her left eye is unusual

Chapter 159 Make a plan and then move

Chapter 159 Make a plan and then move

Su Xin knocked on the door and went in, just as a police officer came out and passed her by.

Su Xin hurriedly stepped aside.

A low and indifferent voice came from inside: "What are you doing here?"

After the man left, Su Xin closed the door and asked, "Hi sir, I want to confirm that the time and place of my operation is Hong's Ferry at ten o'clock in the evening? By the way, I would like to ask what is my mission, Should I go alone or with someone? When we arrive at Hongjia Ferry, will there be someone to connect with me? Or do I need to deal with someone directly, can you give me some basic information about the other party?"

She has no establishment, and she doesn't know the specific official position of the other party, let alone how they call each other, so she can't offend anyone if she calls the officer.

Seeing Su Xin's serious face, Qu Fang was slightly taken aback.

After the Provincial Bureau approved his Thunder plan, it occurred to me that there were still some weird things in it that ordinary people could not understand. There was one or even a few very powerful supernatural beings in the layout, so they were able to escape their countless investigations. They placed so many undercover agents. Will die inexplicably.So it was decided to send him a "mighty man" to assist him.

They boasted that this mighty man is miraculous, but it was actually their intention.

They know Qu Fang's character too well, the more you talk about it, the more unbelieving he will be.

On the contrary, the more he rejects this powerful person, the more he can see Su Xin's response to these things.

In Qu Fang's view, there is absolutely no need to fix those nagging things.

He Fang applied to check her profile, and apart from the miraculous abilities they imparted, she didn't have any specialties or highlights.And even those few "weird" cases they mentioned, in his opinion, she was just playing tricks.

In addition, when I first saw Su Xin, a very ordinary woman who looked like she had just walked out of the campus and was planning to go for an outing with a mountaineering bag, the disappointment and resistance in my heart became even worse.

After listening to Su Xin's methodical inquiry this time, Qu Fang paused, and casually threw the over-foot-thick document on the table, "Here, this is the information of this case, you can read it yourself. As for the rest, you can do it yourself." Play, I don't have that many police forces to take you."

Su Xin let out a sigh, it seems that she is the only one on this mission.

She quickly sat down and began to look through the materials seriously.

Qu Fang seemed to have punched cotton, he thought, even a fool should be able to hear the repulsion in his words.But she seemed to only understand the literal meaning.

Seeing that Su Xin really started to look through the materials, she snorted coldly, closed the door with a bang and left.He needs to make a second deployment. The action meeting with great fanfare just now was just to deceive people.

Su Xin compares the time and must reserve enough time for himself on the road.So she only had more than four hours to read these materials.

She didn't look carefully at the hundreds of various death and murder cases listed over the years, but focused on the specific location of the Hong Family Ferry, its internal members, and so on.

There are too many people involved in it, from top to bottom there is the boss of the gangster, there are several hall masters below, and there are sub-helms down, which are comparable to the previous Jianghu sects.

After a cursory look, the phone beeped, indicating that the time she had set had arrived.

Su Xin was silent in her heart, and then began to act.

There is plenty of food and water in the backpack at all times, as well as some special anti-wolves, but her greatest confidence is still two magic charms.

Su Xin went to call, and the other party heard that he was going to Hong's ferry, and the other party immediately shook his head like a rattle.

This is the case after asking several cars in a row.

Su Xin thought for a while, and called the taxi driver who left her phone number last time.The phone rang a few times before picking up, "Hello, who is it?"

Su Xin reported his background and asked, "Can you drive me to Hong's ferry?"

The phone immediately quieted down, and it took a while before he said, "Where are you?" "..." "Okay, wait a minute, I'm nearby, come over right away."

After getting in the car, the driver, Old Chen Cai, asked: "I don't think you can get the car to go there, but what are you doing there as a girl?" Seeing Su Xin hesitated, he quickly added: "Well Well, if it’s inconvenient, just don’t say it. Let me tell you, that place is not peaceful, and there are often troubles with that... a few of our colleagues drove people there at night, and they never came out again. The police went to investigate and it was nothing. , and finally dealt with as a disappearance case."

Su Xin snorted, she didn't expect to be so suspenseful.

When Su Xin asked about the fare, Lao Chen said: "They have run before, about 300, don't worry, the stopwatch is very accurate, it won't..."

Su Xin said: "Master Chen, I didn't mean that. I meant that it's rare that you are willing to drive me there. Since you already know the fare, you don't need to print the code meter. I will give you five hundred when I get there. Anyway, it will be difficult to drive me there." guest."

Hearing what Su Xin said, Lao Chen clicked his tongue twice, and finally agreed.They like to take long distances, but there are empty cars back from some remote places, which is not cost-effective. If there are more considerate guests, they will give some compensation, which will make them feel very warm.

After leaving the urban area and entering the Panshan Highway, Su Xin asked Lao Chen to stop, got out of the car and covered the license plate with tape and paper.

Lao Chen didn't understand why the other party did this, but if he was caught deliberately covering the license plate, the punishment would be heavy.

Su Xin sat back in the car, "Master Chen, don't worry, there is no surveillance here, just to guard against those who care. Don't say who you have brought here..."

The more old Chen heard what Su Xin said, the more his heart was hanging, "You, this..."

In fact, Su Xin was also taking precautions. Looking at the information before, the police failed to shovel it out so many times. It seems that the other party was very cautious in both defense and response.

With my usual way of doing things, I will check through any information that comes into my sight, so others will definitely do the same. If I fail this mission, it would be bad to expose Lao Chen's license plate instead.

After crossing a mountain pass, a cement road runs along the slope into the thick shade.

It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is a depression in the middle. There are several villa courtyards hidden in the forest, and the scenic spot is banned. This place is privately owned.

On the other side of the depression is a lake that almost meets the water and the sky. It is green and green, reflecting the entire sky.

Two piers were built in connection with the lake and the depression, where several cruise ships, large or small, docked, and several speedboats.

Su Xin recalled the information and maps she read earlier in her mind.

It seems that an undercover once took out a piece of information, which was a bit tricky in the bungalow under the opposite mountain, but the undercover was brutally killed because of this.

Even the information exchanged for life cannot be used as direct and strong evidence to correct the other party.

"Big sister, there are iron gates and guardrails below, so we can't pass through."

(End of this chapter)

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