her left eye is unusual

Chapter 133 Liberation

Chapter 133 Liberation
After chatting freely, Su Xin felt enlightened as if enlightened.

Han He handed Su Xin a communication talisman and said, "If you need anything in the future, just call me."

Su Xin held a piece of talisman paper two fingers wide, a little embarrassed: "This, why—"

She had never used such an advanced gadget before.

Han He smiled, and before Suxin could say the word "use", he said, "You just need to inject your thoughts into it, and then drive it with spiritual power."

Su Xin nodded in agreement, and wrote it down.

"What happened on the concrete road earlier was indeed my own selfishness. I also wanted to test it out and see... I didn't have any malicious intentions. The person with the kid..."

Su Xin saw that the matter of the fog was mentioned again, and thinking about it now, she did overreact at the time, mainly because it was the first time she encountered such a thing, and she didn't want to put herself in a weak position without the right to speak when she didn't know what was going on. , so at this time the two of them were completely relieved.

As for the person with the little ghost on his body, Su Xin could tell that the little ghost did not control that person, but a relationship of mutual dependence.

Little ghosts can do more things than ordinary people, such as gambling, you can know the opponent's cards, etc. I think that person also tasted the sweetness of little ghosts and got deeper and deeper, and in the end he almost lost his life. The fate of being sucked up is also his own fault.

There are no absolutes in the world, and there is no absolute justice or evil. It depends on whether the evil results are caused by others or by oneself.

Hanhe was able to explain all of these, which shows that he sincerely wants to resolve the conflicts between them.

Su Xin is the kind of person who respects me as much as I respect others, but her current knowledge and ability are limited, and she can't say any big words, so she just said: "If there is anything that can help in the future, Even if you come to Lingling Detective Agency to find us..." After a pause, he added, "The price must be favorable."

After all, she is only a part-time job in the detective agency, and she can't be the master, but it is still possible to promise the word "discount".

On the way back to the city, Shi Feng asked Su Xin: "Is this all right?"

"Yes." Su Xin only handed two cards to Shi Feng, and the Hunyuan Pearl and Spirit Blood naturally fell into his bag.

As for the matter of the Cao family, she had already turned the page in her mind. At this moment, Su Xin was thinking about what Han He told her about Taoism.It made her feel agitated.

"Well, I heard you guys say what kind of Gu is the illness on the young master of the Cao family. It seems that someone behind the scenes wanted to kill the descendant of the Cao family, but the Gu was removed. If the person behind the scenes is not found out..."

Su Xin replied: "They will investigate by themselves, or they actually had doubts in their hearts long ago, but they didn't disclose it because they almost couldn't let go of the evidence or emotionally. Don't worry, boss, the Cao family has a powerful enshrinement. Things don't bother him."

"I, I mean..."

Shi Feng actually still had a lot of questions in his mind, but when it came to his lips, it turned into these two idiot questions.

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Li's mouth who had been silent all this time: "He wanted to ask, why are you talking so happily with that Mr. Han before, when you were so at war with each other?"

Su Xin said casually: "Oh, it's my own incompetence, because I overreacted to my lack of self-confidence, just talk about it."

Uh, it's that simple?
Both Shi Feng and Mo Li looked at Su Xin in the back seat from the rearview mirror, her expression was very calm, it seemed that she really didn't take this matter to heart, she was really open-minded.

Mo Li couldn't help but recall the scene when they first met in the hospital, she was so calm and indifferent.

People who are not easily influenced by foreign objects will go further.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corners of Mo Li's mouth could not help but widen, and the sky that was scorching sun outside became refreshed.

Han He seemed to lower his figure in front of Su Xin this time, but in fact, it was a great relief for him.

Originally, according to the previous agreement, he had fulfilled the contract he had promised to the Cao family 20 years ago, and he could leave the Cao family and start to devote himself to self-cultivation, or do some things to accumulate merit at will.

Unexpectedly, starting 20 years ago, Cao's family members suddenly began to suffer from heartache.

In addition to Mr. Cao, his wife, several children, and even collateral branches of the Cao family were all recruited one after another.

As he was about to leave, he checked and found out that someone had cast Gu on them. At that time, he didn't have the means and strength now, so he could only relieve the pain a little while looking for the person who cast Gu, but the other party was hiding too deeply. Even he didn't find out, at least none of them thought of going to that level at the time, so the disease couldn't be eradicated.

Many people chose to commit suicide because they couldn't bear the torture. At that time, the whole Cao family was in a bleak state.

Of course Hanhe couldn't leave under such circumstances, so he stayed to find a solution.

At this time, two children, one big and one small, were carried outside Cao's house.

Han He made a guess and found that these two children contained a trace of vitality, so he left the youngest Zijun with innate ghost eyes, and the other five or six-year-old boy was adopted by Mr. Cao. son.

It was only later that Hanhe realized why he had calculated the birth chance from these two babies. Apart from his innate ghost eyes, which allowed him to get the printed card and pass through the barrier with a mediocre cultivation, it was also because of the adopted son, It turned out to be the real blood of the Cao family.Later, Mr. Cao deliberately protected the adopted son for fear that someone would frame him.

Hanhe used Zijun's innate ghost eyes to enter the ghost market and found a lot of things. After returning, his cultivation level increased greatly, and at the same time, he gradually built a large formation of life.

It's just that the right time and place are very demanding, which is why the Cao family decided to build a manor on the outskirts of S city.

It's a pity that when his big formation is completed, Mrs. Cao has no way to recover.

The other sons and daughters entered the formation, experiencing the despair and helplessness of life pouring into their bodies and being sucked away by an invisible energy every day, as well as the endless pain, but they couldn't make it to the end.

In just a few years, the entire Cao family withered, leaving only a few years old Cao Min'an and his adopted son.But not long after, Cao Min'an, who had just entered junior high school, suddenly began to feel sad.

However, this child probably saw his family members die one after another because of this, so his heart was more tenacious than ordinary people, and he actually persevered until he finished his studies.

After Hanhe took Zijun as his disciple, he deliberately kept her away from Cao Min'an, but he didn't expect the two to meet again, and it was out of control.

Han He knew that she was a disciple with a simple mind, but because of this, she was not suitable for living in a wealthy family.

It's a pity that the more he persuaded her, the more rebellious she became, and now she basically doesn't listen to him, which makes him very disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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