her left eye is unusual

Chapter 161 is different

Chapter 161 is different

Su Xin thought that if there was any trouble in the base, the armed group with hundreds of people in the training camp would definitely immediately resist with all its members armed.

So if she understood that Qu Fang's "Thunder Plan" was a forceful move, then it would be impossible to win without more than three times the strength, that is, a team of thousands of people.

This is still the most conservative estimate, because there are guards, patrols and wolf dogs in the base, as well as those hidden formations.

And even if a heavy army is taken, I am afraid that the loss will be heavy.

More importantly, apart from the army, where are so many police officers dispatched?

And, even if the fight is in full swing and this place is completely taken down, the real behind-the-scenes people here might have slipped away long ago.

Given that the opponent can build such a large-scale base under ZF's nose, it is not impossible to build a few more "Hongjiadutou" with a little time.

Su Xin was a little worried.

Su Xin took out her mobile phone, intending to send a message to Qu Fang, telling him that she had entered the base, and inquiring about the next step.

Found that the phone has no signal.

It seems that the entire area is covered by some kind of special energy magnetic field, shielding the wireless signal network inside and outside.If you want to communicate with the outside world, you can only use a wired landline.

The other party can achieve completely closed management, and those landlines must have been monitored.

Su Xin turned the volume of the phone to the lowest level and kicked it back into the bag.

Thinking of Qu Fang's "acting on his own", now he can only play by ear.

The truth is, there were a few undercover agents in the past because although they had already penetrated into the ferry, because the control here was almost completely closed, he couldn't pass the news out, so they decided to use the landline.

After some planning and research, I finally found an opportunity to contact the landline alone, but I didn't know that there was a monitor in the middle, and the news was not passed on, and I was exposed.

... Wei Yan was busy with the things in his hands before thinking of Su Xin and asking Wang Yang.

Wang Yang said he didn't know, and he was too busy for a long time to know when she would leave.

Although Wei Yan understood the meaning of his superiors, he thought that what Qu Fang and the others were going to attack this time was the entire S city, and even involved the huge interests of the gangsters across the country.And Qu Fang is very disgusted with those talking about things, but the superior not only forced Su Xin to him, but also deliberately exaggerated it out of the blue. With Qu Fang's temperament, he will definitely give her a blow.

Somewhat worried, he went to ask Qu Fang, who was very disdainful of such a fussy brat like him, and even felt that there was something tricky between them.

Wei Yan said: "Now Su Xin's cell phone can't get through, what do you say? You know that the higher authorities have extraordinary expectations for her, you..."

Qu Fang retorted: "Hmph, extraordinary expectations? If a person who is opportunistic and deceptive is also worth looking forward to, then what are you doing here? The phone can't get through? That's her own business, I'm busy now, don't think you You can point fingers at me..."

Wei Yan: "I contacted everyone I could, but there was no news of her. I want to know what task you arranged for her?"

He Fang snorted coldly, "What task? What do you mean, you want to do it for me? Or do you want to spy on my action plan?"

Wei Yan was choked up, and pointed at the other party for a few times without saying a word.

He left angrily, took two steps, and a voice came from behind him: "I told her to go to Hong's ferry at ten o'clock in the evening, and showed her all the information. If it were you, would you go there alone? And even if you arrive There, if she can't get in, doesn't she know how to come back?"

Wei Yan's body couldn't help trembling slightly, he suddenly turned back and rushed in front of Qu Fang, grabbed the other party's collar, stared into the other party's eyes, and almost said through his teeth: "You are right, If it were anyone here, neither you nor I would go in, because there is no way to get in. But she is different, she will really go in. "

Now Wei Yan can be sure that Su Xin has entered Hong's ferry.

Distraught, he hurried to find Duanju and asked for special action.

Qu Fang didn't expect Wei Yan to be so bluffing, he strongly objected to acting immediately, messing up the previously designated plan.

Su Xin took out a pen and paper, and silently drew the place she just passed by in her mind.

The deeper you go into the center of the base, the tighter the guard posts and cameras are.

The villa area should be where those minds live.

From about seven o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xin continued to investigate until nearly ten o'clock, and almost found out the entire layout of Hong's ferry.

There was a row of bungalows in front of her. If she hadn't been standing in front of it, she would have almost ignored it.

In front of the bungalow was a cobblestone ground, exuding a cold radiance under the gray moonlight, somewhat similar to what she saw in front of the villa last time.

Presumably, some things were also mixed on the ground to collect the essence of the moon, thereby promoting the operation of the formation.

According to the information she read in the afternoon, there is a lot of weirdness in this bungalow.

Su Xin resisted the urge to rush in to find out.

For her, as long as there is an invisibility talisman, she has enough time to find out the bottom of this place, and there is no need to rush for a few minutes.

Because it needs to transport energy like jade charms and the universe in the sleeve at all times, as well as its own consumption.Su Xin was afraid that the invisibility talisman would fail due to insufficient energy supply, so he deliberately let the body meet the energy needs first, that is to say, when there is a shortage of energy, it will automatically convert the body's physical energy into energy.

Therefore, she will perceive that her body is tired in advance, which proves that she needs to rest and replenish energy.

Su Xin retreated to the side corner, took out the brewed ginseng tea and ate it with bread, and chewed the ginseng slices together.

This is more than 200 five-year-old ginseng she bought, and it really has more energy than ordinary tens of dollars.

After taking a short break and going through the plan in his mind again, he began to act in an orderly manner.

There were two zombie dogs in the villa last time, so I don't know what's going on here.

As soon as Su Xin stepped on it, she felt a buzzing sound in her head, as if she was suddenly stunned by a huge thunder.

Suddenly, a layer of black mist emerged from the frosty ground.

Silhouettes emerged from the black mist.

Although Su Xin hides her figure, the magnetic field of life is still there. It can be hidden from the eyes of machines and humans, but it cannot be hidden from spiritual things.

These black mist like tadpole tails were erratic and rushed towards Su Xin very fast.

It passes through Su Xin's body, taking away some living elements every time it passes through.

Su Xin knew that she couldn't hide, so she pulled out the hammer and danced.

The soul hammer fell on Yinwu's body with a mighty force, and all the erratic tadpole figures were completely scattered in an instant, turning into wisps of black smoke and burrowing into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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