Chapter 152
Jiang Xing'er said faintly: "...Actually, I already vaguely understood in my heart that he must have some kind of intention in taking me to that kind of place. I was very disgusted and refused, but now I want to come because I refused at the time Not being firm enough is not thorough enough, and, from the very beginning, one should maintain one's position and distance."

Su Xin nodded slightly, deeply agreeing.

A person who really loves you will never commit suicide in the wild casually, "can't help it" is just an excuse for sexual desire and irresponsibility.

In addition to disrespecting one's own body, casual indulgence also lowers one's own style.Now she has paid the bill for her original behavior. Although the price is a bit heavy, but fortunately she is still young, and it is not too late to wake up.

Su Xin couldn't help but think of herself, why didn't she almost slip up and lose her footing at the beginning.

"When I realized that those things were not dreams, I was terrified. I was afraid that my parents would find out, but whenever I wanted to leave, I couldn't help myself..."

Su Xin reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said softly: "An ordinary person can't compete with a mana monster. You can persist for two months. Your willpower is much stronger than many people."

Su Xin's words finally comforted Xing'er's guilt and shame at the moment.

"Probably because it has regarded me as a host, so I can sense its existence. That day, I suddenly felt that something on my body disappeared. When I opened my eyes, I saw it standing by the door, holding I held that thing in my pocket, as if I was just waiting for the door to open and come in. I wanted to yell, but I couldn't see it...but it suddenly turned around and jumped on me and hit me with that thing, and my body was completely out of control Same."

Jiang Xing'er's tears rolled down her sunken cheeks, it was such humiliation, despair and helplessness.

"Later, I regained my sanity again. I saw my sister-in-law, and I wanted her to take me away, but she suddenly said something inexplicable and ran out. The moment she ran out, I saw the monster and fell down. Attached to her body, I wanted to yell, but she closed the door all of a sudden, and there was a quarrel outside, I yelled for a while and passed out."

Su Xin let out a sigh, thinking that Xu Ziqun was recruited because of this.

Although she had already dealt with that evil spirit, these narrations were not of much use, but they also let her know the whole story.

Su Xin was a little surprised before. How could a son who could bear to let his parents live in such a dirty and dilapidated house suddenly realize that he accompanied his mother to the detective agency because his wife was also recruited.

Su Xin thought, if that wasn't the case, it might really be as Shi Feng expected, even if the evil spirit haunted Jiang Xing'er to death, they would never let the old man move, and they might feel that there is one less burden and one less to carve up with them legacy of...

Su Xin glanced at Xu Ziqun who had passed out on the ground. Although she had been molested for a shorter period of time, because she was menstruating, the indulgence of the past few days had almost emptied her body.

In fact, there is another point. If Su Xin and Shi Feng hadn't come to check the case in advance and told them to move, You Anhua would not have called his son at that time, and the father and son would not have quarreled. He would not set foot in that house in fear of losing a large amount of inheritance, and Xu Ziqun would not be tricked...

It can be seen that there is a definite number in the dark, the law of heaven recurs, and the retribution is not good.

...Let's say that when Su Xin was fighting wits and courage with the evil gods inside, there was also an uproar outside.

Before Su Xin entered the house, she told Jiang family members again and again that no matter what happened inside, she must not open the door.

She would naturally lock it from the inside, but there was no guarantee that the other party did not have a key and the quality of the door could not withstand a few bumps.

Several people nodded and bowed, with a Vino look of "whatever you say".

This time, when he heard the sound of things falling and colliding in the room and the strange howling that didn't resemble human voice, he put Su Xin's instructions behind him, and rushed to knock on the door eagerly, crying: "My daughter, how are you?" "Ziqun, what's the matter with you?"

Then he called Su Xin's name again, Su Xin put all his energy on dealing with the evil gods at that time, how dare he be distracted from dealing with them.

So the members of the Jiang family didn't get a response, so they started banging on the door.

Shi Feng stood in front of the door like an iron tower, and someone from these people said, "Could it be that they are colluding to murder them..."

Shi Feng didn't expect that he had done many entrusted tasks, and it was the first time that he was considered a bad person by his employer.

During the debate, the other party said again, "If you don't intend to harm them, then get out of the way, open the door and have a look. See what the master is doing."

After a pause, Shi Feng remained unmoved like a block of iron.

So he just lay down on the ground and cried, made trouble and hanged himself.

Shi Feng was very aware of the opponent's tricks, he just wanted to scare himself so that they wouldn't really hurt him.

Seeing that this move still didn't work, You Hua'an and Old Man Jiang rushed forward and clawed and bit Shi Feng.

No matter how they scratched and grudged, Shi Feng always stood at the door, not giving way.

Jiang Xiaodong saw his parents anxious like this, but Shi Feng couldn't give an explanation.

In the room, screams could be heard from time to time, and sometimes there was a gust of wind, so he said to Shi Feng in a painful and tangled manner: "Boss Shi, why don't you let my parents take a look, just take a look, and you won't know what to do." bad thing."

Shi Feng wanted to tell him: not everything can be looked at casually, curiosity killed the cat.

But looking at the appearance of a few people, it doesn't make sense at all.

He couldn't fight back, so he could only stand there as a human sandbag for a long time.

He suddenly had the urge to stab himself.

Damn, why was he confused by that kid's simple and honest appearance just now, and he only charged 2 yuan, and he didn't want to deal with such a person for 20 yuan.

Thinking about this more than a week, he and Su Xin traveled countless ways and asked countless people, just to find out Jiang Xinger's interpersonal relationship and analyze the situation.

Especially Su Xin, in order to deal with Jiang Xing'er's things, she wanted to prepare more...

Now it is treated like this.

It is understandable that they are concerned and confused, but what is the purpose of cursing and catching and biting?
The noise in the room didn't last long before it quieted down, but the door wasn't opened. This kind of silence was even more lethal.

The old lady You and the old man Jiang insisted that Su Xin killed their daughter-in-law inside, saying that they were bluffing and deceiving...or open the door and take a look!
Shi Feng was also tossed by these two people enough, but he still stood firm.

This door must never be opened.

He has seen such a situation before, the wind blows, the world changes color, and if someone inside is possessed by a ghost, even he will not be able to protect it.

(End of this chapter)

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