Chapter 59
"Yes, police officer, if I knew, I would definitely stop it! Xiangli is sick, and she doesn't think about it, she can't control her behavior at all, police officer, please help her, she is really pitiful..."

"She is pitiful? Who pities those who were killed!?" Xiao Yang glared angrily.

"Boss, there is a hidden compartment in Du Xiangli's room, which cannot be opened." Xue Lingyin ran over to report.

Shan Chenxun immediately went to the room. Du Xiangli's bedroom was nothing unusual, similar to ordinary people's rooms, with black and white tones, a bed, a bookcase and a desk.

No cosmetics or anything feminine, just men's clothes in the closet.

The desk was clean and tidy, and there was a group photo of the two siblings, nothing else.

As for the secret compartment behind the cabinet, after the first arrest of Du Weili and back to the police station, the police came in and searched, but because it was too hidden, they didn't find it.

Shan Chenxun asked He Bin to lead someone to break through the secret compartment. Du Weili, who was standing at the door of the room, had a dull expression on his face. Obviously, he didn't know when this secret compartment was added.

"Bang—" the secret compartment door opened in response, and a foul smell rushed over.

He Bin fanned the dust, and Yuan Ke covered his nose.

Xiao Yang was the first to rush in. The secret compartment was a small, fully enclosed room without windows, about ten square meters, hollowed out from the wall.

There was no electric light installed in the dark compartment, so Xiao Yang turned on the flashlight and took a look around, and suddenly saw a cabinet leaning on three walls.

The cabinet is translucent and made of glass and contains many glass jars.

He approached slowly, and the others followed suit.

"What the hell?" He Bin watched as Xiao Yang opened the cabinet and took out one of the glass jars.

The jar with a diameter of [-] centimeters contained a mass of dark matter. The moment the plug was pulled out, the stench became heavier and made people dizzy.

"What the hell is it? It stinks!" He Bin pinched his nose, and Yuan Ke next to him had a weak stomach, feeling nauseated.

Not only is it smelly, but there is also a smell of blood. The two smells are intertwined, like a carrion.

"It's an organ." Shan Chenxun was in front of another cabinet, and he was also holding a jar in his hand, which contained a claw-like thing.

"Human or animal?" Xue Lingyin approached the glass bottle, and pointed the flashlight at the contents of the bottle.

"It's rotten, so I can't tell it apart." Shan Chenxun handed the jar to her, and took out another glass jar, which was also a black mess, and he couldn't tell what it was.

He looked around with a flashlight, and the three cabinets were full of bottles and cans, about a hundred of them.

"Take it back for testing..." He explained, then squatted down, and shone the flashlight on the ground.

Finally, the light fell on the lower part of the cabinet. The lower part was not glass but a wooden door. He opened the door and looked inside——

"Guard knife!" Yuan Ke screamed, and everyone surrounded him.

Xiao Yang dragged the knife out, and the handle and surface of the knife were covered with dried blood.

"This is the evidence!" Xiao Yang said excitedly, and found two switch knives from the bottom of the other two cabinets, both of which were also stained with blood, "Let the forensic evidence come to collect the evidence..."

"Yes." Yuan Ke ran out to call someone...

Soon, the unit was cordoned off, and several neighbors gathered at the door to watch, discussing——

"I just said that I heard strange noises inside at night!"

"Last time you only said that there was a sound, but you didn't say that there was a strange sound..."

"You still say I'm hallucinating, it's because you are deaf!"

(End of this chapter)

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