her left eye is unusual

Chapter 142 New Case

Chapter 142 New Case

Su Xin has seen a lot of news. It takes years or even decades to pursue fairness, petition, and appeal. The hardships are indescribable.

If you are lucky, you will finally get a result of "Oh, you were wrongly judged and acquitted", and a certain agency that caused the tragedy of the unjust case will be rewarded. On the contrary, their persistence and dedication for so many years will be wiped out.

Yes, this moved me. Is it worth the "fairness" I exchanged my whole life, or even the lives of countless individuals?

But for the broader masses of people who eat melons and drink water, those emotions that have been performed for a lifetime are just a small piece of text in a lot of chaotic news.

Suxin herself has also been judged by others with a moral perspective. She thought that people in this world treat men and women unfairly. She is also a victim who is kept in the dark. Why do people only want to see what they want to see? Yes, and then condemned from above, as if this can show how noble and pure one's morality is.

So no matter how vigorous and great others think it is to gain the recognition of the world and to clear blood and vengeance, in her opinion, everything is far more important than having a better life for herself and her family.

So Su Xin thinks that Brother Donghai and sister-in-law are doing well now, everything is calm, and there is no need to stir them up again.

A few years of imprisonment should be used as a touchstone for love, even if it is to pay the price for the original impulse.

Just because Su Xin didn't say it doesn't mean she won't pursue it herself. She has no intention of letting go of the person who should be punished!

It just takes time and opportunity.

As for the matter of Linghao, Xiao Tao said that it was stained with blood, and it needs to be sacrificially refined before it can be used.

There is also the Zhazidong that Su Donghai mentioned, and Su Xin also wants to have a chance to check it out.

The bus was still bumping, and Su Xin leaned against the window and looked at the trees passing by Jieci outside, and sorted out what happened during this period of time in her mind.

The ghost in the Lingyan finally couldn't help asking to make a deal with Su Xin.

Su Xin already knew the truth of the matter, and there was no need to make a deal.

These ghosts were all tainted with a heavy smell of blood, not only from what the spirit hair brought them, but also because they themselves used to carry extremely serious sins.

So Su Xin was not ambiguous, and directly asked Lingyan to refine it.

Three drops of spirit liquid were precipitated.


Wei Yan looked at Yi Xiaorou, "Did you say that that day?"

Yi Xiaorou's expression was gentle, with a smile in his eyes, without any ambiguity or evasion, he replied flatly: "That's right, it's me."

"do you know……"


"Then you still"

"I admit that I took advantage of you. However, isn't this matter easy for you to deal with? But I... That woman has targeted me several times and leaked the news I got. This time they are also to blame. " Yi Xiaorou said.

There was a hint of anger in Wei Yan's eyes.

"Presumably you should also know what happened to my family. This time, S City is reshuffled. My dad is now squeezed out by several other shareholders. Our family is no longer what it used to be. They are already blatantly ostracizing me. If If I don't do it again, I'm afraid... I don't want to lose this job..."

Yi Xiaorou paused for a moment: "Besides, many people are secretly watching her matter now, do you think you can keep it a secret? Instead of breaking out together at that time, it is better to announce it directly now, proving that it is from your side People, wouldn't it be better?"

Wei Yan looked at Yi Xiaorou, this woman is really smart, he knew what she said was right.

Because Su Xin has shown more and more powerful abilities, several forces are already inquiring about it.Things will be exposed sooner or later, at this time Suxin's own position is very important.

He didn't talk to Yi Xiaorou again, he planned to follow what Duan Ju said.

In the past, the people above had made great efforts to win over a supernatural person, but the result was not satisfactory, because that supernatural person directly pulled several forces under him, and in the end the party and government had to bow down in front of him... …

The people above don't want to repeat the same mistakes. For them now, strength is important, but more important is position.

If a person has no stand, principles and beliefs, they don't need to fight for them.

And without the support of orthodoxy, how far can she go?In the end, it was just like those "masters", giving others a town house.


When Su Xin returned to City S, he called Shi Feng and asked when he would go to work.

Shi Feng said "now".

Su Xin thought, could there be some urgent case?
So it was unambiguous, and before I sat down to drink, I immediately picked up my bag and went to play.

It was the case that Shi Feng mentioned last time, because the matter of Qingshui Villa was postponed.

Shi Feng originally planned to wait for Su Xin to return to work before making an appointment with the other party, but he did not expect that the other party came yesterday, and then stayed in the detective agency all the time, telling him to invite him to his house.

Based on the experience of these few times, Shi Feng can already judge that this case was not done by human beings, and there is nothing he can do if he goes there, so he has been procrastinating.

He understood that Su Xin was sending her parents back to her hometown this time, and there must be some things to deal with. With her temperament, she would call him if the matter was finished.

So I didn't urge Suxin until Suxin called and asked her to go to the detective agency.


Sitting in front of Su Xin was a woman in her fifties, who looked older than her actual age, with a haggard and sad expression.

The woman's name is You Hua'an. They have a son and a daughter. The son Jiang Dong has already married and established a business. The daughter Jiang Xing'er is 23 years old this year.

It was Jiang Xing'er who had the accident, and the incident started two months ago.

Jiang Xing'er and a few friends went out to play and came back and something was wrong. She was very obedient and locked herself in the room, even if they called her, she ignored it.

At first I thought she was tired from playing and had to rest for two days, but then I realized something was wrong.

The careful You Hua'an found that her daughter was becoming more and more listless, and her eyes were slack.There were some...very weird sounds coming from her room at night.

The two elders were in a hurry, first they went to the doctor to get some medicine, and they pinched their noses to pour it, but it didn't help, Jiang Xing'er's situation became more and more serious, and in the end they just looked at them with the whites of their eyes, with a sinister smile on the corners of their mouths.

I heard people said that I might have run into an evil spirit, so I went to a Taoist priest to exorcise the evil spirits and a witch to ask for rice.

After tossing around a few times, a lot of money disappeared, Jiang Xing'er not only didn't get better at all, but became aggressive, biting anyone who approached her, and even liked to eat living things.

As Su Xin listened, her heart skipped a beat. Why did she come across several cases of eating "living animals" one after another?

Could it be that he was possessed by some spirit like Brother Donghai?

(End of this chapter)

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