cheered up.

"Alright, Team White!"

 New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, all the sisters who read books have their wishes come true.

  Well, tonight "Mu Chuan Xiang Wan" book friend exchange group: 322108785, let's celebrate the new year together, grab red envelopes, watch the Spring Festival Gala, and wish our 2018 together...

(End of this chapter)

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