her left eye is unusual

Chapter 155 Mind Power——

Chapter 155 Mind Power——

Su Xin snorted, "Who are they?"

"There are ordinary aunts, and a few girls who look like students. Oh, by the way, two of them drove a luxury car like last time."

Su Xin knew it well, so she said thank you and was about to go upstairs.

Xiaomei asked: "Sister Suxin, what should I do if they come again?"

Su Xin stopped, turned around and said, "Just tell the truth, thank you Xiaomei."

Su Xin had already guessed that those people must have come because of her supernatural powers. Fortunately, the aunt and the students said that what they were most afraid of was the kind of people who thought they had some background and wanted to find someone and blame others.She didn't want others to cover up for her, and she didn't want others to be implicated by it.

Su Xin finished washing quickly, went back to the room, closed the door, and locked it.

Putting on a dry nightgown and sitting cross-legged on the bed, he began to adjust his breath. After his mood completely calmed down, with a thought, he took out the Lingyan from his sleeve.

The little glutton popped out with a thud, the head of the little radish shook, and the leaves stretched to both sides, as if stretching.

Su Xin asked seriously: "Just now you said that this evil god enjoys the power of people's beliefs and thoughts and cannot be killed casually. What should we do now?"

Xiao Tao lazily said: "Didn't you kill it already?"

Su Xin: "No, I put it in the purgatory space."

With her previous behavior style, Lingyan was going to refine it on the spot, and it was precisely because of Xiao Tao's words that she didn't do it all the time.

Xiao Tao pursed his lips, "You smashed his real body as soon as you went up, and you still said you didn't."

Su Xin concluded: "Didn't you say that you must get rid of its real body first, otherwise I can't hurt it at all?"

Naturally, she wanted to act first and get rid of the pottery statue, but as for the evil god, she still kept it in the Lingyan and really didn't touch it.

Xiao Tao said: "Actually, as long as you wrap its real body with your own energy and cut off its connection, you can control it."

Su Xin said oh, so there are so many ways in it.

Can control the other party by controlling the pottery statue of its real body?
It sounds a bit like a plot in some fairy tales. If you control the heart of a certain devil, you can make the other party do things for you.

But at the end of the story, the devil kills the controller. After all, no one wants to be controlled by others.

Besides, with my current strength, controlling someone who is weaker than myself will not be of much help.If you control a super powerful one, if you accidentally lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.

This idea just passed through Su Xin's mind and was thrown aside.

Xiao Tao suddenly asked: "Then do you feel... what... different?"

Hearing Xiao Tao's sullen question, Su Xin immediately became alert, and asked nervously, "How do you feel?"

At the same time, she subconsciously checked her whole body up and down, and scanned her mental power carefully.

There was nothing wrong, he looked at Xiao Tao with a blank face.

Seeing Su Xin's stupid look, Xiao Tao asked, "Could it be that you didn't accept that share of thought power?"

Little Leaf shook, as if looking Su Xin up and down, and sure enough, there was no aura of faith blessing on her body.

Su Xin felt that it would be better to say it in one breath rather than jumping out of it. It was really unbearable, so she asked directly: "Little Tao, why don't you just talk about it, you make me very nervous. of it."

Xiao Tao sighed, and explained: "Oh, that is, if you kill this kind of evil gods who are evil inside, the power of belief attached to them will be automatically transferred to the person who gets rid of them. But if you hurt If you are upright inside, the corresponding mental power will be deducted, and the evils on the other party will also be written on your head. Although those mental powers are not fun, they are still helpful to your current strength."

Su Xin slapped his head and suddenly said: "Oh, so that's what you were talking about. At that time, I was concentrating on dealing with the evil god, and I just wanted to get it done. Suddenly, some inexplicable voices burst out from the sea of ​​consciousness, and kept chanting Narratively, it seems to say something like 'keep me long-lasting', 'keep my golden gun from falling down', 'let me see the flowers that everyone loves to see the flowers bloom', etc., listening to it is annoying, and then subconsciously brush it away, so those The annoying noise is gone."

Uh, that's okay too?Little Taoluo didn't shake his head anymore, he just stood on the Lingyan in a daze and looked at Su Xin.

Said quietly: "That's people's belief power, you just need to put them aside and ignore them, don't care what they are talking about."

"Do you think that those gods really listened to the daily chants of those believers? Almost all the thoughts can be summed up in one thing, that is, to ask God to give them wealth and health. "

"The gods don't care about what they say, they just collect these thought powers to form layers of divine power for themselves..."

"If every Nianli God wants to listen, it won't be annoying to death? If every Nianli has to help them complete, even if the whole world is given to them, it will not be able to satisfy people's Nianli..."

"Blessing a stick of incense, lighting a pair of candles, and burning a few pieces of paper money is a thought force of 'bless this' and 'bless that', who is busy? If there is no benefit to oneself, who is willing to do it? So also There is the saying that 'the gods do not come true if a wish is not fulfilled'. There are also so many cases where the original promises were not fulfilled and the debts were recovered."

"The reason why these evil gods can enter their bodies and devour their life energy is actually because they casually make wishes on a pottery statue. But these pottery statues are not real gods. Although the real gods don't do anything, but Anyway, no punishment will be imposed. And these evil gods will use their mana to help them fulfill their wishes after receiving these thoughts, but at the same time they will take more things from them, and they will follow the agreement in the first thoughts, There is only the beginning of the contract but no agreement on the end of the contract, so they usually entangle the host until the death of the host."

Su Xin was tongue-tied, it turns out that the so-called belief in mind power and God is such a thing.

She stammered and asked: "Well, then... In fact, everyone hopes for better in their hearts. If it's just because of the prayer in their hearts, then..."

Xiao Tao: "When the evil god possesses you, it will let you get things that don't belong to you. If you take things that don't belong to you as a matter of course, why shouldn't you pay the price?"

Su Xin: "So, you mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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