After amnesia, I became a forensic doctor

Chapter 1089 The Final Murderer 106

Chapter 1089 The Final Murderer 106
"An ordinary high school boy's bedroom." Gao Shan concluded with a smile that his daughter also liked to chase stars, and children of this age were all the same.

Shan Chenxun turned around and said, "Go to the school to find someone and bring him back to the police station to record his statement."

"Yes." Old Yang nodded.

An hour later, in the interrogation room of the police station.

Zhang Aiming's wife Wu Wenshu changed her clothes, but her hair was still messy and she sat on a chair in the interrogation room with her head down.

The woman folded her hands and her arms trembled slightly. When Yuan Ke and Gao Shan entered the room, she was startled but did not look up.

Yuan Ke and Gao Shan sat down, and she asked first, "Your name is Wu Wenshu? Zhang Aiming's wife?"

The woman nodded but said nothing.

"Why did you kill Zhang Aiming?"

The woman lowered her head and still said nothing.

Gao Shan knocked on the table and said, "Raise your head and cooperate well."

Wu Wenshu didn't move. His handcuffed hands were unconsciously clenched, and he seemed very nervous.

"Wu Wenshu! Speak!" Gao Shan's voice became stern. "If you don't cooperate, the case cannot be closed. Don't waste our time."

The woman slowly raised her head, revealing a ghostly face. There were bruises on her cheeks and a wound on the right corner of her eye, which had already formed a scar.

Her lips were pale, and she whispered with trembling lips, "He always beats me, I hate him!..."

"Domestic violence?" Yuan Ke's face was heavy. "How long has it been?"

"Two...two to three years."

"Why not call the police?" She couldn't understand why people who had been suffering from domestic violence for a long time did not use legitimate means to protect themselves, but instead just endured it.

"If I call the police, he won't let my son go to school. I don't have a job and I don't know how to make money. I have no way to support my son's education..." When she said this, her eyes were red with self-blame and she hated herself for being incompetent.

Yuan Ke's eyes also turned red. She hated domestic violence the most. Men like this deserved to die.

"Did he hit you in the face?" she asked.

"Are there any other injuries?"

"Yes..." The woman slowly lifted her sleeves, revealing two arms covered with scars.

Yuan Ke looked at it in shock. There was not a single intact piece of skin on the two arms. The scars were piled up on top of each other, and they were black and purple in color.

There is a scar on his right arm that is more than ten centimeters long, running from the elbow to the upper arm, which looks shocking.

"Didn't you see a doctor?" Looking at her scars, it was obvious that they healed naturally without any self-treatment.

She shook her head. "He rarely hit me in the face because he didn't want anyone to know. He basically hit me on my body and didn't allow me to go to the hospital. I had to buy some ointment myself..."

"When was Zhang Aiming killed?" Gao Shan got straight to the point.

"One...a week ago." The woman lowered her head. She looked very scared, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

"Are you sure it was a week ago?" Gao Shan remembered that the forensic doctor said the time of death was about half a month ago.

“It should be…it should be.”

"What do you mean by should be?" Yuan Ke reminded her, "Today is the 30th, and a week ago it was around the 23rd. You can't possibly forget the date for such a serious crime as murder and dismemberment!"

"It seems to be the 21st, which is the winter solstice..."

"Then it was more than a week ago. It was ten days ago." Gao Shan corrected, "You must tell me the exact time."

"Yes, it was the winter solstice..." She raised her head and looked at them, "That day was the winter solstice, and my husband went to the countryside to visit the graves, so he didn't go to work in the afternoon."

"Tell me in detail what happened."

"...After he came back from visiting the grave, he said he wanted to sleep for a while, so I prepared dinner and asked him to eat. He drank and started gambling on his phone. After losing money, he was in a bad mood and beat me again..."

(End of this chapter)

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